Show the tim tiit has hai renette repeater aly caller I 1 attention of ifil city icv to the fact that a gratt anio amount of damage is being done b y the lio over flow of waver water from ditches the council thoi cognizance arld and instruct tl iad tha road hupci ividor tp take it a h old when such a fhlug daill g occurred but it appears that tho hii road supervisor i h hs is igno ignored tha C I 1 his i superiors superior i at least wo we of no h r bioni evon even about th the and the fact fac t of ille the matter is thi that lt aho ac wp alve affet in in cwill hafti fiade to fitly W for the tbt sloppy dicce of their parent you fathers who tt ho would kiek all ave be traces bout bout bonding sotir city city fir a water system or oi an all electric light ligh system fo be tile the property of ho city own ed bild arid by the cay tile tho property of your eh children ildred who livo i e after you yoki you who would sh shun an bonding you doat doo t want to leave jave your children un an indebted flea i to pay cpr ap you yop arc arb by your our lazy slouchy Y manner of dp ing 9 higgs leaving ali sin it indebtedness id toy your children to square up which avill wh b be dethom a de dead ild horse proposition you are breaking the law of tha skate sato waiting tha yater venter you yoli lie are compelled under the law to turn th the elvater vatar back into the w r aquel at af ter er you are thru with it wo would mould suggest to tile the eay council that tho thi ditches be examined rind when to bo be tile the 0 owner ho be forbidden foy bidden to turn the th e waiter W atef on hia hi lot qt dij auch ditch chat hayo toem rc parm and accepted ind and ftp ip proved hy by tile the council cout icil men who rho disregard dis tile the rights of 0 others would bp be nido to fool feel abo hitty hc anvy herid of the bank la at last the burning days of sum sulo mor mer anre nearing end and the kool ool of autumn fill I 1 ces to the lads and labios lass esthe the of tho the year when jays ii must mst he blid aida abid res nid akil per or ta of school life is i again embark cin bark ad upon tipon to some of our hoyi boys and girls this mcalis the brightest brighi test ale e lit m all lifes life shi liis tofy io wlm who i make a success of their school work aach day makee chonk better d for the battle of life which they boon enter there ii i no lio period in the lindof mi that hns has more to do di with ih illic future than jn in it ills his school life lio it the he part jilg inai of tile the bays vay it if his teachers te ahers arp are that they fe b p felicy will ahel alim to lo ellaie I 1 iliin PC hirni self MII ami alli ant we u sa say N of tho ll 11 hd boys i s chool life I 1 Is i applicable in tit ha RUI gir 1 I and gilis p clr yop yoji tire HI C iles cd in place YOV voir p pari mn in ts thru 4 your school tri civit corn com plaited one odthe of the inot beautiful anft co in bi teof ot arh much money spent and much s by the p people cal le of cocle re in ili preparation this I 1 i 11 1 anti 11 haerry your lwirt eiji aji ae deare ii nt 01 0 1 oct el in with a wi will I 1 to alio orl enu atrol let tand hiitt ep on yo tt aid kupce ce UP 11 to our tench ers re ic altia chrt the t who ho presume toj now hetter better th ln kii his s v whai adt should lind v wil hat at should not at io he done only displays is 16 e hafi alien oil monday fariday thorning corlies eo 0 to choal ait h 3 wilid mind ellade m ll 11 up M that 0 you volt ire aio gogg cewill to nin tile the race 4 and ti d never forget t it 3 pit havo 6 out for I 1 1 flors 3 have been cell follow ing the 11 ng of 0 f tle tho liter ii a tion al can congress ress pe s PI C r antista in wash ivash iri feton induce the board of ed i i 1 eption it to abs tita tc for rw taught in in public ablie the advantage ts of a liniger sal for the edcha exchange ago of ain amon ong th the e different nations Is generally recognized but in iii view lew of mail many fail failures to in introduce a 11 manufactured latigu language aFe i h esperanto will have to arp prove vc i ftp tp worth the seti aci piment went in NV ashing ton to be hiat like 1 rench and sp arp at present froseni more necess ary yian than tile tho nw rhew aspirant lor for favor and i it is not likely that esperanto will ill be added to the curri curriculum clum still there is much iri intres fe over the esperanto H s congress and without doubt a large number numbs of persons felt induced to take up tip the study of the new kind 0 of f talk ippie do not believe that the nc nearo ro is diakin making any will d dp 9 well lye qt to to take notice botic q of the the rational national codicil Mod icil association of negro nugio Physic imis which began its session in ill washing ton aup aug just A faw weeks previous to this the negro ak 9 held their colv convention antio in ill washington in ton from timo time to time other association lop t in ill the national capital capi tul the colored people aro are gradually coining coming le Ile educated ind alad they can call ile be found in ill many positions eions of in ill the all government sonvico sor vico the civil service commission recognized no calor lino line and negros aro are admitted