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Show War Among Dinosaurs Occurred Here 160,000,000 Years Ago low pools those days, chewing up the vegetation was brachosaurus, the biggest land animal known to scientists. His tiny head was fifty feet from the ground, his vertebrae big as nail kegs and his femur bone was nearly seven feet in length. Every step he took punched a telephone post hole in the soft earth. A very small head bulged on the end of a long boom like neck which was about 30 feet solidified into rocks and later elevated by pressure by natural forces to where it is now, from S,000 to 13,000 feet above sea level. Could all this accumulation be found in one place it would be a geological layer cake some fourteen miles thick. Where the high mesas and mountains now stand the Colorado Plateau was once covered by a vast restless ocean. Then the young prospector notices that the sandstone bothering his Geiger counter has wave-lik- e lines that run in every direction. To him it appears like the cross section of a n frozen red desert of sand. And that is exactly what it is. All around the mountains these strata tilt upward as if the interior of the earth had pushed itself up through a layer cake. And so it did. Great quantities of molten material once festered to the surface and caused gigantic pimples which later eroded away leaving the hard cores to form the mountains. of A wind-blow- Undersea Uranium think that some years ago the uranium was a under vast Paleoz ic sea which was then an arm of the Pacific ocean. And during the following 355.000.- 000 years that sea filled with sediment, some of which can now be seen as rocks that form the cliffs of the canyon east of Springs. The scenery at that with time was semi-- t heavy rain falling on dense forests of ferns, heavy moss and other soft plants. Then the conditions changed and the earths crust began to crack and wrinkle. In a matter of a few million years, a mountain chain appeared along what is now a border. These the hills cut off the moist warm winds from the Pacific and the plateau area became a vast and desert of shifting and drifting sand dunes which can still be seen frozen in canyon walls all over the OLD MAMMALS These beasts come from around DeBeque plateau. This was about 195,000,000 (Colo.) scientifically famous fossil beds. They are the ancescall the$e ago. Geologists years tors of todays dominating animals, and lived in Western Colodeposits the Shinarump and the rado about the time the Rocky Mountains were being formed-Th- e Chinle which now contain pitchone in the foreground had sharp tusks, opposed by the blende, uranitite and primary urabutton-hook-liteeth in the lower jaw, which acted like a nium ores. The dust storms the scissors for cutting off roots, its only diet. Crawling from the new prospectors find down on the water is the only known homed crocodile, and one of the few four corners desert must be puny reptiles found in this deposit compared to the red sand whipped up by the Triassic winds, into amount of the lead in a rock and veloped a twenty foot spread of dunes 1500 feet high. skin between the ankle and fifth then have its age. BC Around 160,000,000 tropical finger to act as wings. Both Desert Oases Coloto back came the conditions jaws were spiked with vicious The desert contained oases that rado Plateau. During the Jur- teeth to catch fish as they skimwest wet was the it assic times warm, and med the water. supported animal life in these times that the fish which winds came again and the plateau It was during this period that bad crawled out of the water entered the most fascinating peri- apatasaurus and diplodocus, the some 80,000,000 years previous now od of its history. A vast Amazon- walking blimps some 40 to 60 feet began to really enjoy life on land. like jungle, thick with ferns, bam- in length lumbered over the ColoThey changed from amphibians boo, and gigantic pineapples hid rado Plateau landscape. Their two to primitive reptiles, the forerun- lakes, swamps and lagoons fed by to four ounce brain was in a ners of the great dinosaurs. sluggish rivers. Palm trees waved tiny skull containing a few weak as the worlds chopping teeth. Their jaws were It wasnt long, geologically speak- at the tropical moon array of goofy beasts ate so small and their appetite so big ing that is, a matter of another greatest all the scenery in the neighbor- these inflated hot dogs had to 35.000.