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Show jl'ic-.en- THE TOOELE TIMES. t inhuman WILLIAM You system. S. MARKS, t IS jmiaht have raised your voice in pro Attorney at Law. jtest against starvation wages, a County Attorney. Tooele City, Utah, Published at the Home of Utahs Greatest Smelter gainst child slavery, against sweat shops, against the white slave trafand Smelting: Industry. L. L. BAKER, fic, again-- t the kidnapping of work the of jingmen, the against robbing Attorney at Law. Entered as stco iyua a: the poit office ut Tooele. rtub, uiuht the iratttr Aujnit fanners by the railroads, against the Conveyancing, Fire Insurance and Act of Man h 3, J'ubhbed every Saturday. suppression of free speech, and finKATES OF SUBSCRIPTION': Fidelity uonrts. the whole damnable ally against Ome Year Thro Moritii) Vowles & Evans Bldj., Tooele City. Sxx Moutbs. smpU Copies sent free on reijucmt system of wage slavery. Advertising: rates made known on ui plication Have you uttered a word in proof any of those evils? Perhaps test Chas. T. STONE Y, Editor and Proprieto Dr. L. A. McErids i you have, but for every incident in the whole bloody history of capital- I DENTIST reply to our open letter you make ism that you have condemned, we ADDITIONAL LOCALS BUIL0IK3 OFFICE j .) just one vital statement. Wherewill a dozen cite that you you have fore t he above quotation comes to ITooele UtahJ our several minds. That statement ignored. You have been asleep, feet with in the mire; conse your, Cashier Iii rgs of the Commercial is, that you did not previously say r when touched the wire you quently a word about the socialists. Well, Bank went to the hake Tuesday. is that with the energy of pulsating well. You should be proud of that The entertainment given Sunday an awakening working class, you journalistic handspring. With the shock. a evening in honor of the Missionar- socialists got starting the fight in Salt ies, was a perfect social and fWhat have you done for the with the daily papers giving Lake, inancial success bringing the Mission Toools News St ere. full account of the trouble between working men and women of Tooele? ariera iittle more than $1 i().00. them and the Have yon tried to get them a betpolice, and in the (tews, Confectionery, Sinfio.nery The people of Tooele surely respond face of ter water system, greater fire prothe fact that the proposed ed to the needs of their missionarmore and better lights in EVERYTHING FSESH STRICTLY UP TODATE suppression of socialist meetings tection, their homes? Have raised a you was common talk on the street, you AG ENTS FO R g R'ibekahaAtkins' and' (!eo have the colossal nerve to say We voice in their behalf when they are Singer Sawing Kachines left for their fields of labor didnt say a word about the social- being unjustly burdened to pay for Tootle County. sidewalks? Did public you to We ists. support have no energy to waste ist Sunday, expecting, however, TOCELE POST CARD EMPORIUM them when they asked for a little spend a few days in Salt Lake City in a quarrel over words; but we harmless play on Sunday? Have lefer Clegg 7. ill leave next week. want to tell you this: When you PICKLE BROS. We wish to say to them or their to street meetings which the you ever had a message for them South Main SI. Tooele, Utah. friends at hi r. if they desire the police proposed to stop, you could that labor and are heavy laden? From in record this your regard, he will have it other the our none meant than Times, only pleasure to send it to them, if they will send socialist meetings, since they were one might suspect that you have the ones the police were after, and forgotten the lowly Carpenter of their address. CEO. R. DAVIS, Galilee. If you dont intend to do Mr Irvine, of the Improvement it was so stated in the daily press. for the class, working Y'ou commented you on the proposed anything Co came In from Montana a few had better stand from under. With of socialist meetings, Crown in Gold and Bridge Work days ago, and went to the Lake Fai suppression, called them by other the certainty of Fate the Revolu- Specialist only you few be when to he a days, day gone tion is You coming. may hear the North Main St. Tooele. Utah. will return to Poodle