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Show - 1 t 1 jjort'uue. urJi is- Topic city of no i unk uie ifauiv w ill be an- - Ttr. Uoi at t e 1. 1 ts cun aitord to paper j?o uut lai k .a ippeuruiu iortre lack of a jp'uoii auvcrtitug pationae. Tines 5 1 3 TOOELE, UTAH, SATURDAY, SHPT. Vol. 2. No 5' 3 ditrn m r aud Hide aw i.v to is i.ittn Si?i surroiuia.u iu, When bUiuke the irtm that i;r,irui old smelu r Bfj bivus to cml oer thu mountain tops w Hi i be our time then 1910. W bow ultogetuer, Price Five Cents main their toes and what' import - changed it with duly, but when he ::nce they attach to clothes. But them how was that for hi an, ble us, are they after all to blame they farely inundated him with or had they been in these things smiles, and have since been doing a quite the same if Mothers Eves bout twenty miles. riTs first thought, as we suppose, had I'lfllli IK' KEEPING been necessarily of clothes? Yv'as it the quality of The autumn equinox will come a to he expected in her case that with a mail somewhere upon the lountb your good.; a X,u Roosevelt, by that timeeas secret is what place she ever thought of any thing at all but gowns, slipovers, or per- - jwaid bound, you accomWill aid it in the making of such haps a shawl plish when storms dont adyou As they may find necessary to a vertise them. t But anyhow, the crawfish will few reforms. have holed, And then the sun will turn And the pumpkin shown the softer yet, You know they'-faintest trace of gold. And the bold October, having du best; so do a The sassafras will don a redder v set But the others general public are dress, His planes, and carefully put on tl.eyinfoimed? Tell And the gods will crow d around his brake, them! Dont keep it h dark secret. the eider press. Will see w hat sort of landing he : Or prohibition or whatever will, can make. yiro.h'-here is a fountain that shall serve us still, a place of resting and a itht i Let wonderful WASH WAX do steal away out of the desert and the heat of day. A place of quiet your family washing; saves rubbing and the shade of palms, of irriga- and saves the clothes; makes them tion and the soothing balms that clean, sweet and snowy white. no reformer till the poles embrace WASIIWAX is a new scientific com shall ever capture for a bathing pound that w'ashes in hot or cold water without the use of soup. It j place. is entirely harmless and different ; from anything you have ever used. The hosts of labor will parade the Send ten cents stamps to day for re street; which will remain us of a gular size by mail. You will be glad happy feat in arbitration from the you tried it. Agents wanted to intro V olden days when Julius Caesar was duce WASIIWAX everywhere. y Li i bi .i Address:Wa&hwax St Louis Co., a ort of craze. It is related of that : i VU i'i Alin ancient time that sweet September in the Roman clime was hot as blaLet the light zes, and the union file could only shine through march about a half a mile. the columns It wasnt anything at all, they of this paper. say, to watch the mighty pageant a j hi, im by YF. N. U ) way, the music playing and the a.-k-eu t Carwcial j FOR SEPTEMBER Now softened suns a mellow shed. The laden lus-t- er glow with tempting fed ; On hdzel houghs' the clusteis hang embrowned, And with the hunting horn the fields resound. September Poem. should say so, and the mellow hern of Mr Morgan will the morn, bidding us gainer for the bins and cribs in which we' labor for his royal nibs. The sum-ahendhd and the money gore, & Rockefeller as we drill along, bowing .'and hoping we are well and strong. "Well we er The seaside sojourned will quit "ihe shore, and the summer girl will line up tlnee or four conquests in puppy love she has around, and choose the one that is to go un-- 1 drowned; The which selection from the little born of summer madness She will then suborn with things sufficiertt to urllock Its eyes, and hurry homeward with the ga spirig mize. Hardy nlhiliji County Depository. Pays Interest on Deposits f The bitsted tourist will iclurn from Eram-with hotel sickness his pants, and tarred & jstuc-- Upon what he sends. They postalcardecl will waltz 'aim up and down upon a khI, and alternately turn him head find tail, or howsoever they may best enjoy .the views in venire or dhe side of Troy. The festive calf will blithely sniff and snott, and deftly tip tip where the hair in short, and in the quiet even after glow the quail will pipe his dulcet piccolo. The bold insurg nt will insurge the more, and fill dhe planet with his deadful roar, fc each one betting he will not be last the autumn candidates will gallop -- fe-- Subject to check, and allows special rates on time deposits. We accept savings deposits of $1.00. 