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Show HAND TESTING OUTFIT MILK Way to Choose. A friend has let out a te-- et regardDirections Usually Accompany Equipthe way in which some young ing Trouble Little So ment That women judge novels. Making Tests. In a bus two gills were talking of what they lead. The outfit shown in the illustration a novel easily Oh, I choose sold complete!. Directions usually enough," sa.d one. "I go to the cirno thattiouble accompany them so and look at the last culating will te experienced in making satis- chapters. libraiy If I find the rain softly aad factory tests. The outfit consists of a sndy d: opping over one or two iomiy machine in which bcUfi-- a are whirled giavcs, I hunt have it; but U the at a high speed. The bottles are grad- morning over bridal sun is uated so the percentage of fat can be -- obes of w bite glimmering I know it s all satin, writes read oa the neck of the bottle, right. C. H. ADord In Missouri Valley Farmi o er. There is also a pipette in which FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. milk can be accurately measured and a glass in which an equal quantity of Where la my razor sulphuric ar d used in testing can be And where do I sleep In poured. The important thing And who put tuose picture-hew- n the ted is to secure a fair samthere In a heap? ple of the milk or cream. This may Where Is the table" b done by pouring the milk from one And vvhat s In that tubT And how are lie ever S ma-Jtin- g To get any gi ub .' Judge. PHILOSOPHIZING. 7f- 7 A Milk - Testing Outfit, vis by stirring it u thoroughly. When the sample of milk or cream has been prepared for testing and placed In the testing bottle. this bottle Is put in the testpr and whirled for four or five mmute3 Later a second rotation of about one minLte is given and the reading oh the tent mar then be taken-- r r b r si, I Hill )' COWS OF' SUCKING t I r ip - nl hea t rx y ti i'1' It On f t l!cn bltfc v t i s to u . q mp i - WiS . , ( i st t n he lit tu , out i ' U.atpoon, I - - - ; j i a -- v J 1 ' rr 6G YEAR5 f4s OVER rXPERIENOE vA 7 'j r MERCS a lot of n,on2y this viemitv . Possessorsof thatment v read this paper; they swear by here and in J I it. They want to be shown. If your goods are right, the This paper want to buvr. talks to that money at tegular intervals. Its money that talks back and talks back stieng. Get your sinue do your talking through our advertising columns. kUuf ljud. tjr ! nnl ly as luvom toil s m ia "i'sf a our ij? ll Designs &c. Copyrights h and innr dMcriptlon win ihcr fre ConmninU u u uiUftWo P ' oil t, Trademarks n fpifinUOOK 8octirtntr pulem t. fco. i ' ipnr ?i rc ip v UforMunn receive A IVonta u ko th u! hoLi wt vbirt,9, la the ipft at tit A tt. Stisttisit Jitcerlcaa. wpk r. T honi My ml m 1. ot f jo i. nr r.iontua, ti Hj aTrept clr- - Terms. Ida Tiewedealer. I''i"'ir. tlaLyail i mir & Co C5J3rcnday, NewYcrk ntm o.Kco. Washington, D.C. uw St St Uiirn-- L . -- rv nt AFTER Recently the Government decided White China Geese Popular. certain land lying betweefi the The white china geese aie thought Capital grounds and the grand new by many to be the best layers ot all Union geese. Railway station, said to be the A good breeding goose two "ars finest in the world. Some of this land old cr older with good care wv!I,v is unoccupied but much of it is covered from 35 to 00 eggs in a season Dreed-intoo"1 fat. as with brick dwelliugs. The owners have g"ese should not be tiie eggs from fat gtese neer batch made tenders of thcr pro erty to the in the sunimu, when they ran gtt Gov err merit at prices ranging bom 32 lAmy ot gia.s tiny do not need a ot keinel and to $5 per square foot. A lot 25 X 125 single they ukl grain thiive and keep in line condition w ita-o- vvou'd amount to 230, and at $3 to it. j $15,625. Cor g.css apq ropriated $300, to-bu- g ut "Uttar d.' toward the purchase of this proper-anit is t'not that the entire cost of it will be about $3,500,000v 000 d e The Idea. She Dear, I saved a great deaj of money today. lie Glad to hear it. How did It VouH Seem So. do