- 000 years, that the mounas they were, the dino- eat about all the scenery in the tains to the west eroded down to a hood. Dumb some 70 feet in length, vicinity each day to keep a 40 ton saurs, and became the country again plain species 50 feet tall, conquer- body and wits together. It took moist and tropical. Old timers who one the land, the sea and the air tons of prehistoric unchewed letbrag about how they were around ed when them mountains was a bole over the plateau region as they tuce going down a twenty foot neck in the ground, little realize that did over the rest of the world. to fill that gizzard about the size once, it was no joke. Working with These terrible lizards diversified of a small cement mixer which little chisels of water and wind in about every direction possible. used two inch pebbles to grind nature eventually gets the job Creafure of the Sea away on food day and night. is time. All it needs done. The double brained idiot stegoGeologists guess that the mounMany of them returned to the saurus was their goofy companion. should into sea where their legs evolved tains in the plateau country This monstrosity had a set of be simple hills in around 100,000,000 powerful flippers making them one palm leaf fans in assorted sizes more years. Latest guess on the of the most agile and terrible ani- running from between his ears up age of the earth is 4 to 5 billion mals afloat. Cousins of these vi- over his ridge pole and down to his years and uranium is one of the cious sea serpents were monstrous tail. With no room for horns on elements used to date it. Uranium bat-lik- e reptiles that soared over his head, he had four large pike disintegrates to lead at a definite tidewater. They were not birds or horns on his tail, no doubt for Uniform rate. Scientists measure the forerunners of birds. They de protection but how he could maneuver that clumsy body with twenty inch plates waving from his roof is still a mystery. He had a C. E. POLAND, General Confracfor tiny skull so small it held only a two ounce brain. This brain wasnt big or potent enough to supervise the whole animal so stegoQuality Work for Better Construction saurus developed a brain in the rump twenty times larger than the his forebrain. Thus, human-lik834 South Seventh. Street hind sight was better than his foresight and he could think on Res. Phone 2279 Bus. Phone 90 both ends of a problem at one time. Grand Junction, Colorado On the horizon and In the shal- Geologists Glen-woo- d ropical Utah-Nevad- potential sore throat. Heavy Eater The carnivore who ate these slow dumb, sluggish beasts was the allosaurus. His petrified agile bones indicate he was around twelve feet tall, walked on two enormous legs, and had a big, thick tail to form a tripod. His forearms withered to the size of a human arm had long, vicious claws to tear the flesh of the victims. His three foot jaw was filled with hundreds of spike like teeth and he was by far the most diabolical animal that walked in those times. All during this period as the lakes and lagoons filled with debris the bones of these giant reptiles were deposited in the mud and there petrified. Through time and pressure the mud turned to shale and now formed some of the formations that give us the illusive uranium. Many important specimens of prehistoric skeletons are being destroyed and lost to science on the Colorado by the Plateau. The region abounds with petrified swamp and estuary dw posits which are identified by their varied colors running from reds to browns to greens and dirty blues. These are the graveyards of the dinosaurs whose ancient bones can contain concentrated deposits of uranium. These grav. yards are mostly in the famous Morrison formation which has been giving up carnotite and secondary uranium for several years, and was the chief source of pay (Continued next page) II. H. Hawkhursi AGENCY HOMES RANCHES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 100 W. Third St. Rifle, Colorado A COMPLIMENTS URANIUM WINCHESTER HOTEL PRODUCERS INC. Telephones in AH Rooms Private Baths Shippers Uranium & Vanadium Ores Cafe & Lounge 518 18lh St. Phone 274 204 Railroad Ave. Rifle Insurance Realty Denver, Colorado Colorado BOX Published Monthly IE28 $3.00 Per Yew DENYk. SERVING INDUSTRIES BY PROVIDING SELECTED AND CAREFULLY SCREENED EMPLOYES AT NO COST TO EMPLOYER WILL EMPLOYMENT CO. Room 27 Phone 861 U. S. Bank Bldg. Grand Junction, Col. URANIUM ORE ASSAYING A SPECIALTY Brown Laboratory e, Ph. 1543W 2263 Broadway Grand Junction, Colo. LUBRICATION Denver Oxygen Co. ACCESSORIES Industrial and Medical Gases EVERYTHING FOR THE WELDER 1160 10th Street DENVER Telephone TAbor COLORADO DIVISION Mountain Uranium Enterprises INC. OF NEVADA Sinclair Products ROBERT W. CARROLL Fruifvale Serv. Sfa. 38 Also Phone 0286R1, Delta, Colorado Compliments of WASHING Colorado WAYNE HOOVER, prop. Route 1, Grand Junction Phone 0620J2 President, Gen. Mgr. 10145-4- 7 Denver W. Colfax Ave. Ph. BE Colorado |