1 mtow j I f lags rjisnlaved nnj one if su'Vlen iv IS tit iA - them, unfaint ol' hart, om- Mr Ilry- an on the wate1' cart. A maze of issues, and a mass of men, and lo, a gallus hUsting now and then, and not especial1)- alarmed by it the trusts desisting the has lit. $jH hi V5 1 111 Church News. I THE STAKE FBESIDEIiCY WILL No of Inch $ .15 1 time month 3 months 12 1 Inches used in I year J 131-- 2 1-2 100 Inches $.13 250 inches .,,12 o months. 11 500 inches.. 1 10 1000 inches year l 11 10 . Short locals in local column 10 cents per line fi for 1st insertion. 7 cents subsequent. 1-- 2 14 cents Reader, with heads, cents subsequent. VISIT THE WARDS 1st insertion; 5 AS FOLLOWS ADOPTS J3 I suppose one mind. Sure. We if we weren't. - ss State Press Association UtaSi you and your wile are Or couldnt live in our flat I EVERY - . For Column va ly duke for The faint impression made on Ro man capital for long dismayed the union leaders, when the serried ranks at times not even passed the Romon banks, and so it was when mighty Caesar came, and having past. found the populace aflame, he shov The hew progressive and the Deed September from the seventh mocrat, the uUinsurging that are place along to ninth, which has restanding pat, and in the midst of mained the case. He merely inter- - dYertisirg pates l nS x j the shade. The gasping1 drummer with his sounding drum, the bronzed mechanics who perhaps had come a dozen squares, and in the frantic rout, age and apprentice with its tongue stuck i out. I Your Patronage Solicited e Old llgmed CAPITAL STOCK, $25,G03..QO SURPLUS $5,0 00., ife j orchards Ban!: of Tooele JN JOB WORK 1 TII1G 1 THE LATEST - The mait come back, And ale-sa- the from Elba pool- ss&sassssssss&sjl trying to consumer in his cul 1 c Unknowing .if WHY PAY RENT the quaking earth E. M. Atkin Lake View E. T. 1 per- But hoWsoever and be it as may the dread mosquito will have had its daV, and joining Satan in its spectral growth, have made it real hell there for them both. Thewhilp the earthly 'remnant of it swings up 'on the 'window' screen, and drying 'clings to that post which, though wanting mortal fire, it still holds Nvith its face against the wire. The sad first day of school will come to pass. .And the barefoot boy will hide 'out in th grass, And ky the time weve caught these malcontents. The Tripper chase will look like thirty cert-ts- . in her hobble Milanv Fashion skirt will stride the pavement with the aleit to set her right side up in ease she should in time turn turtle any place. It does beat t,hund or what the women wear, and how they stick on other peoples hair constrict their middles and con- - Wb l you hi i ,V" 1!! DD IT NDW 1 'Fiitsly Furnished USR Rooms. Eagle Bar In Gsnnestion & II. H. Milward. Aug 14th 1910. 28th -- Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars best Trade Solicited. W. W. Sagers & W. G. Shields. Aug 14th 1010. 28th Mereur Centrally Located Near the Depot. Broadway, L D S Sunday School every Sunday 10 oclock a rr. in the district school house; Kindergarten, Primary, Intermediate, Theck gical and Parents De- 'Tooele, "Utah at Religious jj rsr-r- s-BA- partment. the .Meeting in Services IIouseat2pm. Evcrjbf,y h is cordia- regardless of their religious Silas C Ieter Ormc, Clegg, Alvin A HKi:m ii lUKES Bmarisaaq JN TOOELE COUNTY STATE BANK convictions. TO DELE, UTAH. ' Walters Ward Bishopric. Methodist Tooele Improvement Company sfs-asHO- Joseph Riz.i. Jhop. -- S toe R ton lly invited wr f INTERNATIONAL William Gordon Aug 14th 1010. 28th Glover Vernon a home to suit your m ideas with a small payment 1 down and let your rent money pay balance, at a 1 reasonable rate of interest. H U & Gustave Anderson 7j H. Tate. Aug 14th 1910. 28th R. T. Brown &Wm. Soelberg. Batesville Aug 14th 1910. 28th Grantsvilfe AV. H. Cassity St. John Tooele portends Death or the near approach, haps, of biends. & Geo. Church i Services at the Methodist Church as follows: Breaching every Sun. at 7:30 p m. Sunday School at 11 a m., andj meeting every Wed. at 7:30 p m. A cordial invitation is Extended to all. T P Cook W. A. t ckluy i Tooele Plumbing Co. j Pastor J.H.-B- Wort an Sanitary Plumbing , Steam and Hot Water Heating Phone 79, East Tcoele SAAAAAAAAAAAtAAAA'v |