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Show Minerals Engineering Co. Is 'Building In a Hurry' Minerals Engineering Company of Grand Junction advertises itself as the outtit thats building a in a company . . . and hurry. Their recent activities in acquiring a 50 per cent interest m the mineral rights to approximately 40, 000 acres owned by Judge Roy Hughes apparently is concrete evidence of the company's desire to move rapidly. Exploratory drilling is being carried on in this territory, in Dry Creek Basin, and underlain by the Sait Wash formation Naturally, the drilling rigs come fiom Junction Bit and Tool Company, a subsidiary of ME, and ME ciews aie supervising the operations Oie discoveries will be assayed bv Minerals Assay Laboratory, while any geiger or scintillation (ounters needed at the job will be furnished by the electronics division of the firm Mere mention of these activities gives the reader some idea of the scope of Minerals Engineering, which was so limited m space seven years ago, when the firm was founded, that George A. Dutch lleitzke, present superintendent, built the fust dulling rig outside the plant he had no room to work in nor a roof to woik under. Iieitke has been associated with Blair Burwell, styled the grand old man of the uranium business, since the two joined forces m 1948 Since then, Minerals 'Engineering has grown to the point that it supplies 95 per cent of all vagon drills on the plateau, and holds the patent on a tungsten carbide wagon di ill bit engineered by Hert-ik- e w f 8 v? to Heitke, who neednt worry about losing them to sticky fingers. Junction Bit is proud of Jerry Foster, one of the oldtimers in the business and currently an employee. hoster operated the first diamond drill ever seen on the plateau Running on Club Mesa, the dull was set up ui 1916 and was pushed by a 6 horsepower Fairbanks-Mors- e engine The rig, Foster said, weighed 1,200 pounds, when and it had to be moved, he had to get a team of horses to pull it to the next location. Ray Sullivan, vice president of the firm, revealed that ME plans seveial expansion moves during 1955 The first will be the investigation of the feasibility of a demonstration pilot plant, which ME is now enlarging Piovided the plant is a success, it will be used as a morel for several to be built at difterent points throughout the plateau. On the drawing board is an ingenious machine which, if successful, will cut the cost of building a mine shaft in half, Sullivan believes. Hie shaft dull, as it is called, will be built precisely for the Plateau. R will dull 12 feet daily, up to eight feet in diameter, using only four to five men, as against the 15 men now needed to get such footage. Sullivan sees a crying need for tools with which to boost the of and uranium efficiency to that end is directing mining, the energies of ME. Besides uranium, in all its many facets, the firm holds tungsten interests at Glen, Montana, together with a mill and a the Salt For construction of bits for dia- Lake City tungsten mine, refinery, and mond drilling, the firm maintains a small mill at Ely, Nevada, a stock of diamonds worth approxi- plus the Monte Cnsto mine near mately $30,000 The diamonds, how- that city. ever, are safely under lock and In Grand Junction, ME employs key, plus being embeded in steel, so loose gems pose no problem approximately 400 persons, with an annual payroll of $1 7 million. A 10 per cent dividend was voted to stockholders on Dec. 20, 1954. Invest Pennies and . . . ... main-tainen- SAVE DOLLARS few pennies spent now can mean dollars in your later. . . . lhat is if thepocket few pennies are spent for a subscription te URANIUM CONCENTRATES the only complete weekly news digest of uranium activities. URANIUM CONCENTRATES low, low subscription rate $12 for one year (52 issues), or $7 for six months is a bargain Send in your subscription order today'! A Write: Uranium Concentrates P. O. Box 313 Denver 1, Colorado Colorado Plateau Air Service is Good REGISTERED SURVEYORS Uranium Eng. Bldg. Grand Jet., Colo. DRAFTING F. A. Mullin Ted White HALVORSON MOTOR CO. Four Wheel Drive Headquarters for the Colorado Plateau 421 Colorado Ave. Grand Jet., Colo. ton-offis- h Navajos Hold First Election GALLUP, N M Next month a 0 election affecting persons occurs in those parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah which make up the huge Navajo little-know- n 80,-00- Phone 2828 Flanders Mining Co. reservation. The election this year is unique in that it is the first time in history the big tribe has carried one out without government supervision. The new freedom is in line with the Indian bureaus decision to allow the Navajo free reign in handling his own affairs. An estimated 40,000 tribesmen are eligible to vote next month. Representatives of 74 communities ill be elected to the tribal coun- Air service is available throughout the Colorado Plateau furnished by Frontier and United Airlines from Rock Springs, near Green River, to Winslow, Ariz. Frontier schedules north and south bound flights in and out of Winslow, Farmington, Cortez, Grand Junction, Vernal and Rock Springs, while United serves Rock cil. Springs, Grand Junction and, This legislative body, not unlike through connecting lines, Congress, meets four times a year at Window Rock, Ariz., in a massive stone council house, an eightsided building modeled after the the traditional Navajo hogan, ALLIED ASSOCIATES MAPPING ONE OF THE Colorado Fish and Game Departments fish hatcheries is located on Rifle creek about 14 miles from the town of Rifle, Colo., and is operated by the Colorado state game and fish depaitment. The hatchery was opened on Oct. 13, 1954, and is headed by Supt J. K. Stead. There are now 1,100,000 fish from 3 to 8 in size in the raceways, and total capacity of the hatchery is 200 tons of fish. There are 24 nursery ponds, 40 main raceways and more are planned. There are 36 large hatchery troughs, 30 feet long, in which eyed or fertile eggs are hatched The hatchery capacity is 6,000,000 fish, which go to the nursery ponds at about six weeks Theie is a 70 quota this year, and hope to work under a quota of 200 tons of 8 and up when other raceways are built later, if money for construction u appropriated. From hatchery to Colorado fishing streams, the trout is 13 to 15 months of age. Feeding is scientific and a laboratory is operated at the hatchery site. All for Colorado fishermen! dwelling. The Navajos have come far in setting up their own democratic government from eaily beginnings with the gathering of headmen representing scattered bands of tribesmen to the present parliamentary group, operating under Roberts rules of order. Only five years ago ballots consisted only of colored slips of paper, each color representing a candidate. However, that didnt work with color blind voters, so, in 1951, the present pictorial ballot was adopted. Now the Ndvajos can identify their choice by passport-typ- e photos of the candidates above the spaces where the vote is registered. P. O. Box 861 Grand Junction, Colorado Corn Construction Company WALLACE CORN Phone 302-- W ORCHARD MESA Excavation - Dozer Work - Crane Service Steel Erection - Pipe Line and Water Trenching Street and Road Paving Asphalt Paving Grand Junction EXPLORATION Colorado DEVELOPMENT Newmont Mining Co , in conjunction with Continental Oil, has reportedly acquired extensive acreage in the Summit Point area of the Moab district, San Juan County, Ltah. Extensive exploration and development of potential uranium ore deposits are planned. Greetings! P. O. Box 1486 528 V, Main Street Grand Junction, Cota. PHONE 1481 Minor! Properties Grand Junction, Colorado Drilling Management |