Show th the e soldiers pension bill the following is is the bill granting pen pensions soRs to soldiers in in the late war with great britain ai and to other parties therein mentioned which has passed the house of representatives by a majority of 53 votes SECTION 1 griat each of 0 the surviving officers noncommissioned commissioned non officers m musicians s 1 ela ns and privates privates wh etui shall have served ed in i n th the e eglip regular ar army state troops volunteers or militia for a term of six days or more or who have been engaged in actual battle with the enemy in in the ar declared by the united states against rest reat britain on the of june 1812 be authorized to receive a pension sion from the united states to commence from the first day of the present congress and to continue during curing his natural life SEC 2 and be it further enacted that each of the officers noncommissioned commissioned non officers musicians musicians and privates who mho have served in the regular army state troops volunteers or militia of 0 any state or territory for the space of six six days or more against any of the indian tribes during or proceeding the war of 1812 with great britain or who were engaged I 1 in any battle fought by the united ff states tates aigist a against wib an any indian tribe during the abores aforesaid war with great britain shall be entitled to all the benefits or of una this act SEC 3 and be it further enacted that li if anhof any of the officers commissioned noncommissioned non officers musicians musi clans or privates have died or shall hereafter die d I 1 ie leaving a widow such widow shall be entitled to receive the same pension to which A aich her husband would have been entitled under this act forand for and during her natural life SEC 4 and be it further enacted that the pay allowed by this act shall under the direction of the secretary 0 of the interior be paid to such officer noncommissioned commissioned non 0 officer afi musician private or his widow or t their heir authorized attorneys at such times or 9 places laces as the secretary of the interior may direct i rt and that no officer commissioned noncommissioned non nort officer musician private 1 or his widow shall receive the sai same e until lie he furnish the said secretary ot of the interior with satisfactory evidence that he is entitled to the same in a accordance c cor dance with the provisions of this ac act t and a nd that the pay hereby allowed shall not be in any anyway way transferable or liable to attachments levy or sie zure ure by any legal process whatever but shall go unencumbered to the possession Eos possession session of the offic officer erx musician private or his is widow SEC 5 and be it further enacted that the officers noncommissioned commissioned non officers and marines who served for the time of sixty days in the naval service or engaged in battle with the enemy during the war with great britain aforesaid and their widows shall be entitled to the benefits of this act I 1 in n the same manner as is provided for the officers and soldiers of the army of the war of 1812 SEC 6 and be it further enacted that the pension provided by this act shall in in no case exceed the f ull full amount of ninety six do dollars ars per r year ear and shall be graduated according accordi it ato to ahe e length of sen service ice as follow a for twelve I 1 months service or morty wi ninety six dollars tor for six six months service but less than twelve months seventy five dollars for sixty days service but less than six months fifty dollars provided that the survivor or surviving widow ot of an officer noncommissioned commissioned non officer musician or private who participated participated in actual battle in said war sha shall I 1 be entitled to the maximum pension given by this act |