it? to Co more work iCiort i i.ui m'-- ht She i bought a handsome rug for The ti n tan d ) it. Ihan ti f I only $20. For me ison that He Dut, my dear, we dont nqed a lf& o in cli m o' to it. liownrss Ma?T7lno. nnv rug , I She krow we dont, but t had mejpu ;t we wouid have had tj; pay $43 for it. Had Picked Same. Too. V "See here, s.nd the batcher to a I have a bone (delinquent custom, r. with ye," implicit Too Late. reiouiul tho Npont mention it, Dobson Were there r.o restaurants is ", of your so mnnv c Tve d. and dii rsrt to picitd in Newville? Ik t Iru!L L VL nitl 2 ride l ji a '. f Lonesat liouie that Ive oru out a d Emwiddie Thcro were 10. 'an Oir01'' f s rs f a ut teeh w.tlin three year 5cit,so o.y' . I Dobson Then why did von have so i i it Wo v?rm l our ,) j j ,IJ uR O, pi fj. U ii' k iP ' - till much trouble getting a meal v i i Oil n : liui i d mo A I J' HI fKxl Of (lx ' .t It t nv D.awiikl.e I aimed too late. iiU t3 . o i J v t . ' v 'I lot tito-- i cut. Dobson T l Dut you told me you arI J" V "L j t f."? 'r de ibt u i . dj. ihlc to m' UXav . o , rili,aI 'i .cjvd ucaiai atory Ctn. ou save Iit( Calory Ccd3. rived at 10 in the morning 1 sce-to thnk tNc." k Ta '3 SjGbV.. Dinwiddic So I did; but that was ' ur ,m''c:iul ' I ' 'i . 7 - a aitr 1 ; a lott of these pat icd potato, s Wet too late; the sheriff had armed nvr footd cjlvtoEemd TM. J the : over were thrown at yoki I p if ' !""s I' "j ,r", isj.M day beioie. , vO t ' c r f Mcrb iiuikls ,)t th a,t acriutji t ' E. e V f lights last n'sht Go.ig to take t.,em f vdnnrr jOJR r, ir l.cs-i- i dm It drluMrac jil' ato orr r st. pioi t nv id 1"I as souvenr avay ru tin s'M OLr L ;liw uajcr yvur ox .x. i.ainc plata tJ 11 ' ,y 3I lCL'l liJl ! 3 tl ( i s t e c v recc vd, ot r t Low Corned'. t V by .she 'fin t I 3 doiM U v Me second V Land b n le, J MC Ult LI S. U do n i Wouldn't you cull Hem ytie g... v h ve a nun its Athletic Nature. Tl z ftorpo. ' esc ve uear Ou? tr on ai ti .en in trr ' by oU y ' Drot. i y at i nccs nr rii' fm or 10 n bai?am fs m nied 4ree. of m;.n whom tne "That you met go ng gcii os and t, w'kol , irpor til roher aad c t .t rep-V t e. u ci ail ki Qa t half the tiual z taU fr.cs. t iito the dentists just now m a g.eat c Feo-.imn- JKf fib. -- mMyx nrss r i ' n V ' 1 . "Ah! that accounts ... t I . I for it." A "His hiving such ache. TIME. jumping tooth- YOU ARE READING (- .,wV A v' f I : AD.-OT- HERS f a r.hocy M3Tevc nda. in this t read., the They news to the rper. furniah rs mfii man in toon and on the farm as the pease-- 1, ar.J often more. (J Fcter Smiths wife wants a new t. Sr.nti sees by the pap-- r th at Jones is sel-in- g hats at so ,1 n. Ja.m-son- a store ad. is missing from tl s paper Johnson's trying a non-a- d vertis.rg policy. b-- a i i to-bu- AJ i TlkSUI.T j "I dont know what we rave the cm ntry. V, ,.a a couple of nn fcigh sc! col graduates regular rhatl prtceof 7 he f $A ) per , lV ??.ETS0UI5LE b t to inirad V ese turs r ? 4 splc5?. pafu to wmsaucEfGZLY tr m 4 (J ( I FnCM Pl'KCTUSES H.b, Tackft or GIiism will not let tho i' t Sixty tnorsand purs sold lat year. mr o;? huadred tnousaud pairs now m use. 0u-lxl.- 2 Madeinall sizes veTy ! ridc'''5s nd. xrydurabieandl! iedi isi Icwith Itit A. Teili't Does your wife gpeak more than one lang n,ge? Naggit No, hut say, she knows that one like a book. J Li4L5oilt8 it ill pat lyo iriiwph vat for$st bOi.aifrviiltorder$45) WILL READ YOURS IN THEIR ViLflC.CTCFdES. ;:.X is:s I x N' THIS fT ' a tw-i- rr 3m athlete "eccuats for what?" IWA'-V- -t em-.n- Shake! TALKED HOURS AT , tl-- 1 A ,v u tKrent Grafting I I i f I Don I J li- Senator Giabber ' L a Senator Grabber (to constituent, wo: king ia' oitharj) What ate you duirg L -- t . IX . i . s eac-ttcw- i l , sbft fe.dr ,x 'A -- us Cctting Ready. Young I.caffier, who Is going to marry Smiths daughter, isn t an icdustiious fellow. Deers No, he isnt industrious, and Smith evidently realizes the fact and is pie paring for the inevitable result Ives What do you mean by that? of new ones. Deers V. l,y, I mean that Smith is enlarging Lm house to make room for