Show 0 pr I 1 his sm ace 0 0 fells much 0 0 0 em complete history of the past week told in paragraph intermountain INTER MOUNTAIN fire Is destroying the heavy timber along the state road to laramie river fifty miles west ot of fort colllns collins colo according to reports brought in by a rancher it II C mcconnell forest ranger at manhattan has been ordered to father a force to fight it david S murray formerly general manager of the hocky mountain dell bell telephone company in utah idaho wyoming and montana leaped front from the he roof of the deseret national bank building in salt like lake city and was wait instantly killed financial reverses led to the deed murray was waa 48 years of ago age and la in survived by a wife and a daughter gas generated in the mullan tunnel near elliston Ell laton mont on an the northern pacific by three locomotives caused the death of fireman marshall and the partial suffocation of conductor newton and engineer sheppard all were of the crew afan of an extra freight freigh t train mrs mra clara E kinsey kansey Is under ar rest on a charge 0 of holding up her dl voiced husband at the point of a re volver and their sixteen months old baby the husband charles E kinsey it merchant of mills city mont swore out the warrant for or the arrest four masked men obtained 1600 a diamond sunburst and a gold brooch in a robbery at it the camp of 0 john adams the millionaire king of gyp ties meg at colorado city colo DOMESTIC charles bahole a seventeen year carold boy of jamaica L I 1 may lose loia loi a his life as the tha result of a wager with alth another young nian man as to which bowa consume the most whisky sItY bahole won the bet ry cy finishing a quart bottle bottie and making a start on a second bottle mrs nellie boyle one of 0 the four holly rollers who entered upon a fist which lasted thirty eight days before being interrupted recently lecent ly by the police died at the county hospital in los angeles pt starvation john 11 II bartlett a farmer is deai dead at his home in dalton conn as the result of a hog bite ile he was attacked by a big boar receiving n slight wound in III the leg blood poisoning resulting sul ting rain varying aror n at a half 0 to o cyp and ahall inches fell elfo over vcr southwest texas front from laredo on the south corpus christi christ on the southeast ind and luling and victoria to the east this Is the first general rain in this section in three months the socialist party Is to mako make a special effort during the next two years to make inake converts among the ot of fibers anti and men of tile the united states army according to edward F cassidy assidy general organizer weighted down with n heavy at stone one he body of a well dressed woman was lound lying in three feet of water in the delaware river near torresdale Torr esdale pa mrs catherine fogarty was drowned at boston in an attempt to save her 2 year old oia child who had fallen into a pond and a stranger about 60 years 1 old was drowned while trying t to 0 save gave the mother the police are searching for two young women who attacked michael plunket a broker as he sat on the porch lorch of his residency residence in fit new york city armed with umbrellas ane pair beat their victim until ile he was unconscious while one of their las gouged out tits his right eye general charles it brayton braton the blind leader ot of rhode island republic cans and national committeeman front from that state fell in his office in provi dence and fractured his right hit hip an investigation into the alleged prevalence of the opium smoking hab it among the soldiers stationed at the Pre presidio has been ordered by general T IT II bliss commanding the military department of california charged with unlawfully taking their vessel from the custody of a fed eral cral marshal and attempting to get to sea captain hugh J thompson his hi wife and sister in law together with five members of the crew odthe of the schooner vida are und avret arast at port townsend wash at a neighborhood W dellla e it lincolton LIncol tuti N C where his mother mul nd live five other women had gathered to i 6 0 draw d r it nv water a t e r e theodore The gilbert five years earb old ohl was instantly killed and the women more or less leas seriously hurt by a bolt of lightning the population po of michigan state Is an increase of or 16 1 per cent as compared with 2420 2 in 1900 albert froelich Fro ellch and his 16 year yea ro old albert daughter it a ahter were killed when at automobile ito mobile was struck by a passenger train on a grade crossing at paterson N J the of judge james ri plummer of carlisle ky was dyna rotted and badly damaged judge plummer was hurled burled from his bed and bruised but his injuries are not seri berl ous the body of frank T tucker ant attorney general of wisconsin and candidate for the Ite republican publican loraina tion for attorney general at oshkosh wis thursday morning was from the fox river it is believed he fell into the river during the night while making mailing hla his way to a train ruth harddng of bogalusa Ilog Bog alusa la is one