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Show ffHMC THE TOOELE TIMES This Space! Tells Much j C. T. STONEY. Publisher TOOELE UTAH - f"1 The Joy ride Is generally Nemesla. Diamond crease 1U are one thing that after decreasing In value lse. own i In- In Past X Paragraphs f Complete History of the Week Told in Last winter was a very severe one. It but we bear no grudge against now. people fat, but people care to know. In his modest, unobtrusive way the cricket Is advising you to lay In your winter coal Tobacco crop In Cuba again. be no "butts." short and revolutions There aint going to Will Thomas A. Edison please vent something to geep In- Ice from melt- ing In summer T People who predict that this was to be a hot summer are around mentioning the fact Having had her eyes Insured for a New Tork chorus girl Is prepared to make eyes at all comers. If your socks, your tie and your do not match In color you elude the critical by going swimming. Now that an aeroplane has been struck by lightning we discover that wind Isn't the only thing the aviators have to combat A homing pigeon has Just flown 1,000 miles In about five days. That will keep the flying machine busy for tome time to come. A New York couple got married the other day because, they said, they both loved the same bull pup. The silly season Is showing results all right From Saturday Until Monday tha Eng- llahman Spends Mott of tha Tima In Hla Garden. llb-U- d Bread is to be sold In New York by weight Then the Inconsistent customers will complain If It Is light and If It Isnt No man can sleep soundly after giving away a million dollars, says a New York preacher. Let's all get together and disprove this statement ) e e d well-dresse- d d New York druggist thinks rattlesnake poison is a cure for consumption. Consumption Is also a cure for rattlesnake poison. But who gets the first bite? American tourists are reported to be the most eager patrons of dirigible balloons In Europe. Their experiences with the In their travels seems to make them careless of life. The only doubt to be thrown on the story of those quadrillion of microbes In frozen eggs Is that it Is almost beyond belief that any microbe would relish that sort of food. g p opium-smokin- The man for whom provide a particularly when caught is the strikes a person down away from his victim. the law should severe penalty chauffeur who and then runs We have got to have a copy of that new department of agriculture bulletin on The Life History and Coneven if trol of the Hop the government does charge 10 cents for it. Flea-Beetl- A New York man shook pepper Into his soup and then was seized with a fit of sneezing that killed him. Now the question Is, did the restaurant-keepe- r make his heirs pay for the soup? The alfalfa cure for snake bite is viewed with infidelity, but the snake bite cure for tuberculosis Is vouched for In a recent case. Cautious people will prefer to have neither ailment and use neither remedy. Lady Dockrell has been instructing the young women of England that hus-- , bands must be healthy. Undoubtedly It is annoying to have a modern home cluttered up with an invalid husband. Husbands should agree to the reform with a corresponding stipulation on the part of the wives. ENGLAND Correspondence Loss In Wages Alone Haa Exceeded Ten Million Dollars During Nine Months Between Struggle and Em70,000 Worker ployers. Given CaiefuL Attention, 17 AIN st Salt Lake cjtx Utah York. The New cloak makers strike, one of the greatest industrial disturbances in the history of American labor, was settled Friday thousand garment night. Seventy workers who have been idle for nine months, will return to work. Ten thousand, and those dependent upon them fifty thousand souls in all were on the point of eviction, and hundreds had already been forced on to the streets. The industrial loss to employers and employees has run high Into the millions. In loss of wages alone the total has been estimated at more than $10,000,000, while the loss to manufacturers, jobbers and retailers the coutnry over has been computed at ten times that amount. In spite of the stupendous readjustment involved, the strike has been In the main notable for peacefulness. There were numerous cases of petty disorder, and a petiion of the manufacturers brought forth from Justice Goff of the state supreme court an injunction in which he ruled that any strike called to demand the closed shop was in restraint of trade. RESULT California Excursions $30 to Los Angeles and to Los Angeles and return $40 On sale daily. Limit October 8k Two dally through trains, Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, and Dining Car Service on through trains. Shortest and best route to Southern California, Goldfield and Tonopah, Nevada. For tickets, literature and information, aee nearest local agent of Salt Lake Route, or address J. H. Mander field, A. G. P. A., Salt Lake City A POSITIVE and PERMANENT CURE FOR OF IDAHO PRIMARY. g d Governor Brady Renominated by Republicans and Hawley Chosen by Democrats. Boise, Ida. Returns from Idahos primary election