the young man. tri!iIE8T in-c- Charcoal for Chic1'. Charcoal may be obtained- ti mu' anv dealer in poultry supplies al a cost of about one dollar per 100 roiin-- i hov If the rehder does n'ot unders-Ur.to burn wobd tor chirconl, it is the prepared .tr cheaper ticie. Wootl may be easily converted ifito charcoal by getting a quantity of :t to burning in a pit, then cover the tbp ot the pit with an iron covering and ieu.ve it to smoider till the fire dies o. L Pulverize the charcoal till it beeo nes powder and mix it with the -j es. Sprayincj Pumps. Several kind of spray pumps are on the market that can be purchased from $S to $12 that wlli do the work oh the average farm. The best form of pump for the ordinal v farm orchard "Da you think hes honest?" is a strong.' compact buirel pump. It "No. lie even cheats Lmne!I when should have a good sized air chamber and be capable of throwing a good he plays solltatie quantity of wider with great force. 'I he working parts sUoult be male of brass, and" If all paits of the pump that come in contact with the lrqtud EROThERS. ate of brass Its lite will be greatly t can eased. Agitator attachments be purchased as a part of the pump, or as sep.nate machines. The attachments very convenient, Ltlt nre nbt necessary', the agitation of the Ifquid may bd done by hand, with a Te Corer. Sometimes the1- Lmors are veiy and do n gtent ainoui t of (h.rnrgo, tat u they will be scarce, which goc to show that they aie th l.i ev of at le enemies. These period ical visits aie far enough ar.u't to thuse many to mistake the Loher for a new irtseet The adult is a moth with a spread of wings mtasuiijg about an. inch-afioh: half. Yht larva is moie than an inou long ana amber in color. Such an insect is not easily Spraying will bbviously have little effect upon it The chief means td firht'ng it must be preventive: r i rr 'hi" -- .V v-- ' idpn.g mm the clothes thev dont .hcj iji - t to run away antli ' i t so. -- i i " - j . TTMtar - 6a. o- Charitable. Why aie you so sad, my poor clan? asked the housewife, pausing a moment from her house cleaning. "Ah, mum," sighed the tired tramp, "1 cant 'nip beu g sad when I think ot dis eoH, cold woiid. I asked de woman down de stieet for a night's lodging, and she says I could sleep in her bin at antlaante. You wouldn't bo so erv"l, wou.d you, mum? "No, Indeed, my poor man, If you will shake these two rugs HI let you bleep in- my bituminous bin.1 That is soft coal, you know." ch EXPENSIVE Wouldnt Waste the Oil.1 Diogenes stared anxiously at hla lantern. The wick feebly sputtered and wnen he shook tho vesel it gave forth no guig.nig sound. The oil res - not posess any great (quantity of ervoir was empty and the lantern land in the City of Washington not "AvA' place is this? he already- dedicated to soma public anxiously ut-and v, heu it requires a budding asked a gniny native. "This is Pittsburg. site or space for a park it has to go The searcher tor honest men looked into the public market and purchase relieved. Theres no use lighting up herp, it. It may be surmised that the Govhe said. "Ill wait until I gut oat ernment does not get very much the side. better of the bargain in such cas- COULDT HELP IT. (Br J. C. DENISON. OKLAHOMA.) Here Is a sure and simple way to keep a cow from sucking herself: Get a hollow perforated bit, put It In her mouth with a strtip of proper length to pass from one end of the bit behind the hortis or pole in front of the ears and fasten, it to the other end of the bit. If the bit cannot be procured, a piece of 'No. tl smooth wire, loosely twisted, wire doubled", will answer. The theory is this: The wind passing through the bit of wire keeps the cow from drawing any milk She can eat and drink water all right. Do not have the strap too tight, or the cows mouth will get soie, especially if wire is used. -- i difesati-faetio- pro-pero- Ives )t a", sp-v- t ,l n I t Oklahoma' Dairyman Ha6 Sure and Simple Method Animal Can Eat and Drink as Usual. rts hath sent, P M I Care of Skim Milk. to give as much attention to the care of the skim milk as to the cream or butter. If butter is made at home the same care should be given to the buttermilk. The skim milk and buttermilk nmv not be directly sold for money, yet when j"di elously fed to pigs, poultiy and calves they may represent neatly one-hai- l the dairy profits. fc H !t "She keeis her house in the most complete order." "Yes, but it has one drawback. What is that? "I have noticed that these model housewives wuo keep their homes in apple pie order are apt to be crusty. nev-- I 'L P.K( lU. hi ) J A Prud.sh Feraon. here a mis'crl comedy has a ,jo of gills ca'icil 'The FtuhaAay "I r O t'i pUi ! 