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Show CONCRETE-MAD- PLANT URN E i Is Easy of Construction and Will Be Ornarr.ent as Well as of Practical Use on Lawn. This plant urn or hot may be easily tnbile of concrete by anyone and will ho an ornament as well as of practical use upon the lawn. The bowl cr box is easily molded by building a core of the size desired, writes A. A. Houghton, in Michigan Farmer. This is made in a box form and With the four sides slanting; the Balls at corners are driven into an up- - Rather Fuz:''"o, Theres one tiling we can't understand; Tis not of womens hats. But why they alt slioum ar mice and- -. Yet be so fond of i as. f ,1 o! r t no Ti.e fi.ol tn as the far TO AfiTiST ps SOLOiEii Of trmiWt s in world It seeiiis ili r j in i end. Cut saddi r tli ti nil Id To find a phony f. lend. ! ' i- t.. - ;.';td Stat. htiin j I e. The Drawback. Miss Bert There is one bad thing about these chic Chanticleer fashion ,( of t. p the were In boats hue a:.b bovve!l went back to b.bt .Major I uke Oily. The plntorunis n t Ci-,.,- :r efTrcts. v. Smart What's that? i", Bert They wont be left to us cng puis. All the old hens will be Mi-- s One of the intere-tinIn figure-ovmytolo satis'e.ebir , Major Washington is .J. K. Liiler-- . l to!,i pcvv-e would have man who makes the beautiful trans !o )0(- )!lie th. oxpeil.i ion's nhoto parene.es whuh can be seen at the ra)iier. but I dont know any Capital in the offices of the Dept.',,;inn about plioti igiv.pny to died of Agriculture, the Interior Dept. i Xeverlhele-anM'S o- the Forest Service, and by the 1)h0(1 0 tako up the woik .md lie public generally at all the big ex-- ! wa3 ,umssful from t!ie filNt. positions, especially wl.eie there He t.ontinue(l wilh tll8 e:nuiou are illustrations of the government maving bigger and bigger photo- 01k' graphs. The size of his pictures These transparance are a combi-- : has steadily crown ever since and nation photographic work and oil ,at year he nm,Ie lhree for the Se- pamtmgs. They seem to be made ,ltHe' exposition which measured by no one so pe.fectly as by Mr. 4f) ,v so inches. His work is now Hillers, who has perfected trans- - ttil.liy reconized, and people come parent oil paints and a transparent t(J ,:m f()r from all parts of the varnish fixatif with which lie c,(,untrv treats the finished picture. The effect given by there transparence is very fine, and the demand has HANGER FOR PICKERS PAIL grown so great ior them that aj large studio is now given over fori Receptacle Held to Limb of Tree by g tre Want. this jm1 r'J Ahc?t irPJH - wearing them. - Such Ignorance! Mythology tells us that Hercules once held the world up for Atlas" What was the matter with Atlas? Did his hat blow off? ij;,,. d , It's Nature. The guests were taiily hanging with anxiety on the result of Mrs Sharpers card party. "A of then, game, suspension bridge? t.. A Concrete They Knew What She Was. Mrs. Gildersleeve How do Ethel's parents regard her fiance? Mrs. Nearly Well, they don't retard the young man with any degiee if envy. Plant Urn. rfght so as to permit each corner to be beveled, as shown in drawing. The core is placed upon a plank with the bottom side up and the four sides of outside form erected abound same; these are cut so to fit together with the same slant in proportion to the core and with an allowance of two inches for the concrete to be placed between the forms, for the walls o bowl. At each corner of the outside form a triangular strip is placed, which is nailed to one side board only, yet, so to fit closely into the corner of form; this permits the outside form to be hinged together at three corners and the fourth corner fastened with hook and eyelet, so the outside form can be folded upon the completed work'; thus making the molding of work very simple. The base or pedestal Is molded ffom a square form that Is hinged together In the above manner, and which Is cut so that the sides of pc estal will be slanting, as illustated. The