show that Governor is renominated Brady, Republican, by a handsome majority over all, estimated at 2,000. This is large, considering the light vote and the number of candidates. Congressman Hamer, standpatter, was defeated decisformer ively Congressman by French, insurgent. Frenchs majority may reach 5,000. James H. Hawley, was prohibitionist, nominated for governor on the Democratic ticket, and A. M. Bowen for The other candidates congress. known to have been nominated are: Republican: Supreme court jus tice, I. N. Sullivan, renominated; lieutenant governor, L. H. Sweetser; treasurer, O. V. Allen, defeating the incumbent, Hastings; mine inspector, R. N.Bell; auditor. S. 1 Taylor,, renominated; attorney general, in doubt between Morrison and McDougal, incumbent; secretary of state, between B. E. Hyatt and E. L. Whitney, and school superintendent, between Chamberlain, incumbent, and Grace Shep-per- Drunkenness and Opium Diseases. There b publicity, me sickness. Ladies treated as privately at in their own homes. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, 334 W. South Temple Street, Salt Lake City. PHONOGRAPHS Get an EDISON PHONOGRAPH on easy terms $3 cash and $1 per week. The Talking Machine Co. 128 State Street FOR Ruling Allows Banks to Add Five dred RUBBER n 'he service. Long Biplme Flight. France. M. Bielovucci. who in a Voissin biplane is making a flight from Paris to Bordeaux, arrived here at noon Kiiday from Orleans. He covered the distance from Orleans to Poitiers in two hours and thirty-fiv- e minutes. Bank Call Issued. The comptroller of Washington. the currency has called on national banks for a statement of their ondi-tioat the close of business Septem- n ber 1 Salt La MAIN ST. City STAMPS The Proper Time. Jack told me he wanted to possible way. Ethyl And what did you say? Claire I told him to come to breakfast some morning. Brooklyn Life. ClaUe IMPLEMENT-VEHICL- E CO. 135 to 139 State Street, Salt Lake City A FEW SPECIALTIES: P otato Diggers P. & O. Beet Puller, P. fit O. P otato Digger, P. & O. Beet Plow, Iron Age Jewel Stove, and Range, Buckeye Cider Mill, Where the Goods are Good Goods General Wood Confers With Taft. Mass. General Leonard Beverly, Wood, chief of staff, United States army, was in conterence with President Taft for several houis on Friday-othe estimates lor the next fiscal year. It is the announced intention of the general and the president to keep the army expenses to as low a figure as is compatible with the efficiency oi Makes 151 phoicgraphers Hun- Washington. Secretary MacVeaghs ruling on the term "commercial paper, in the interpretation of the law, became emergency currency known in its full import here Thursday. The way now is clear for the banks of the United States to put into circulation $.j00,000 000 in emergency money at the first sign of a stringency. The law provides that commercial paper upon which emergency currency may be issued shall include only notes representing actual commercial trans actions, wnich shall bear the names of at least two responsible persons and have not more than four months to run. Poitiers, COUME.lCIAl CHECKS, Etc. Full line Rubber Type Outfits and supplies in stock. Mail orders receive prompt attention. LAKE STAMP CO., Salt Lake City- Circulation. Million Salt Lake City SEND YOUR WORK TO SHIPLERS UTAH CURRENCY LAW CONSTRUED. ... KODAK FIN SHINS EXPERT e Democratic: Supreme court, J. L. McClear; lieutenant governor, E. J. Hunter; auditor, E. W. Jones; treasurer, Joseph T. Carruth; secretary of state, O. V. Badley; attorney general, Frank L. Moore; school superintendent, Gertrude Noble; mine inspector, J. A. Czizek. It is reported that not over 30 per cent of the total vote went to the polls. On account of the supreme court having held that the second choice vote was compulsory, and, unless Indicated, the first Choice would not be counted, thousands of voters wrote In names indiscriminately for second choice in order to protect their first Choice. This greatly delayed and terribly complicated the count. retain On sale August 30 to Septembec October SI. d hatband can still 0 IN d Another 620,000 diamond has been found In South Africa. All they have to do there Is to pick up the wealth. London reportB the presence of 130,-00foreign waiters. Class In mental arithmetic, how much does this amount to, at one average tip apiece? END' WEEK gen-erall- Were you ever so tired that after lifting one foot up you dreaded to put It down again to complete the Step? Depends largely upon the advice he gives his customers. When buying jewelry most people must depend upon the jewelets word lot the quality oi the article. The mere fact that a great many people have been buying jewelry of us twenty, thirty, forty, and some nearly fifty years, tells an interesting story of a jeweler's reputation. ONE OF THE GREATEST STRIKES IN HISTORY OF GARMENT MAKING COMES TO END. lf 916,000, JevOelers Reputation A pink-cheeke- d When New Tork gets to selling bread by weight maybe the young bride will make a fortune. A Chicago professor says that skunks are good to eat, but until