1 ft rent in Ohio fiom someta.iu: what it limans in Kansas; that the brand of irnronoy in Oalfiornia is unlike that in Maine, docs not Aad the situation. insurgency help is not mciely a manifestation of n by the outs want It is more or to ou- -t the les a siyn of di.ssatiofactlon amona; Theie the people themselves. seems to be comethiny vvrony, but the political doctors aie at variance as to whether the disorder is functional or organic, and in consequence they don't know ju&t what kind of treatment should be admin istered. That t! e country is addoes not :i c mittedly the situation. The only positive prognostication whiih it seems safe to indulge in is that there are denn ite signs of trouble ahead with indications that there will lie retie-raeof old leadeis and a rising up "r yMkTLXs ijM j 1 Gog Together. nipnmw! a - ru-cv- the resi! t p cm 1 r,, f nr J L ir - !i . alirost ir i h i .'lull t () '( BREAKING ju Mfi fn siilv pressed, rmii-p.d- s i .nil - t ci n kers. ,p hs rl! i j vessel into another or nf V I rwn a ir-- n ncruitw Aim What's wrong with the babj Im ail out ot breath And, gee1 what a circus! I'm tired to death! LX. y its. Who broke that new mirror" And who smash, d the Ln My eyes' but you re d,rty Aou look like a tramp' rl pripnnM Picking Chickens. POLITIOaL Most markets inquire that pich'rq be done diy. Any one can hecc me u expert irt this manner of picking . .h IS DEMANDED a little study and experience Asroiu as the bitd has been killed and wh.,e I it is stii hluni'rg. tft leathers should ctie bt.ng taken not to the 'iliere is r.jwav- - on,P insd! den- ! net tear the Alt 1 ho ptckr in every ppity, I ;t t!.e oi-t- ! as hi d, ci; . , w it ti I ;! b"oaj o ty it ' t! b "O' o co 'l.( n and he fea'h-Oi- s ing uiuo'.t tlsl at" I I y t' o p aty eve so l! l o le cii'y of Iactcul-- i ic Lu -- 1,1 'v. Alt Iv.nlt v pe d'y (bire ty pricking Hiding is t is n.ore w .t'e sproa I and the kude in 'i,e lout ot ihe n ,utn. than li t-- i , , a noted in a iciiet a means tion. That insur;!!"nov D-- an do to w.fi tc. Rrd the U3 Jones geto Cmiths money Smiths v.ife gets her hat. prnfcAj t v N. L.) Ft pc- rubber, wlmi netr Ivcoms cu.ics w ltioit allow- - d VR rioinlv.luhciosesps.nallpii. pe VVehavehunuu is ofletters from satis- - k y been punptd W 'G mg that TtLidl - era if ' i K.. tht tku ure f Rl!". 1,, . , . -I tneirtire-haveo-l- i.e.lci-aoinersbt- f to 1 , entni , ... ,uttins. This . ..OviMilCpirp Jiinvm So per pan Allorde1 ss ip id -- aredTr lt;fer jofv. rtivn I. A 3 snip C O I) rulei of only 1 untl1 ey .1 a .a1 I ou: it 1 Hf y os rLnre ued. r Aal. ou do not mt of 5 per centa.c.. tiis-- o r aLxu" t.e ..c t xxiUallowa prpa " Vi tL !i lx c w n v.o Send I I LL CASH VVIltt r r- - mi-- 1 res-c- n V ex km : if f be rt t may cenduiff tis an order ns tne M a n e s-- 2 pe'acllx r sent d r lev r, on non exPiiiin factory sju f -1 H .1 1 ft: ru e v r w oit cr, z t.at t.ic of you order a " 1 r v. Icr i e.ar beter, last longer a id look fi it y : .viy n c n 4 cu c', I" jour c'cer, k'xw that ou will be so 'veilI 1 ' c ' l -1 to seud us a tr. onlcr at eviant ' ,1l I OM cr'nd for a c pai ot pi riem qr rj H n Punct r-i'-t na v ?lp u, 'JcbJZLc&U ft a loud l tI at j -nupp.i 1 x'cf t o m t 15,-wlucii CU iegue ( e snFci il introduc ,orv price quoted fdvoxc, bundiy oa dkndxiV rc " ci t f e , t $ ji Pr n'tsall wipv a- - nt pir n ra "vn ' j ut.rijtsa iq J 1 K:?r.q ' 1 n pvf.-'- j n tb '. x 2 inj -- , 4 Kornmr ie ew tud 1 4 1 r 'aCtr) ibicve ual pr |