and remain ndmes. After the dust raised by of outer walls in the the crashing your editorial gymnastics has clearfor some time. Mr Irvine is ed away, that fact stands out like a eastern fall elections. in regard to the prospects of SOCIALISTS OF TOO ML 1; rock. Bead over your reply again Tooele, so much so that he says he and see if it doesnt sound weak. Tfis TgqsIs Gpara House is ready to invest in more Tooele To us it appears as the defense of a The American Express c. e. green, Manager Improvement Co property. man who has made a bad and -- -- j 00. eeiilERCIAL FGOtLE LJs, r - IN BANK j AND i Liiul-bur- 1 f TV 'v& 'V v vv Li T v-' qA '"V Y,y ; p ;oL- r ' iv- -- DENTIST' opto-mist- " LINCOLN NOTES- P. McBride & wife and Johnson & wife and children were visitors here last Wednos Chas. Geo. day. J. E. Brown Point A. .1. Shields. slip means of eshis words. In your first editorial you alluded to certain, well known facts; when called to account you plead that you didnt mention anys names. Such a course is unworthy of honest editorship; neither is it deserving of any considerable attention from earnest men. You made the issue you should have met it square toed. You ought also to he proud of your repeated suggestion that it took all the socialists of Tooele to write the open letter. A profound argument that. It is about on a par with your half promise to give us some more free advertising. Here is a worldwide organization, .;) millions strong, with scores of members in the congresses of the wovid, with many hundreds of newspapers in all languages, and countless shakers of various nationalities; on organization that is making tremble and forcing corrupt of ficials to flee from their native land or; behold this international institution coming to the Transcript to who seeks the easiest cape to dodge-behin- mon-arc- hs The Hawaiian Otoe Club gave a concert and dance in the school house Wed. night both were well attended and everybody seemed to get free advertising! Expressing the wish that you enjoy themselves. had fought back in a standing at t i Nora Wanless returned to th e we close the incident as far as Lake Sat. after a few days visit tude, wc are concerned. with friends here. it Mrs Oliver Sagers are here spending their honey-mooThey wanted to got away from the stir and bustle of the city and thot this was the veiy quietest place they Mr n. knew of. Seems as fho fall had set in already as the weather is much cooler now than it has been. Distort Si .100 will open hete on the ltith with t) grades instead of S the teachers engaged this year are Holier C. Kimbal Principal Mornaret Cameron and Grace Harris. The true philosopher is ho who says nothing, hut in as many words In r.carlv a eohimn as possible. Upsids Down. am shocked to learn that some of my ancestors wore wooden shoes," sm-the ilded youtu. "And 1 am shocked, replied Lis "to see some of their de scendants reversing the order by being block heads." , 1 ; . :?-- ; ; . 1. y- - . ' ie The Tooele Primary Association will give a free childrens dance in the Opera House Sept 12th at 1 p. m. Also a bazaar on the lawn where booths representing the tdavs of tlve. week will be filled with fancy work, dreesses. Aprons, fruits, candies, lemonade and games. The day will close with a grand ball in the evening. Tickets 50c. Come one and all, young and old, and help the Primary along. .Mrs. Brigham Davis Mrs. Gri flits it baby Mrs Frank and Dewy Davis all of Lake spent Thursday with Mrs. As V;'-- Composed exclusively of electric lightStsndard and Tourist sleep ers, and dining cars, on the following schedule: Oil ed Pullman West-Boun- d il!3 Irdor-Mouitla- ln Theatrical Circuit Tooele East Side Livery ' Dances Every Friday Evening Leave Salt Laee City 3:00 p m tfyily Due Los Angeles 2:30 p m (nextjaj) East-Boun- d Leave Los Angeles 2:30 p m Due Salt Lake 3:30 p m (next r.Iavimg day) thru trains This gives three fast between Salt Lake and Los Angeles This will give patrons of the intemoan tain region the very best of service. I)ont send your job work to the Lake. We will meet Lake prices, and guarantee all of our work. Any one desiring to purchase a bicycle call at tire Times office, and learn how to save money on one. Figures