we see the meat trust try to corner them well refuse to believe It ( Those billions of bacteria reported found In frozen eggs are not so Impressive since we dallied with the figures about Halleys comet OOO OOOOOOtXXXKKXXN I think we have comparatively to learn from England about vigorFire is destroying the heavy timber ous sports and pastimes. The greatest along the state road to Laramie river, lesson about outdoor living that she fifty miles west of Fort Collins, Colo., can teach us Is the necessity of hava according to reports brought in by ing a garden. For what we need most rancher. R. C. McConnell, forest Is relaxation, and there Is no way In been has at ordered ranger Manhattan, which we can refresh ourselves for to father a force to fight it. the worlds work like living In a garDavid S. Murray, formerly general den as the English do. We seem to manager of the Rocky Mountain Bell think that whether a man has a garTelephone company in Utah, Idaho, den or not Is a mere Incident, or simWyoming and Montana, leaped from ply a matter of taste. But to an Engthe roof of the Deseret National bank lishman a garden is as necessary as a dining room. And from the standbuilding In Salt Lake City and was Financial reverses instantly killed. point of national health It Is perhaps led to the deed. Murray was 48 years quite as necessary to a family as saniof age and is survived by a wife and tary plumbing. I do not say this because I am a horticulturist, says a a daughter. $89,523,207.59. Gas generated In the Mullan tunnel, The appointment of George E. Ro- Brooklyn Eagle writer, but because nation unnear Elliston, Mont., on the Northern berts, of Chicago, to be director of we cant be a Pacific by three locomotives, caused the mint, to succeed A. P. Andrew, til America Is one great garden as the death of Fireman Marshall and promoted to be assistant secretary of England Is, and until we adopt that week splendid English Idea the the partial suffocation of Conductor the treasury, Is announced. 4 end. All Newton and Engineer Sheppard. aocT Attorney General Wickersham From Saturday noon until Monday were of the crew of. an extra freight Secretary Nagel, who have been In morning one-haof England Is entertrain. SeatAlaska all summer, will land at the other half out of doors. taining arIs Mrs. Clara E. Kinsey under y tle, Wash., on September 6. It is Nothing but routine business Is transrest on a charge of holding up her diIn been assumed they have acted on Saturday and Monday mornvorced husband at the point of a re- Aaska making special investigation of ings. Indeed, week-enparties often volver and kidnaping their sixteen conditions there for President Taft. last from Friday night until Tuesday The months old baby. husband, Immigration stations of the south morning, and they enjoy cheaper railCharles E. Kinsey, a merchant of Mills and southwest, where the department road rates than for the shorter period. City, Mont., swore out the warrant for of commerce and labor has observed I believe that our railroads can, and the arrest. a lack of uniformity in enforcing the will, stimulate country living wonderFour masked men obtained 1 1,600, laws, are soon to be visited by officials fully by lowering week-enrates. The a diamond sunburst and a gold brooch of the immigration service. The idea English railroads advertise blue-bel- l of John is to standardize the In a robbery at the camp immigration ser- excursions, so that London children Adams, the "millionaire king of gyp- vice. may go out and pick these spring flowsies, at Colorado City, Colo. The armored cruisers Maryland and ers. The newspapers always remind DOMESTIC. West Virginia, now at Mare Island, people of "Chestnut Sunday, when have been selected to make thorough every one goes out to Bushy park to Charles Kahole, a seventeen-year-olsee a mile of horse chestnut trees In boy of Jamaica, L. I., may lose tests of Pacific coast coal with a view bloom. Already our railroads are behis life as the result of a wager with of finding a coal mine on the coast to advertise nature's free another young man as to which could that will be satisfactory for use in the ginning such as the autumn colors on shows, Kahole consume the most whisky. navy. the Hudson river, etc. The time will won the bet finishing a quart botEngineers soon will be sent to Cuba come when nearly all Important busijy a on second start a tle and making to make a preliminary survey of the ness will be done by appointment and bottle condition of the battleship Maine, every one who can afford it will allow four harone of Mrs. Nellie Boyle, the which was blown up in Havana himself two or three days a week In Holly Rollers who entered upon a fast bor just before the Spanish war. the country from April till October. which lasted thirty-eigh- t days before FOREIGN. being Interrupted recently by the poIt is officially announced in Berlin ROOF-TO- P PERGOLAS ARE OLD lice, died at the county hospital In that the medical authorities had esLos Angeles of starvation. tablished definitely by bacteriological How These Popular Breathing Spots