to tile the examinations I 1 ami nations so that ali pe are arc frol fre ce certified arti fied for vacancies oc ciering c in the various bran branches clies of tit the a government ove rame nt F per r vice icon this thia results in vt retting honi off official iclal avilo av bould ulta not willi willingly llly no griesi in their offices s if I 1 they the knew kne tots III that at t they icy were doing so ho even 1 ven i inthe p the appointive offices olic cs lio wever no ne gerocs are arc recognized tile the regist r i 1 of the Trea tiry is a mogro r and both and fornier former president roosevelt recognized the right or of the colored people to he be represented on oil tile the government pay rolls in many cases it must be sail said tile colored people malco make em aloye tile the department of A 0 o has ficen boji deviling dev pling 1 a great leill deal of attention to cot cotton ton and cottonseed cotton see product prodie 0 and the alio department of commerce and labor has been seek lip with diligence for new m irav acts and kil a i bigger outlet for the he latter it hm aft i become vory very for tile the illo ill o of the oil or of tile cotton seed anic rii into chief of the of oc man P maj J L N cars carson 0 it who is about to n go abroad and study ways ind means 11 to extend UK ebin com merco of tile jt 4 reported recently J that them the I 1 world interest of the he uti oti libation lisa tion of oll oil seeds to fo tho the hish degree and tile tho nation of spenial r elair ing ilig thereto antar alivan ican commerce in such pro pio deats cotton wed oil is is growing ill iii est icem cell as a oil it ift R 1101 to 1 ii a considerable extent in olivo olive pro pio durin comi countries tries cipe e speciale when ol 01 ive ive crop is is short lit tH ei cs as in spain cotton ard oil ni 1111 ILY ay iy ba imported nn lek le K 1 bo clr jr it t lie dc bo that all there fe shall ic be no DO 1111 ger 61 b it its bein bains mixed with wi ill ollive olive oil lowering low crinK thier quality of tile the litter latter trance lilliput li luis lui liput s put it daiy fluty oil nn slightly more than I 1 C edt pcr ar pound patino on oil cotton set seed OU oil itell italy h lias hn N put plit t V duly or 85 S per 20 it 11 on vot cut ton seed oil and still it is col to some soine 1 extent austria has put auf oa oaid baity duty of is 12 1 1 per ur lb timit tta per tile the ion of coined tible coi cotton oil seed oil and alio ili abold taher isai ita ly hs reduced et tho duty on p atlon gc c aj air io t 40 amt ibs whick i if not prohibit i ill ih din avla C cotton seed oil is rep replacing peanut oil in the manufacture bof W the best grades of margarin Margar iii I 1 it t is berig tested also for sardine packing in C Bul bulgerin geria prohibits the tation of cotton sed oil unica it is but about libas annually are imported to servia Roun iania placed on oil cotton seed oll oil it a duty six tillie sas sis high as on oil olive oil there decuin i to bo be very general prejudice also against cotton agn se seed ed meal in europe but e efforts f are being made systematically to overcome it I 1 the shortage e of vegetable 0 o table oil ip ap cotton luct into greater and the demand for colton seed oil and cotton seed meal is bound to increase 0 steadily i the social county convention conventi on hold held in the court house hause mon sept ath nominated tile the following co k township ticket representative hoseph A knufman P toselo booe le county 4 year term terin leo cas S I 1 ty Grants grantsville ville V county coil commissioner missi oil er 2 year term geo 11 mallatt Ahll loit tooele treasurer miss lilly kaufman toselo sheriff albert IV 1 lee toselo clork jak jno S iusti tooele thoele recorder wm tooele thoele Atto attorney ricy A II 11 ey mercur surveyor I 1 otto T E parsons I 1 1 assessor johnf john F mal Mn mallott llott 10 toselo of 1 schools mrs lj s coile 1 I toselo ioele constable arthur tooele thoele of af plc alc pence isaac iab elking inga to romeio in tho the 1 evening janics james A smith sma h of aalt alt lake city addressed address cd 4 a meryi beryl I 1 interested audience niu Hence ence io the american express F cpr ess T ai composed 0 exclusively of ele tri C lifted lifto pullman and tourist sleep bleed ers and dining cars on im the following schedule I 1 westbound wes vest bound leave salt jaee city p m dail ayi 1 pue los angeles p m next da enat bound leave leavells Lea veLos los angeles D p m t due salt sal t lake lak e p m n next ext dai da i this gives three fast thru brals arni s between salt gait lake and lo los i angels s this will give patrons of the interi n tain region the very best of service dont send your job work to the luke lake we lve willil willment will meet leet lake prices P and gita rantee adlof our work I 1 ay any ono one desiring string to pitre linse a call 11 ll it tal alic c times office and leani how to st save ave liioi money e 0 on i one LOST A ladys emerald pearl pill in in ill tooele thoele probably abba bly beti between Veen dol corner COMM and the lie new townsite rown site tile will please report to miss rat katie le illespie Cilli il lispie wilp ni ill rowil rd for trouble I 1 |