Show IN AGONY WITH ECZEMA no can tell how I 1 suffered for five yearn with itching and bleeding eczema until I 1 was cured by tho the Cuti cura remedies and I 1 am so grateful 1 I 1 want the world to know tor for chat helped me will help others na body and face were covered with estres one day it would seem td 15 bo be better and then break out again with the most terrible pain and itching I 1 havo have been sick several times but never in my iny life did I 1 cs per lence such awful suffering buffering as veth this eczema I 1 had ma made tie up my mand that death was near at hand and I 1 longed for that time when I 1 would be at rest I 1 had tried many different doctors and medicines without success and my mother brought me the Cuti cura remedies insisting that I 1 try them I 1 began to feel better after tho the first bath with Cuti cura soap and one application of Cuti cura ointment 1 I continued with the Cuti cura soap and ointment and have taken four bottles of and consider myself well this was nine years ago and I 1 have had no return of the trouble since any person having any doubt about this wonderful vond erful cure by the remedies can write to my address mrs alue etson 93 inn road battle creek mich oct 16 1909 |