Show HOW A DOCTOR CURED SCALP DISEASE when I 1 was ten or twelve years old I 1 had bad a scalp disease something like scald head bead though it that I 1 suffered for several months and most of my hair came out finally they had bad a doctor to see me and he recommended the Cuti cura remedies they cured me in a few weeks I 1 have used the Cuti cura remedies also tor for a breaking out on my hands and was benefited a great deal I 1 vent had any more trouble with the scalp disease alias jessie F buchanan jl 11 F D 3 hamilton ga jan 7 1909 dr af pf 19 Ile anant ut t galst and I ir orilo rat e stomach laver alti r and bo liow uli 14 sugar aar granules easy to take as candy NO FRILLS just sensible food cured him 1 sometimes a good healthy commer cial traveler suffers from poorly selected food and Is lucky it if he learns that grape nuts food will put him right A cincinnati traveler says about a year ago my stomach got in a bad w way I 1 had a headache he most of the time and suffered misery for several months I 1 ran down until I 1 lost about lo 10 il pounds in weight and finally had to give up a good position and go home any food that I 1 might use seemed to nauseate nau seato rne me my aly wife hardly knowing what to 10 lo do one day brought home a package of grape nuts food anti and coaxed me to try it I 1 told her it was no use but finally to humor her r I 1 tried a little and they just struck my taste it was the first food I 1 had eaten in nearly a year that did not cause any suffering well to make a long story short I 1 began to improve and stuck to I 1 went up from pounds in december to IDI pounds the following october my aly brain is clear blood nil all right and appetite too much for any mans pocketbook in fact I 1 am thor hughly made over and owe it all to grape nuts I 1 talk so much about what urape crape nuts will ivill do that some of tho the men on the road have nicknamed mo me grape nuts but I 1 stand today a healthy rosy cheeked checked man a pretty good example of what the right kind of food will do you can publish this if you want to it Is a true statement without any frills read the little book the road noad to bellville wellville Well ville in pigs theres a reacon Tt earon ever read the on ah hohf f letter I 1 A il it nr one appear ors er from cism to t llin im 1 ore true tair ni n I lull or of 1 I I 1 |