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Show Uravan Takes In Stride; Growth Rapid U-Boo- t 'C , ' ,,' vj, .'.Af. t fKi"rv 'is $ ' i, ' && - 4 77 &' , ' i V 'lVs'i: ?.r f?7 777 f &; x $ V7 v k , ?-y - i- - ,1. v , ' --- .,a 77 xr ; Aw " X ? - Ipyr-K- . X'vy- ?1L Tt &?& , v , fi sxy, t ' i ' A .s- -' ,w " s&?4;' &',& 7- wv V t7 fi w'1 --T .'x. $. a t. iT4 inAa. it- ? .&' j2f j.., NESTLED IN A VALLEY of the mesa and high peaks. Durango and approximately 10,000 people is the home of Fort Lewis A & 'v .?-- , x,2L . - .a- - 7 'dV! v -- tt; x?L ' . &: - t':- - ir Wz-W' A r A r V. ,. ? th ts.7v7 ' - :V''" C77 ? -' s .i t r j' v Colorado Rockies is Durango, surrounded almost completely by n is as the narrow-gaug- e railroad capital of the world, reside there. Durango is the county seat of La Plata county and M College. well-know- Durango is Only Railroad Center in Great Southwest Colorado; Tourist Center, Too Fifty miles east of Cortez on U. S. Highway 160 is Durango, Colo., population about 10,000, site of one of the largest uranium processing plants in the world. But Durango is better known the world over because of being the narrow-gaug- e railroad capital of the U. S. The only railroad passenger service into the southwestern corner of Colorado is a Denver & Rio line Grand Western narrow-gaug- e running from Silverton to Durango during the summer months as a tourist attraction. Otherwise, there is narrow-gaug- e freight service from Alamosa, but no passenger service. Because of being the only city in southwestern Colorado with rail service, Durango is considered the rail shipping capital of that area. Also, numerous truck lines operate through the city, adding considerably to the quantity of goods handled and to the economy of the district. Not far away is La Plata Canon, site of famous gold mines of yesteryear and of the ghost towns of Parrott City and La Plata City, Among the famous old mines are the Mayday, Idaho, Gold King, and others. miles southeast of Durango at Ignacio, is the burial place of famous Ute chiefs Ouray, Ignacio and Buckskin Charlie. At the Consolidated Ute Agency there is an Indian school, hospital and administrative offices of the Ute Reservation. According to the Durango Chamber of Commerce, the present rate of growth has not presented many problems which cannot be solved immediately, other than housing. Erection of new homes in the town is progressing rapidly and it is possible the current housing Twenty-on- e ly, USV built three new classrooms onto the local grade school, made adequate arrangements ta send high school students to Nucla. and three more classrooms are now being built onto the school building where lower grades are taught. When completed, the Uravan school will have 15 modern classrooms and a combination gymnasium and auditorium. d -- 7wj.'V:lt7t4v" s ' v. - 'c2r ; ., V Vttv; ' r'f - ew,;4. - t; X. S ? V a m fH, $ .' lclu iXS:i' 5 g. X v,i f 8? ''!x Sfr "v URAVAN On a hill overlooking this Colorado Plateau town of some 1,200 persons, is the giant uranium mill operated by the U. S. Vanadium company owner of Uravan, Colorado. USVs participation in the as it affected the entire d Colorado Plateau, has been and has been orderly. Therefore, Uravans part in the boom has also been orderly. There is no water problem, no housing shortage, for all those items are taken care of by the company owning the town. All municipal needs of the growing community have been taken care of by USV, as they occurred. There is, of course, a hospital, a recreation hall and even a swimming pool. Just completed last summer were 30 new housing units which brought the company-ownehomes at Uravan to 213. In addition there are 88 apartment units and 40 trailer units. In 1951 the assessed valuation of USVs operation at Uravan was placed at $1,500,560. In 1954 it was up to $2,814,680. Those figures, of course, also include the companys accommodations for residents of Uravan. Uravan came into being, according to R. D. Van Zante, null superintendent, when USV established the mill to treat vanadium ores. Today the mill is a greatly expanded installtion set up to also treat uranium ores. To meet the growing needs of its own rapidly growing commun- - shortage will have been eliminated by Native labor is plentiful to meet demands, the C of C relates, although there is some shortage of skilled workers in some fields. There is not much unemployment, although much of the work, around Durango is seasonal in nature. along Durango is growing, too with the entire Colorado Plateau. m Americans Oil Hungry In Americans are operating and lubricating various and sundry pieces of mechanical equipment, Americans use 21 times more petroleum than all the rest of the free world combined. And the population of the U. S is only eight per cent of the free world total. Cortez Sheet Metal Heating And Air Conditioning. General Sheet Metal Work. Phone 752 417 W. Main Going Somewhere? Save Time! FLY! mid-195- THE BROWN Make Your Own Schedule LABORATORY Air Taxi Air Ambulance Assaying of Uranium-Vanadiu- m Aerial Exploration Beachcraft & Piper Ores A Specialty! BURNHAM'S For All Cars Sales & Service 2263 Broadway AUTO SUPPLY Cortez Phone & Trucks Colorado Cortez, Colo. 1543-- Grand Junction, Colorado CORTEZ FLYING SERVICE Pbone 198W, Cortez, Colo. ToP Service UTE OIL CO. Cortez Diesel Sales DEALER IN CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES ' UTE OIL i I Sales 1 By A rrr Ss x & Service Backed Guarantee v jflfr b UTE OIL CO. nifnmririni1?critftodWiirn?,iBli OPEN 24 HOURS -- Hi 7 DAYS A WEEK DEALER IN PHILLIPS 66 PRODUCTS. NATION WIDE TRAILER RENTAL ONE STOP SERVICE FOR TRUCKS THE CONVENIENT CENTRAL LOCATION Full Automotive Service Full Line Automobile Accessories t JUNCTION OF 666 8t 160 HI-WA- YS CORTEZ, COLORADO UTE COFFEE SHOP SERVING EASTERN FED BEEF HOME MADE PIES & REAL COFFEE MEXICAN FOODS FROM SHORT ORDERS TO FULL COURSE STEAK DINNERS A SPECIALTY DINNERS |