Show HAND MILK tesa TESTING ING OUTFIT Us usually bally accompany equip 1 mentse ment so that little trouble lamet lw in making testa the tha outfit shown in the illustration id sold complete complo td directions itsu usually ally accompany them so that no na trouble will le experienced irl in making eatn factory tory the alie ota of a machine in which bottled tiro are ata at a high speed the bottles anre grad so tile the percentage or fatman fat can lie ho toad read ors on the neck of the bottle writes 0 it II arcori in missouri valloy farm fann or there Is also a pipette it ID which wilk can accurately ba bo measured and a glass in which an equal quantity of ac d used in testing can ve bo poured the important thing in ma jeng the tent Is to secure a fair sample of the milk nilla or cream this may bb lone dona by pouting tile tho milk from one 0 A na berting outfit assel 3 sol into another or by stirring it dt thoroughly bly when tho thet sample of all milk k or cream has boon been prepared for testing and placed la in the testing bottle 11 e this bottle Is put tit lu tile the tester and whirled albur or five anve minutes later a second rotation of about one minute Is 14 given and th the of talo may then be ba talkea edke k |