John H. Bartlett, a farmer, is dead examination that the nine suspected at his home in Dalton, Conn., as the cases of cholera that caused murjp un A in the Big Cities First Came Into Use. result of a hog bite. He was attacked easiness, have been diagnosed as ifihcr ' receiving a slight maladies by a big boar, In Persia or Babylonia ages ago wound in the leg, blood poisoning reAn early rupture of diplomatic rela- some rich or royal man long since sulting. tions between Greece and Jjj 4)tten-bui- k the first parapet,? Turkey half a from tyoU1)OESibHi. Rain, varying Weast high, about the edge of the fell over southwest and a half Inches, Thirteen deaths from cholera svnd broad flat roof that covered his pal- Texas, from Laredo on the south, twenty-fivnew cases of the disease ace. The tradition Is that he did It Corpus Christl on the southeast and have been reported from the infectecK to please his wife, who was mountain Luling and Victoria to the east. This districts of southastern Italy during born and pined for freer air than Is the first general rain In this sec- the last twenty-fou- r hours. pandered through the barred windows tion In three months. tf her house in the ancient lowland Mrs. Rose Buckingham of San FranThe Socialist party is to make a cisco was killed and Miss Agnes Rees 'y. So the husband built this para-- t special effort during the next two of the same city was seriously injured along the roofs edge In order that e might spend the evenings there years to make converts among the of- by a runaway automobile as thy ficers and men of the United Stales were safety. She grew to love the place leaving a theatre In Munich, Bamuch that later he caused to be army, according to Edward F. Cassidy, varia. what today would be constructed general organizer. Louis Braget, the aviator, look up c filed a pergola, a kind of arbor Weighted down with a heavy stone, five passengers in his at Lille, vines whose piofed with thick-leavewoman was he body of a France, on Monday. The total weight of the sun the ardor hde tempered found lying In three feet of water in sustained by his machine Including ring the day. the Delaware river near Torresdale, the gasoLne was 921 pounds. The .'Most new things are but old ones Pa. feat Is believed to be a world's rec- ledlscovered. In New York today Mrs. Catherine Fogarty was drowned ord. there Is hardly a great apartment to save her In an Boston at attempt Both Hawley Crippen, the American louse that has been built In the last 2 year-olchild who had fallen into a and Ethel Clare Leneve, his two years that has not provided a doctor, pond and a stranger about 60 years vp.gtj accused of the murder of Belle place upon the roof for its tenants old was drowned while trying to save F.bnore. the former's wife, have been to sit In the summer. In the more the mother. remanded to jail for trial, following b expensive of these great dwellings The police are searching for two preliminary examination in London. these roof-topergolas are a striking young women who attacked Michael Leon Morane, the VFrench aviator, architectural feature, large, square Plunket, a broker, as he sat on the broke the world's recd at; the avia- towers at the corners where there Is porch of his residence in New York tion meet now In proAesS in Havre, a commanding view of the city or City. Armed with umbrellas, tne pair France. His monoplane attained a glimpses of green trees in the parks beat their victim until he was un- height of 6 889 feet. or the shining waters of the rivers In the older apartment houses, owing conscious, while one of their umbrelannexation of the The proclamation almost universal demand this las gouged out his right eye. of Korea by Japan was made public to the General Charles R. Brayton, the at Seoul on Monday morning at 11 summer, a shift to please the tenants a broad strip blind leader of Rhode Island Republi- oclock without ceremony. It was is made by putting up roofs on where It Is the of canvas; cans and national committeeman from quietly received by the populace, the even tents are pitched. practicable ProviIn office his In fell discounted. that state, news already h(kving been there is nothing at all people dence and fractured his right hip. that disturb- Where No fear is expressed flock to the roof during the evening An investigation into ihe alleged ances will follow. the same, bringing their chairs, habof and Empress just the prevalence Emperor Nicholas and sit there in the darkness, fanned it among the soldiers stationed at the Alexandra of Russia entered Germany by the breezes up aloft until bedtlma Presidio has been ordered by General on Monda proceeding to Friedberg T. H. Bliss, commanding the military in Hesse where her majesty will take Men Who Injure a Town. the curative waters. The usual care-tu- l department of California. men wjio do a town more harm The pleasures have been taken to pre- than good may be classed as follows: Charged with unlawfully taking their vessel from the custody of a fed- vent a mishap to the imperial train. Those who oppose improvement; eral marshal and attempting