bowl of urn is placed unoh pedestal as shown, thus enabling it to be easily removed for qlaning at any time desired. , ,y f- - o , WASHES FOR SCALE . t . INSECTS United States Department of Agriculture Gives an Effective Remedy for Pest. ' A the United States dereport partment of agriculture says: Any good soap Is effective in destroying Insects, such as plant lice and young or larvae. As winter washes. In very strong solution, they furnish one of the safest and most effective means against scale insects. The soaps made of fish oil, and sold under the name of whale Cii soaps, are often especially valuable, but variable In composition and merits. A soap made with caustic potash rather than with caustic soda, as is commonly the case, and not containing more than 30 per cent, of water should be demanded, the potash soap yielding a liquid in dilution more readily sprayed and more . effective against insects. The soda soap washes are apt to be gelatinous when cold, and difficult or Impossible to spray, except when kept at a very high temperature. For plant lice and delicate larvae, such as the pear slug, a strength obtained by dissolving half a pound of soap in a gallon of water is sufficient. Soft soap will answer as hard, but at least double the quantity should be taken. of soft-bodie- d soft-bodie- d Emotional Capacity. Isnt It queer that so many people declare they go to the theater for amusement? Why is it queer? Because no matter when you go there, or what kind of a show it is, the audience is always in tiers. , Suitable, Indeed. Gunner They are now making imitation celluloid collars out of goats milk. Guyec Ilm! They don't require any fancy names for thos collars Gunner What would you. suggest? Buttin Brand .Gayer Why, the Would be as good as any. Her Clever Motive, are going to housekeeping as soon as you're mairied? I thought you had made up your mind to board." Yes, bu, George is equally determined to have a house of our own," And so you are going to keep house in order to please George? No, Im going to keep house so that George will be glad to board. So you Pastures New. I W'onder what's become of all those women who used to throw big men over their shoulders by the aid of women are still Oh, the here, but the fellows v. ho used to write those stories for the new spapers have found other fields of d ? d jiu-jits- prevarication. Trade Marks Co handsome!? illritraf ad woeXly. T.nnrest of any sctunUtln Qenns,$Ja voir: four ntontha, L Sold by all newsdealers. Ua?J CG.36,Broadway New York IHauch oitice. t25 F St Washington, D. C. A . i IT ,'j .".D-i- , i -- ii. t.i 'V. uy , Sckaiific Himricaa. ADVERTISING U pSa AnTAtiP ending ft nketoh and descrinl Son mf OmdUf astortmn our omnion free whether au Is prthftH!y pntentuhln. Onmmunictw tmnBufnctlyconilrtenti.d. HANDBOOK onlnieiiU bunt lre. oldest reiHy lor Bcrurir? patents. rarema taaen tlirouch Mui.u & Co. receive , $pcral notice, wn hout cbnrgp, iu the Use the mail orders own weapon -- E X P C R IENCE y? ! 5JILT LAKE PRICES Means of Stout Cord or Small their production. Rope Proves Useful. Ilillers was a soldier in the Civil war and he took up the work at ! Fruit growers will find tho kink ii which he lias acquired his reputa- - instrated to he all that is duxired for tion, by accidents and, in a sense, bolding a pail or a basket to the limb while they are picking and under compulsion. He went to of a tree the fruit into the' bangins throwing New lork after the war and was employed in the Prospect Park! police department. The illness of a brother made it necessary to take him to California, and he went there by steam ship arriving in San Francisco in 1S70, and going to vis! it his brother, Richard Hillers, then in the grocery business, but since engaged in fruit growing at Atw hi Merced County, where another brother, Herman, is also engaged Hanger for Fruit Pickers Pail. in raising fruit and chickens. The brother whose illness made neces- receptacle. A stout cord or