with and Feed stable Illustrated Songs Whitehouse & Harris, Proprietors Every Right Except Sunday and Gance Rights First Performance .from 7:30 to q; second performance from 9 to 1030 Admission 10 Cents Rii?s of All Kinds Saddle Horses to suit the rider Express and Baggage a specialty Phone No. 83 A LOST: ladys emerald pearl in Tooele, probably between pin, Dorenruses corner and the New Townsite. The finder will please report to Miss Katie Gillispie who will reward for trouble. GJ v? i c t? THE HEAD M f OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF UTAH J Schools $860,000 Equipment J it i . - f LaKe Utah - j Salt H w City,- " COLONIST PATHS To San Francisco, San Jose, Frcs no, Los Angles, San Diego, Impef ial, and other California points, oil sale daily August 2oth to September 9th inclusive from all Utah The School of Aman4 Stations on the Salt Lake Route. See local Agent for tickets or furSciences, the State NorUnsatisfactory to us as your ther information, or address J. II. mal School, or the School of Ivlucation, the course has been, still the contro-vets- y Manderfield, State School of Mines, and a School of Medicine was not without its redeem- A. G. U. A., Salt Lake Citv. embraced by the University of Utah. in are time For the first ing feature. In the Third Judicial District a long period of editorship you stirIncluding red yourself. For once you touch- Court, County cf Tooele, State Dethe ed a living subject. True, you of Utah, -S- UMMONS. partment of Law which is part of the School of merely skimmed along the surface Arts and Sciences. atfirming no principle, denying no Copper Jack Mining Co. a Corporation. for the proposition; yet you were Plaintiil. Many of them vs. moment lifted above the dead level graduates of of the trivial and commonplace by W. II. Simmons of the Universities this greatest country and EuDefendant the accidental contact with a live The State of Utah to the said rope. wire. It was the high voltage trails Defendants mission live of revolution" that you You are hereby summoned to appear Including the Sum within after of and the touched, same the service twenty days you got nier of 1910. With & shock that others have received this summons upon you, if served withof the Training School, more than the children in which this action is whose feet were planted in soggy in the county within otherwise, 2,200 young people received instructionin the brought; thirty days ground. The next time you take after service, and defend the above 1 University buildings last year! hold of some harmless looking thing entitled action; and in case of your failjnot knowing what it is, you should ure to do so judgement will be rendered be earefull where you are standing against you according to the demand which has been fded Now if von as an editor had kept a cf the complaint Embraces 10 brick and stone buildings, 92 acres with the clerk of the said court, and bln'M of the times, if you had been same is to remove a cloud from the of grounds, and other University property. a indent of events, reading the title of the Dutchman Lode pages of history as they are being Mining Claim in Erickson Mining Dis& I it. 4 written, you would not have boon trict, Tooele County, State of Utah, B. N. Stott. standing where you might get a I mm; .Vs Atu-rcjI I . shock. Suppose you FD. Address Box G. Citv Eureka c ti.e social comm. mis oi t.. ix.nwzy utah and apprehended the evils of tlm Date of first publication. Aug. 20th. ' . TOOELE, UTAH - $150,000 Laboratory Equip Most of 4 h L the apparatus, machinery, and of the very tools, etc., are new and best! 7 , looks after S Co-Education- III aClT Hie Dean' of Yomen tlie welfare of the young women students. departments. Strange, is it Not? of us go away to school when stud enm come from the East and the West, the North as. I the Couth and the far countries of the earth to at ten I the Univer.-it- y of m' Utah. Particulars loth, and 17th. Registration fee LUO, after the lGh, $12.00 Tiegular work begi: September 17th. Inquire of local agents fot railroa I rates Catalog, Picture Bulletin, and complete infor- in at ion sent free upon request. UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, Salt LaKe -- - ity Uiah t (J , |