Show wasted effort it Is said that a california poet was badly handled bandied by his bla wife because he neglected to support the family when they asked for bread he gave them a son bonnet and when they clamored tor for pie lie he came with a madrigal nevertheless it seem quite right for his wife to reach over and snatch tufts from his cranium cover and batter his shins abins with bench made ina do shoes and crack his slats slata with a broom handle that sort of treatment bring results A poet with a black eye and a twisted neck and a dented kneepan Is no more useful than a poet in perfect order what the lady should do would be to have her poet hubby pick up some side trade that would promise financial results as they did in indiana where you will find and the baker writes poetry and so do the hairdresser ani and the motorman and the bartender but there la Is no use attempting to club money out of a deet 1 1 I 1 |