Show STANDARD OF GOOD ROAD demand of present ase aire la Is fox that Is Sino smooth otho ilard hard and usable every day to in year dy by HOWARD it colosa CU lOSa OSS the roads of the central west have been so proverbially proverb lally bad for the last generation that the people have fixed a low standard for what they term a good road all of the earth roads are sometimes good and when in prime brinl condition as they now and then fire are nothing could be better but when the rain comes and the frost heaves they aro are about the possible those who have seen some of the better roads of new england and the high ways of europe will fix a much B r 6 standard tan dard the demand of the age ts Is for a road that Is smooth hard bard and usable every day in the year that the road condition shall in no manner interfere with the use of it this can only be brought about first firlit by pro proper p grading and a thorough drainage which la Is the most important feature of road building and next to cover it with a hard smooth wearing surface of long life economy in road building does not necessarily mean low first cost coat on the contrary this low first cost Is apt to make the road expensive to maintain it Is better to add 25 per cent or 60 50 per cent to the cost in the firs forsu instance and secure long life and 10 low maintenance in the central we it gravel crushed lime stone and w whre re available blast autna burnace ce a slag lag arg r the materials from which the malli malm part of the road should be pour four or five inches of will form a good fo un d a on f for or t ohp lp arh wearing surface this should uld b be a harder substance wa t Is known ar ap wisconsin granite I 1 latho the best beat material available in thy central west for wearing surface enormous quantities of I 1 it are paun uril 1 throughout th central portion alo of the badger state three inc Inches es yf of this material spread upon a bi way thoroughly compacted an amy bonded with some anixt maitre re such as the a phallic asphalt lp rid of texas petrol petroleum eurn some 1 pro products duts ts of coal tar or best of all gran asphalt lr rock will give a surface su ace of excellent texture dustless dust leas a ayd d with wearing qualities at least wice twice that or of lime stone and two or three times lint of ordinary gravel upon tha roads that have hale the heavy traffic le it la Is better to use materials of this nature for the w paring wearing surface with roads roada of leis leas traffic gravel or lime stone will serve the purpose ad mir ably tho the people having in charge the road administration ought to realize that the most expensive way to build a road to la by the annual tax levy building the road little by little the burden la Is heavy the construction expensive and the results not satisfactory good stone or gravel roads aro are a permanent improvement they last for generations with a moderate mode ate amount of attention and the cost ot of them ought to be spread over a series of years yeara not less than twenty and let those that come after us help bear ill the e burden of road construction it this plan were adopted supplemented by state slate aid whereby all taxable PT property op of f the state would bo be subject to a t tax a X t to pay one half of tho the expense 0 ot t building and maintaining the hig highways h and road supervision were made i anty instead of a township mat ter W A that the roads could have skilled skille 1 supervision in building and maint mance and all road taxes paid pah in ca cash 4 b there would be tin nn immense saving paving to the taxpayer and bettey bette roads for every one to use li PROPER ROPER TIME TO CUT WHEAT 7 I 1 cleft C left to stand until ceoux ihlo I 1 much fuch I of it will do DC shut A U la Is also aloo important my ily AV 1 U I 1 have found it best to cut wheat olt when it Is s ag a golden yeow yellow if it Is aut green it is very liable to spoil if ia a rainy season sets in on en the shocks fall down especially it if this true if the bundles are large if it la Is left to stand until it Is dead ripe much of it w will ill be shattered at cutting time the falling of the heads on oil ane canvas anti and the kicking of the bundles to the ground by tho the machine ani and the hand ling of them in shocking will shatter much of the grain this Is a acin loss the shocking of the wheat Is very important unless it Is threshed in a very short time the shocks must be well wel put together if they stand tile the wind and rain of summer months it Is a good idea to follow a system in building shocks E ery one ought to be about the same size and built after a good substantial plan the following has proved itself to be a I 1 very successful way of putting te together gether to stand the storms of silim hinn mer iner place three pair of bundles in a ro row w and set act a bundle at each end the bundles in the pair should be set act out at the butts butta to give a good slant when set together it la Is well to see that tin ill heads of the two outside pair slant ivell all to the heads of the center pair the end bundles should also slant giant sufficiently now place three bundles to each ulde aide and put on a couple of caps the shock should be set with will the end to the t he direction from whence most moat storms blow |