Show threatening MOVE WILL FRIGHTEN TIMID GOATS most extraordinary characteristic feature of these animals Is that they scare and faint upon slightest provocation did you ever bear ol of fainting inting ta or nervous goats there aro are said to be I 1 many of them in existence the most extraordinary charac characteristic tev of these animals Is that they are very easily frightened to simply say boo at them in a threatening man inan S spells the goats enn be turned over and dragged about as it if they wert dead they become so rigid that the can bo be lifted bodily without bend ing the animals seem to retain their faculties during these extraordinary W 4 M U W JI angora kids ner will cause them to fall helplessly I 1 to the ground and remain there until the spell leaves them they scare and faint upon the slightest provo action to merely jump over a fence or bar 16 to IS 18 inches from the ground Is sufficient to cause them to become stilt stiff and faint while under the influence of these spells but their eyes have nn an empris slon sion of anxiety aone one might say bay agona the reasons for such a peculiarly peculiar highly developed nervo muscular syb tern have not as aa yet been asi alnea the goats seem normal in every other particular and have this advant advantage ago over the common goats they can easily be kept within prescribed grounds |