smalt rope Is spliced into a ring or loop and this sary the California journey got well given a loop around the bail as and finally went to the southern shown in the sketch. The other end. part of the state where he subse- of the rope is thrown over a limb and between the passed intervening quently died. strands and held with a common nail. his This mission has accomplished the advantage over a Having rope Hillers started east and stopping hook, as it is easier to make and when made will fit any size limb. off at Salt Lake City to see tbpt mormon colony, he read of Major Powells expedition down the ColoMaybe it V. ill Yet. The am'' uree .'ext that tlmre ere rado River. His imagination was CG.OJO.OOO ir. co d sierg. in New fired by the prospect of adventure Jersey dues ret or pear to have and he made application to join in anything. '.Yliat did you expect it to result the expidition. Being a man of fine physique, he was accepted. in?" "Why, I thought that an announcebut, he says I wouldnt go down ment cf that nature would start a the canyon of the Colorado again scramble. For j kinds a!! of job Worli Consult the Farh Guaranteed at-e- r, j-D- -j TOOELE UTAH GElk HOSPITAL TOOELE t Expensive. Inquisitive Aunt Jessica Paul, do you send a letter to your fiancee every day? Paul i should say not. If I sent her a letter as niten as that I'd be broke in less than a week. Aunt Jessica Inquisitive Why, Paul, what do you mean? Paul Simply this: .My letters are so valuable to her that she makes me send them all by registered mail. l Entitled to a Day Off. Experience has proved that after 120.000 miles have been reeled off a io comoth e is entitled to a layoff and to hospital treatment. Steel will not PROPER CARE OF ENSILAGE stand the thunderous jar and - vibration that shakes the 194 tons dead weight of a locomotive making CO to Accompanying Drawing Fairly llius-trate-s 70 miles an hour. Figured at CO miles an hour, even a locomotive must Right and Wrong Methods be cf Emptying Silo. 2.000 hours running to complete the mileage stunt. Then, no matter how r "Many a man lias learned by experi- clean her record or behavior, she must ence that silage is less likely to go in for an overhauling generally. freeze when properly removed from the silo The accompanying drawing fairly illustrates the wrong and right method .f emptjing a silo in figure everything ready. B the silage has been removed trom the center and allowed to remain higher about the walls. this method induces frost toObviously r--t gather a feel sJSijy " ' -- tj Will be. Awarded fey The Sa!t Lake Tribune & Telegram ' to Hustling Subscription Workers The Salt Lake Tribune and Teegrnm have started the greatest circulation voting contest ever undertaken in Utah and adjoining , state. ,, valuable prizes, value over $10,000, will be awarded to the live workers who secuie the largest no. of votes to the Tribute and Evening Telegram before august 31st. ! t ! ?o,5C0 Winion Tc tiring Car. $1,050 Overland $1,030 o j ble Trip to Europe. $S00 WheelccK Fianola Piano. 8 Free Trips to Pacific Coast. S $1C0 Diamond Kings. 8 $500 Prsiness Scholarships. 50 Watches. Camera OutCls. Ivciriir.at!cn Prize. ;53 8 Basfs! L,!t t T "5e tinnuer I f bicjtle y4 IkI.' tK ? - 'A Hl.t t tr. luve a at pners ra ig purt-cular- tEI.TJaAMil,!; I A usually 'W' prurnmiy . I - 'i;r er ng from Sfl! to ibS or fr'.IO. equipment s iis sc a Square Deal V bl'! fc!cyc,le" OU, Descriptive bargain bts DajlSi'f r lmhis and jnaira and u sucl retail prices. pedals, r' MSSIEBE-PBOO- F SAMPLE PAIR g pr S' ' pair , but to introduce we will ',ov n sample bairior$4.b(Pcctsh ruit border SJ.ej). F3 r.i33ETa3UCLE FSCM PSaSTBRCS Nit 1LS, Tacks or Glass will not let tho t air out. Sixty thousand pairs so.tl last year. I XJtert'vo hundred tnuuiaud pairs now in use. -- - i5 Vi'.i:--- 'l- ! t jr.?. , ( BE&nniPTlON: Made in all sizes. vrrvdurablcanvi -a special q.mhiv of rubber, whit ii b er becomes1' v hich closes up small ouncturs without altovr 'jwro.sand Kotlv the t. 