Show THAT FALSE REPORT inasmuch as a false and misleading report has been invented and circulated in regard to my appointment as local manager ot of this independent telephone company I 1 take the opportunity ot of refuting the bame it his has been reported that after all ibe other applications bad been submitted I 1 offered my services to the company lor for a montill month thus far underbidding under bidding my competitors and securing the position that accusation I 1 emphatically deny I 1 had absolutely sol no intimation as to what my salary would tie be until I 1 received my official letter ot of appointment in of 0 the llie independent adent telephone company I 1 take pleasure in stating that they are NOT QUITE THAT will the author of 0 tte tle above mentioned report kindly adhere a little cluer clu er to facts and truth the next time lie he sets his inventive brain to work FRED kotten local blar led lad tel cot coi |