of the youngest brides on record she Is 11 years ears old it to is stated and was married a few days ago to william breeland aged 19 years ears asphyxiated Asphyxia ted by noxious gases within feet of the mouth of the san car los log tunnel in the new idra quicksilver mine at Il ollister cal was the fate of foreman john williams hit his three daughters elvina aged 15 years ala rip ale aged 12 and marjoree Marj orle aged 5 and a dog belonging to the family washington president taft has announcer mal ma beverly beerly mass will continue to be the summer capital for the next two years ears at least with an increase of in the public debt and a total deficit of 08 the united states treas trea 9 ury closed the second month of the fiscal year keeping on an even heel all circumstances considered with a working balance of 30 aa 0 on n hand and the general fund down to the tha appointment of george E llo ito berts of chicago to be director of nt the mint to succeed A P andrew promoted to be assistant secretary ot of the treasury is announced attorney general wickersham anar secretary nagel who have been in alaska all summer will land at sell seal tie wash on september 6 it la Is gen brally assumed they have been in aafka making special investigation ot of conditions there for foi president taft stations of the south 11 and nd southwest where the department of commerce and lab labor or has observed a lack of uniformity in enforcing the tl 0 laws me are soon to be visited by officials of the immigration service the idea Is to standardize the immigration service the armored cruisers ciul sers maryland annl west est virginia now at mare island have been selected to make thorois tho 1 tests of pacific coast coal with a view ot of finding a coal mine on the coast that will be satisfactory for use in i the be navy engineers soon will be sent to cuba to make a preliminary survey of the condition of the battleship I 1 maine which was blown up in havana har bor just before the spanish war FOREIGN it Is officially announced in berlin that the medical authorities had established cs definitely by bacteriological examination that the nine suspected cases of cholera that caused muc till nn easiness have been diagnosed as after maladies an early rupture of diplomatic relan relations eions between grecco and Turkey Ja 43 poss ibN 01 1 thirteen deaths from cholera had nd twenty five new cases of the ill disease e have been reported from the Infect e te eu districts of southeastern sout hastern italy during ng the last twenty four hours mrs rose buckingham of san fran cisco was killed and miss aliss agnes rees of the same city was seriously injured by it a runaway automobile as th thi 15 were leaving a theatre in munich bavaria louis doaget draget the aviator look up five passengers in his bl plane ai at lille lillor france on monday the total weight sustained by his machine including the gasoline was pounds the teat feat Is believed to be a Nv worlds rec 0 ord rd hoth both howley crippen the american Ameil can doctor and ethel clare leneve his typist accused ot of the murder of belle almore the for formers wife have been remanded lem to jail for trial following a preliminary examination in london leon the brench french aviator br broke 0 ke the wom world s red at the avla tion meet no now w monoplane in esa in fit havre france ills mono monoplane attained a height of 6 feet the the annexation of korea by jap lapart I 1 it was made public ay at seoul 0 on monday ay morning at 11 0 clock without ceren ceremony ter emony tony it was quietly received by the populace the news a already b having ving been discounted no fear Is expressed expressed that disturb ances will fol follow aw 1101 em emperor p e r or echolas holas lc anil and et empress Alex alexanda andl a vf f russia entered germany on monday alonda proceeding croci edling to friedberg in hesse where her majesty will take the waters the usual care tul fill measures u 1 have been taken to 10 pre ven vent a mishap to the imperial tra train I 1 n I 1 the french armored cruiser mont J calm flagship of rear ilear admiral la L i croix des castries castrios Cas tries lias has sailed train boiu san francisco for valparaiso to par in the naval maneuvers dent to the centennial cele celebration oration of 0 chilean independence the emperor of lapan japan has spat ched at a delegation of notables to carry a i letter from tits his majesty to the former 4 emperor nip eror of korea it i 1 announced that prisoners pilson ers in korea have been released japanese consul iwaya has returned to boklo from alaminta and it la Is be lieveld he will not return ile he has ex cited american resentment it Is sad sa d on account of hla his association with certain radic it filipinos who are opposed to americans americana the aeroplane industry has level devel aped lu in france with as much rapidity rabidity is as did tho the manufacture of automobiles automobile in the infancy of the land machine macli lne und and now there are in france a num her ber of well equipped aeroplane factories kurnig out machines to theli their full capacity |