to get to , The French armored cruiser Mont- those who run it down to strangers; sea, Captain Hugh J. Thompson, his calm, flagship of Rear Admiral La those who never advertise their busiwife and sister-in-law- , together with eroix des Castries, has sailed from ness; those who distrust publc-srlrlt-ethe San Franc-- i ;ro for Valparaiso to par-a- t five members of the crew of men; those who show no hospitalschooner Vida, are under arrest ticipate in the naval maneuvers incl ity to any one: those who hate to see dent to the centennial celebration of others make money; those who opPort Townsend, Wash. Chilean independence. well pose every movement that doesn't Jd Lineolton, At a neighborhood The emperor of Japan has de- originate with themselves; those who N. C., where his mother and five other women had gathered to draw water. spatched a delegation of notables to put on long faces when a stranger In their town; Theodore Gilbert, five years old. was carry a letter from his majesty to speaks of locaUng who nppos every public enter-- ) those of is It Koiea. more women the former the emperor killed and Instantly not appear of pep or less seriously hurt by a bolt of announced that 500 prisoners in Korea prise, which does sonal benefU to themselves. released. been have lightning. The population of Michigan state is Japanese Consul lwaya has returned Brides Conveyance. 2,810,173, an increase of 389,191, or to Tokio from Mainta and It is be16.1 per cent, as compared with lieved he will not return. He has exThere was to be a wedding In the cited American resentment, it is sa,d, church opposite the Jones house, and 2,420 982 in 1900. on account of hi8 association with little Harriet Jones stood at the parAlbert Froelich and his who are lor win'ow looking eagerly out. Yes radical when certain were Froelichs killed Filipinos daughter to Americans. a terday there had been a funeral, and automobile was struck by passenger opposed had watched with equal Intrain on a grade crossing at Paterson, The aeroplane industry has devel- this sheAs the sound of distant wheels terest. N. J. oped in France with as much rapidity smote her ear she strained her eyes The residence of Judge James E. as did the manufacture of automobiles to see what was coming, and caught Plummer of Carlisle, Ky., was dyna- in the infancy of the land machine, a carriage. gumpse of a far-of- f mited and badly damaged. Judge and now there are in France a num she cried, Oh, mamma, mamma, Plummer was hurled from his bed and her of aeroplane fan all Excitement, come quick. Heres bruised, but his Injuries are not tories, turnlg out machines to their the hearse with the bride in it!" full capacity. INTER-MOUNTAI- Laughing may make that la not what stout The body of Frank T. Tucker, assist ant attorney general of Wisconsin and candidate for the Republican nomination for attorney general at Oskosh, Wis., Thursday morning, was taken from the Fox river. It is believed he fell into the river during the night while maklDg his way to a train. ' Ruth Harding of Bogalusa, La.1, is one of the youngest brides on record. She is 11 years old, It Is stated, and was married a few days ago to William Breeland, aged 19 years. Asphyxiated by noxious gases within 200 feet of the mouth of the San Carlos tunnel in the New Idra quicksilver mine at Hollister, Cal., was the fate of Foreman John Williams, his three daughters, Elvina, aged 15 years, Marie, aged 12, and Marjorie, aged 5, and a dog belonging to the family. WASHINGTON. President Taft has announceu mat Beverly, Mass., will continue to be the summer capital, for the next two years at least. With an increase of $3,273,325 in the public debt and a total deficit of $17,371,468.08, the United States treasury closed the second month of the fiscal year, keeping on an even keel all circumstances considered, with a working balance of $30,826,057.23 on' hand, and the general fund down to One Chance to Lose. Now that the Democrats are cr lng over their prospects of winr the congressional elections, said P resentative Butler of Pennsylvania other day, I am reminded of w good old Ike Hill, assistant serge; at arms of the house, used to say the eve of an election. Ike was Democrat through and through, but was a philosophical Democrat. When anybody asked him the vote would go he wc invariably reply: ' By gosh! 1 tlmk we've got If they donl buy us off. Popula how-thoug- Even the Children. con Pennypacker, demning in his wiity way the Ameri can divorce evil, told, at a Philadel phia luncheon, an appropriate story. Even our children, he said, art infected. becoming A school teacher, examining aKensingtor little gir in grammar, said: 'What is the future of I love?. I divorce, the child answered promptly. . His Stra'ght Tip. The farmer eyed the two strav the lemonade he had been sc with. What's these here fer? he s the waiter, suspiciously. by, to drink the lemc through, replied the astonished ter. "Youre darn fresh, aint you, said the farmer, warmly ny? may be from the tail timber, want you to understand right that ain't no sucker, bgosh!" change. 1 1 |