Show 7 1 FROM SOLDIER TO ARTIST oneff ono of tile thy inhere biting figures in ill washington is J K X hallon A I 1 infill kanuho makes the beautiful trans paren cies which can call be secil atthe at the 1 capital in ill tile of tile I 1 of abric agric agriculture tile interior dept and ami the forest service an and d by ti the ic public generally at till all tile the big ig expositions especially where nic ni aie c illustrations of tilt tho government work these are a combi 1 nation photographic c w work ork and oi oil I 1 paintings they seeni t to 0 1 bo c ma made t by no ono one so ho perfectly as by 11 mr r hillers who lias has perfected perfect ad transparent oil dil pain paints is and lid a tr transparent varnish with which lie he treats the finished p picture deture the effect givon given by there is ij very fine and the demand has grown gi own so great lor for them that a large studio is now givens given over for their production hillers was a soldier in tile the civil war and lie took up tile the work ut tit which he fie lias has acquired his reputation by accidents accident and in ill a sense 1 under compulsion ile ho went to new york after tile the way war and was in tho the prospect t park paric police department the illness neis of a brother made anade it biece necessary to I 1 take lihn him to california and lie ho went there by steam ship arriving q in ill san F francisco ran cisco i in n 1870 ani and goi going n g to vis is it his brother richard hillers then in ill the grocery business but bui since eng engaged aged in fruit growing at atilt atwater merced county where ano another die y brother herman is als also ej engaged in raising fruit and chickens the brother whose illness made necessary the ilie california jurney journey got well I 1 I 1 and finally filially went to all alie southern cheval part of the state where lie he sub subsequently e died having accomplished ins his miss michion on hillers start started ed cast aud and sto stopping 1 off at salt lake city to sep th that pt t ampi marmon nion colony ile he read of maj mior 0 powells expedition down dic colorado river luver his imagination 0 was hied fired by tile prospect of 0 adventure ad venturo and lie made application to join the expedition bein being g a man mall of fine physique lie was accepted I 1 j I 1 but lie says 1 I 1 go 90 down ac canyon of the colorado again for foi the minic t of f the united states the first duason the expedit expedition in got na far as ai the crossing of cie fathers the boats were left and major powell wont went back to salt luko lake city tile photographs not proving ia to lie ho satisfactory major bowell told he would havo have I 1 to become tile OX 1 clidio Cli tio I 1 ill alioto oto grapher na pher but I 1 dont know arty any tiling thing about photography replied hillers nevertie Ne nevertheless less lie he w was ia obliged to tako take up tip the work and lie waa vas successful fron from the verv very first if ifo continued with the cap expedition L making 1 bigger 9 und and bigger photographs gra p lis the size of his pictures lias steadily grown ever since and last st year lie ninde made three for the seattle exposition which measured 40 by SO 80 inches his work is now wildly and people como come to him for it froni from all parts of tile the country |