Show ta gi 1 dont care what nihat the man professes how does he be live there is a volume olsime in m the question profession is nothing men alen should be measured by their actions deeds are more eloquent than words 1 I feel five fi e dollars for the man how much do the rest feel was the practically expressed sympathy of the kind hind hearted frenchman n when hen a neighbor was in m trouble the test how much we feel when we talk words cos cost nothing and furnish the warp and woof of ome most glorious friendship such buch friendships are like some mens libraries beautiful in in guilt and to be admired but not for use ue 90 the mime midie rifle has avo proven en terribly destructive e in in the late fights with the indians in m oregon and tex texas as our soldiers can fire a at the indians at such a distance as to be entirely safe unless the indians learn the use of the mime rifle they will ivill be exterminated by it col wright says sa s in m a late letter to the secretary of war giving an account of a I 1 recent enragement engagement with nith the oregon indians the men fired at the gallant red rascals as they would at targets and the movements durin during the ac action tion were as orderly as on a field day the enemy has lost courage but he may change his tactics SST AZ perhaps the neatest sort of epitaph that is made by benjamin franklin upon himself the body 0 B r franklin kil printer ake the cover of 0 an old took book its contents torn out and stripped ol of its lettering and gliding lies b here ere food lor for worms but the work shall not be wholly lost for it will as he believed appear once mo more re in a new and more mon perfect edition corrected and amended by the author ne he was waa born jan 6 1706 i died april 17 1790 ta EA crust of broad bread a pitcher of water a thatched roof and loye love there is happiness for you whether the day be rainy or shiny it is the heart that makes the home whether the eye rests on a potato patch or a flower flower garden heart makes home precious and it is the only thing that can E A fellow was brought to king james I 1 and it was said lie he could eat a whole sheep at a meal what else can he do asked the king 99 more than ot other hermen men nothing was as there the reply 11 hang him then said james for lis a pity a man should live who eats eata the share of twenty men and can do no more than one married on thursday last by rev B hyde mr james T wallach to mrs mary alary dav davy y shreveport journal this looks like a union union of Walla chian and moll davian principalities louisville journal JT asing A single le hour in m the day given to the study of some interesting subject brings unexpected abc acc accumulation umu lation of oi knowledge |