Show V U S TROOPS iq IN california A correspondent of the UMON writing from new san diego I 1 december gives gi es the following account of the present g disposition of troops in in the department of california some recent changes having taken place company A sixth infantry capt flint and harrison II arnson company n D sixth infantry infanta tr bat maj johnson and liedts carlin and dillon instead of pro afe I 1 n to southern california were assigned to duty at benicia barracks and sub subsequently e bently company D was ordered to ROM round valley bat col Haf hoelman finan and company E sixth sith infantry liedts clarko and J A smith landed a few days da s since at san pedro ere en route to the mohave moha e country companies C J and infantry will follow col hodman soon the officers with those companies are capt garnett and liedts marshall mccleary Al mclemore cLemore and bryant brant the mr bethel accompanies col Hof hoffmans finans command company G sixth infantry reached this place on the ath of december officers present capt ketchum boots and dr Al ilhan on the of december tipton and 26 recruits landed at this place the recruits remain but T will vill proceed to fort yuma elliot arrived at the same time for the purpose of fixing a tide gauge at the playa and as soon as he com completes his business he will eave for fort point |