Show all the DIfference 6 tho the professor was delivering an elo quest quent address on cruelty to animals and to illustrate how a little jut judicious forethought would eliminate to a great extent the sufferings that even small mil insects are arc subject to said As I 1 was coming through the hall tonight I 1 saw a bald headed beaded gent gentleman loman very harshly treat a little innocent housefly house fly which had bad alighted on his head bead now if theio ewas was any justification for such bad temper I 1 would b be e quite justified in indulging in it at t the he present moment for a fly has just alighted on the back of cf my head bead I 1 cant see eee tt it but I 1 can feel it it possibly some of you can seo bee it now it la Is on the top of my head now it la Is coming down my brow now it la is on to my G r r eat pyramids if egypt its a j |