Show NEWS DEWS OF AKIN A WE K N CONDENSED FO HM THE IMPORTANT NT EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST MANNER POSSIBLE happenings that are making history information gathered from all quarters of the globe and given in a few lines intermountain INTER MOUNTAIN tho the population of 0 denver deliver Is an increase of or 51 S 13 1 l per con cent as compared with in ili 1900 there was a severe frost at logan utah on august 25 which materially damaged the lucern seed crop and turned all the tender vebe vegetables tables black it Is very unusual to have a frost in ili that section in august samuel A hall it butte banker has made an assignment while the liabilities bili ties will undoubtedly amount to the assets are an all unknown quantity and it Is expected that they will be very small A reward of Is offered by the war department tor for the capture of robbers who carried oft off a safe and from camp E S otis oils wyoming on the night of 0 august 9 republicans of sheridan county wyoming have split into two factions both factions electing delegates to the state convention at rawlins on sep 15 and placing separate county tickets in the held field young erlenborn of denver knocked out eddie lennon of san francisco in the tenth round of a scheduled twenty round bout before the cheyenne athletic club for the featherweight championship pion plon ship of the west DOMESTIC the population of michigan r stale Is an increase of or per cent as compared with in 1900 albert froelich Fro ellch and his 16 year old daughter were killed hilled when automobile was struck by a passenger train on a grade crossing at paterson N J at a neighborhood well in lincolton N C where his mother and five other women had gathered to draw water theodore gilbert live five years old was waa instantly killed and the women more or dr less seriously hurt by a bolt of lightning fifteen thousand employees kot tot the cotton manufacturing company at manchester N if have been l rown out of employment by the cli closing Ds down of the plant it Is announced that the era strike in new york city has been settled bottled and the strikers are expected to return to work at onoe both sides claim a victory because george G E weasel cashier for a dry goods firm in new york city would not take a vacation when it was offered him by his employers recently he Is under arrest charged with stealing of the com banys money ills employers became suspicious when he refused to take hla his vacation mounted policeman heal deal shot and killed charles dark clark a saloonkeeper at mogollon magollon Mc gollon N M when the latter resisted arrest dark clark was wanted in connection with the recent robbery of the silver city mogollon stage I 1 in u which the driver was killed by the bandits testimony was given before the congress congressional Jonal investigating committee at okla that each cacti of the 2300 osage Ind was worth 2000 which on a per capita basis makes them the richest ilchert people in the world cletus Wll laman was found guilty at canton 0 of murder in ili the first llast degree for killing mr and mrs warren E koons mrs parents the verdict carries cairies tile the death sentence mr and mrs koons wore were killed last april and their 9 year old ola son bolt was the only bitne ss BS to the trag edy the residence of judge james ri plummer of carlisle ky was dynamited and badly damaged judge plummer was hurled front his bed and bruised but his injuries are not serl seil ous numbers ol of so called Itus russian sian sturgeon the hah fish that have been the source of millions of dollars of revenue to russian fishermen on oil account of roe which provide the worlds markets with caviar are now flow in ili the mex ale lean gulf according to reports rec received iv by the gamo game and fish commission of louisiana alice griffin the ki 16 year cearold old girl member of the holy holler band ot or religious fanatics who voluntarily starved themselves recently is dead at los angeles from the effects of her long period of oc rusting fasting the now new york board of 0 health Is investigating what are aie to be the first cases in the united states of gangrenous egotism a corrosive disease frequently found in tho the orient resulting irom from eating bread made aroln roin spoiled rye lyo the year book of 0 the north american cari young mens diens christian Christ lm ass association ocla now being issued shows 2017 associations an In increase creasa of dur leg acs the year of these 68 report mem members beri more than of which are boyt boy in their teens and are la in occupations the roosevelt commander robert ea E peares ship ot of discovery narrowly escaped serious injury from lire fire at her berth in weehawken Wee hawken N 3 the steamer was moored near the piers pier s of the union dry dock company which were swept by flames with a loss ot of about william moody aged 12 ar arrested agreste reste at nelson neb charged wilh robbing the malls broke down and confessed after which he took the officer to a cave where ho he had secreted nearly