'ok robber tread sn? t ue an toescape. We have hmuli eds of letters from A and pu ture that tl.eir tires he been pumped iV and a rim strips unonce or twice maw hole season. Theyveouiy U' wmgn no rr ore than strip Ii to 1 .an ordinary tne, the puncture resist vent IhU neuttim;. ii'rquTutie being given Tiv several laera of thin, tin .111 outlast any Other prepared fabric tn the ma SOFT, JLLAaX-- C these tr?s is rcd The reirulur price ot specify per pair, but for cuj . . five tismg put poses wearem kirgaspciall.ictorj price to hc i idet of omy $ 4 So per paw. All orders shipped same Is Ived. day D. cn Vou do not pay a cent until you hae exam-nc,'approval. n strictly'shipCO. as represented. V e uiU allow a rosh discount of 5 cent thereby th.per t ir?' 4.55 if U per pAir) juii Cd-snd HU, Him OllIK..; and cuc.o-- e t.us F YoT run no risk ia M for itnd.ug us an order 3 the tiresV. may be ?t l ii cp-- i. r re nyreeon not c are peril cilv rel'..bie and non cs'.n min n. s' is as safethey t ent as' in a Tank. If you older a pair of Ckw t.res, jo.i nlil n::d that tiiev ill rul mu foier, wear liner, longer and ok fi rr tl rip c 0.1 ba-- over u- - or se ' any unce. g know that vou will be so v v n i ww; a Licr-pl vouw Gfds.r. V - antral f) si uu tsat-.4iijour onk. at rcu crkaole -si off. E ' ' ' v k for'" parci rrhe1 1.1 , . ee i.li ,r T s. . . t .ic .1 re cn j d and .. I :c-- -, : f r c l e sne.al ml roductorv p ei a ' r i 1 S r.i, CtLi.M.iJgt.w nUn.il J s autss ,1 quo.-- - a'l n.a , ; hot- t Nj .0 . ..t,.. s x- -" to rr koi'r.grrfGat.levcIe r J r V u. tbcti utji.vi,i.i.crlul . ' 'i ... loir jtbla'Ucir'V .. UNGiV. fc. mi. , 'Q.sacd-nai- j ship imUnotbtmto,,'cer.t. fmiOmiGE'OttLr V (M ad dunnv.uTch U.e yoSmaydeX and t tbc, not pertectly satisfied or do not wi.U to e- - ve- -x racr mprtel at halj oi all ai ms LPJBSSFra Everybody is ebgible, everyone ha3 friends who will help. Follow he instruct. ons that will be mailed upon application to the Tribune Office, get your friends and neighbors to subscribe for the best, the most reuable ani the one Salt Lake newspaper that rightly belongs an i fits most aptly in every home. Tne people who start early and hustle hard are those who will secure the cream of the big prizes. the highest and thereby prevents the hecumulation of frozen silage about the edges. A thin layer or thickness bf silage is much more liable to freeze than is a large body of the succulence 5 fW l, IS EACH TOWN and district to -ride a Ivbita irni'Ted byT Our agents -- vt re and tal ojfer at one ,ISIfor full lift 'IF fUl'IO'it.i KEOUlKEUu.iulyourecciveandLp hiU.ti w.thJui ewyme.'my.hw-m- . diJEu mTdvanceTXv CDF! s on tli0 Same for all! Id 0.4! Forty-fiv- e Net Lurid Net Chance! Everybody Method of Removing Silage. thick layer of silage to the wall. When the silage is removed as Indi hated in figure A the center is kept Richest Milk at Neon. According, to some experiments roted by the department of agriculture it was found that where cows were milked three times a day, morning, noon and evening, the milk was l'icnest svt noon and poorest in the moi nin j and .when milked and c . ning the milk was morning slightly richer in the evening. YEARS They sail the high and low seas cf cemmerce. They pay millions a year for advertising. Their profit is millions. Spike their guns with generous advertising in this your home paper. Imedinbi-lewithf- c la . Dairyman Have you put the eggs in the window? Assistant- - Yes, sir. H Have you dropped the fluid in the milk? A, Yes, sir. D. Have you repainted the butter A. Yes, sir. why don't you open the Salt Cut out thD rupon and mail it today to TfiE S.UTI.Mis TRIBUNE TELEGSAM: LaKe City, - and Utah. l 1 Date 1010 Salt Lake City, Utah Gentlemen; Kindly send me full particulars in regard to your $10,000 I r.ze Circulation Contest. Signed 11. R. No. Postofnce 1 -- 1 N 1 n- -. . Y1l -- t - '.ml ....... j-- 1 - .1 i t t.-- !... x: r 6 . .tt , 11 .i-'- t P A . .nt,1 ' ili, |