Show forty forty Is the age at which a a man la is supposed dup supposed aup posed to b bo 6 in his prime forty Is old to a man of 30 and young to a man of 60 50 at 40 some men quit sowing wild oats and others begin forty Is an imaginary line between youth and old age some men are 40 at 20 and some at GO CO at 40 a man ts is supposed to have reached years 0 of discretion and generally be has unless some woman wills it otherwise there are men of 40 who believe it I 1 la unlucky for one to look over ones left shoulder at the new moon men alen have hame been grandfathers at ad 40 and yet found it hard to obtain credit when a man is 40 he begins to fear that he may have married too early forty la Is the ape age at which most men find it necessary to call for help when they try to put on their evening clothes ex |