a bushel of letters tn in cash and several hundred dollars in drafts E engineer john C pope running on a georgia northern railroad freight train and four negro laborers laborera on a log train were killed hilled in a headon head hend on ou col itson ilson at peach city oa ga before the years outing season Is over nearly half it a million persons will have sought recreation und and health in the national nation it I 1 forests of oc the united states according to the record of 0 the united states department of agriculture the total last lask year was in closed figures I 1 washington an examination of the returns ot of tile the census show that the natural inere ie of tile the native burn american Is falling off to an alarming extent and another decade at this rate will put us its in the class with france whose decreasing population has been the burning question with the government there tile the story published at watertown N Y und find elsewhere that vice pres ident sherman anian would upon the expiration pi ration of his term retire from polities politics Is declared to bo be without authority tho rity gifford pinchot or of the national conservation association and former forma head or of the government forest service holds that the loss losa or of property and life in the recent and present forest fires was unnecessary being traceable to the to deal with ti situation and scores of members ot of congress con who opposed appropriations for proper equipment tile the census returns show that the rural population Is positively decreasing and that the cities are ara absorbing the iho greater portion of tile the newcomers estimating the cost of the expert ment at about the war department part ment officials declined requests to order a bombardment of the skies by all its guns on puget sound and at the mouth of tile the columbia river in an effort to bring on rain in the tha burn ing forest district of tho the north northwest wes t I 1 FOREIGN there are American Ame itcan 5 in en ell rope who must be brought back to MOW york within the next two months news comes front from across the atlantic to edinburgh that arrange m e are being made by moro more than 2 0 scots mostly from the united stat t ti t to charter two allan line steamers 0 glasgow in connection with a 13 k tu to scotland movement next year the aeroplane aero plano industry has de dev I 1 aped in france with as much rapid J ty as did the manufacture of 0 automobiles in the infancy of the land machine and now there are in france a number of well equipped aeroplane factories gurnig out machines to their full capacity instead of a peace monument as first proposed americans in mexico will erect a joint memorial to george washington and miguel hidalgo dalgo I 1 costello fathers of independence of the two countries as their contri button to the centennial celebration planned to bo be held in mexico city general emillano chamorro one of presidents Est estradas molas chief lieutenants and advisers will relieve jose dolores estrada as acting president of nicaragua and occupy the office until general estrada arrives at the capital prepared to take up the reins of government so great has been the destruction wrought upon tie the beautiful lyre bird of queensland that the state has protected the bird till the middle ol of 1915 A 25 penalty is attached to its capture or injury or taking its eggs the young turk committee at salo sale nika entertains the idea of distributing among the servian and bulgarian Dul garlan villages in ill macedonia settlers from albania as the bosnian Alos moslems lems have prove proved unable to resist the chr christian IS t I 1 an bands formed last time dr clawley 13 11 crippen the american dentist and his typist miss aliss ethel claire leneve have been retura ed j irom hum canada where they were ampre bended by the pollee police on suspicion of being connected with th the e disappearance ance of dr aril pens netress wife afe belle elmore r j Por fessor kohlrausch of zurich who has been analyzing the curative waters in switzerland for several years declares that lie he found at near the town of 0 zo Zoll langen ngen about mid way between nale hale and lucerne an old id homan spring whose waters water are aio impregnated with radium herman de ae lagercrantz tile tho representative 3 senta tive of sweden at washington since 1907 hns has resigned according to an announcement made in ill stockholm to look after his laffaira in sweden where ho he has large inter ests the Is general in noren korea that I 1 the united states will be drawn ined war with japan within the next anve years according to dr di S 11 IL Hin almin fill formerly an of tile the korean delegation at washington anti and now the representative la country of korean reports to the sanitary bureau at st petersburg russia Russ lii for the week veel august 14 to 20 inclusive give cases and 7 TO deaths from cholera as cum compared pared with 23 1 cases aal deaths for the previous week making a grand total of cases and deaths for this years egide c I 1 i f |