Show THE FLY TO PREVENT TYPHOID FEVER with the season that is passing these comes to a temporary conclusion the most vigorous concentrated concentrate d dot determined e amin warfare ever waged against the house fly more appropriately and correctly known of if lato late as the typhoid fly it seems that if anything n g definite about this pest has been discovered t is that the fly spreads contagion and especially the typhoid fever germ in albany the authorities come to this cones ion ion and in washington where there lias has been an outbreak of typhoid the doctors in general sla share this tin s opinion by systematic work carried on by I 1 medical men and others inte interested rusted in the general welfare the paulie has been systematically advised of the dangerous character of the fly and ba has been has bas been explained and the hb necessity C e salty shown of destroying its breeding places the season is not yet ended but it is not too soon to consider the matter in which the fight against the fly is to be c carried on next year medical science in these days is concern ed even more with the problem of pre venting disease than it is with curing it the brightest minds m n the profess ion are arc on I 1 agai in beckin seeking I 1 out and localizing the ihu gernis of lifie rent dis and then in learning learnine lear learn int 1 now to destroy allo those c anns it t lias been found that is practicable in combating other othe r diseases s than small pox pm and there is constant advancement however the efforts of medical science tire are lofald by the indifference of uie the public and until lately this seems to be tile the case wit th the 0 common ly div N now ow how ever dver the public is a awake wae and it lias has been making a splendid fight eslit 11 in a few years with continued well ivell directed effort tho disease carrying carry ing fly may become a positive barit rarity y |