Show THE LOCAL 11 adl and nd nilsine 3 ioa j jr an article by ex president wll will appear in each issue ortho timeo time through our con connection with Us the W deehl M no union uni 1 ori arrange innas have lia e been made with the outlook kompany of now york for publishing a ceries of articles by col roosevelt Koo sevelt the series begin this week tine and wo wah to particularly call our readers attention to them theao articles will continues continue for several weeks and with but few exceptions will not appear in the metropolitan Hetro politan daily papers we ve arp are anxious at all times to the very best for our readers reade rs and will riot not stop tit at additional expense to make the times the peoples paper aitch vatell for tile nig 0 St Rolie an and iiii a lot in plat G C E J is lioma from idaho for a few anys mr air wainee of thu tho PV P W L co wont to the alie lake tuesday Tu estla the musical given in honor of miss aking at kins resulted in to tier her good lots are arc moving fast in ill everything ing C points to a 1 I lively season cason fi mrs P y entertains entert aind on 14 friday iday evening in ill honor of sirs mrs G 1 A bates rind lind mrs eickworth Mick worth 0 of salt lyko city who were tho guests of ir mrs 13 13 flack last week weak alood good tent been used lout about 3 T months for sale apply at tho ill times timed office mrs win Mick duckworth worth and in two little daughters datu diters lavello lavelle Cilc nona and mrs G A bates and son ciell cicil of salt lake city visited with mrs 15 13 lack flack lat hist week have you heard of the new road proposed building C from ely to too ole cle buy ally 1 lot in plat at 0 5 before you ou arc to late hate the next attraction at the apera will bo be tho the wm all star 0 0 st sept G 7 8 the pumpkin Hii skir the 0 open pe n p play I 1 ay of this splendid aggregation lt C will be jim ti the acut 1 lot for farsalo sale on 3 ish shares bardi of irrigation i water enquire of josic coleman when hougo to salt lake stop at tile the new windsor A cen can trally located convenient and homelike c hyrkin baird prop looks like times were get gettem getting tim 11 bet tor ter three nov eating cating and sleeping 11 houses begin business thel the ideal cafe mhd inn t ruid arid the bezek Buil building dint have all started within tile the last ten tell days last sunday the tent belonging to joe and other smelter heinds hands situated south of it 11 it track in ill plat C together with tile entire contents among 0 which was 00 in cash was ival li burned to the ground alfred Soi enson of ofilio the I 1 oth ath ward salt lako cily a mormon in good standing with james A of same place anti and socialist candidate for congress will speak in T boele on the night ol of the 2 th heir them county convention of tho the social i s t party will con conventi vonti a at 10 on oil lun sept celi at tho the county court house in ill thoele tooele all socialists arc expected to ti bo be present by order or of Socia socialist rist committee J A m sol pelvin C A last sunday evening 0 tl alic ie third furnace of the ili big smelling smelting sm elting plant was blown in the fourth will wiil bo be put into info commission by tile the middle of this month and the fifth will be held ns a I 1 reserve furnace for the present we are arc picked to lo learn that the report given to the times by mr olsen employed at the smelter that one of the had frozen ill was pot not burree correct t the manac manage 0 mant sayo that they nover never saw new furnaces work more perfectly than chobo started y matiiw nelson was appointed re ic COW in ti strain laundry bankruptcy caad last tuesday general denoral Il hospital rep revolts jimoh X veavor caver operation fur for rupture I 1 harold marshall Mai same ail clev le an m 11 ib aby boy zit at the home hoins ol of mr mi mrs jos stephens nil all doing well geo gee lied died it at tho the hospital Il soon after enter in ing list last of pariton i t Us duo due to a neglected appen dici of which lucli lie ho had been suffering for the past weela cek along at ins his homo ionic on oil east sl tho the follo following wim births are arc reported by drs davis and 10 logan gall mrs Gc of stockton gave hirth birth to a baby boy last week mrs fred kirk of lincoln gave hirth birth to a baby boy list last week mrs airs haynes gridley Grid loy of ophir gave birth to a baby boy at dr davis private hos has pital mr E E lannon of was operated on oil by drs davis logan at dr davis private hospit al for hip disease aug amral june orrs of st john gave birth to a fine filie girl aug at dr F if davis hospital mother and cr a Q c doing well mrs lucy mick line lina is very seriously ill at dr 1 V 11 1 davis avis Ifo hospital spit al william dover was brought 11 to the F 11 davis hospital in a very cry critical condition win will wain sher tile the well known theatrical producer who will be long lon remembered in these thase parts its as tile the manager of the belle of japan comes to our city soon with the powerful pl play av of nev york stock exchange lim ani the westerner the rhe 8 tory story deals with the wealthy now new york broker who is almost to buy bily an ellorin enormous block of worthless s tock stock in an all arizona mine thru the clever manipulation of a crook ed comp in tho the person of this private secretary his fortune hangs in tho the balance through three acts of the most sensational siti situation lation and powerful acting ever seen on the american stage famei errol a 1 young nevadan Ilio prospector is the hero of our story ho he arri arrives ves in N ya Y iri inthe the neck of time the aki e vict imide d broker a life long f friend ri I 1 end of liis his father whose life was forfeited in a 1 I pit invites the westerner to pay him a visit the young man mail learns oft of the lie operation ion in time to take a hand in ill the proceedings and thru a friend learns that edly worthless mine thru the efforts of pre servance lias has opened up tip a new vain he takes tt the lc floor of the stock exchange in ill the 3rd ard j chapter of our story and forces the crooked broker to sell their stock and borrow money enough to buy all the stock and save tho the fortune and reputation of liis his fathers protector the play is filled with corn coin edy situations especially the second act showing jim and his boy partner in 1 a I new york kattic attic broke and suffering difficulties on the whole it sho should u ld prove one of tile the most powerful drawing cards in tile west |