Show why Doin douglas glas was removed broderick the idle rumors rumor out of which th the e opposition are seeking to make capital that the president insisted upon the removal of dou douglas from the committee on territories is 13 thus put to rest by the well informed and re liable washington correspondent of 0 the cincinnati enquirer the telegraph reverted reported ted that president buchanan insisted on oil reEr douglas glas being bem removed fro from ill the head of the committee on territories this is not so ao ills his two particular frienda in the senate bigler of 0 pennsyl vanla vania and thompson ot of new jersey voted against a change and they are a pretty cor car index to the presidents President 3 feelings tha truth is the motive for the change was an understanding here that mr douglas will not be here to takis take his seat before the first or in middle 1 addle of it february F e b ru 11 had he been in washington at the opening of the session ready to attend to the I 1 import ant and pressing duties of the committee of oe which be was chairman he would not have been removed that the presidents particular friends voted against a change yi Is ii sufficient evidence that the P president r desired him to be retained at the head of the committee in 1 t t ee the same game correspondent thus alluded to the brave young senator who presents the people of california senator broderick is regarded here as h having avin aus fafone one over to the republicans bad body soul aud breeches lie is a man of great energy of character but not with a corresponding amount of brains lie ile hates buchanan with a spaniards hate and takes every opportunity to showie show it We were reheno he now before the people of california he would be badly defeated the people of california on three several occasions rep repudiated ed him an and his followers with the gre greatest ate at u T in n mity had he ever come directly before them he would have been shamefully defeated men who voted to place him m where here he is la disregarded the wishes of their constituents violated their instructions deliberately broke their solemn promises and insulted and brought disgrace upon the democratic party by their choice some of them were afraid to I 1 eburn to their constituents so odious had they rendered themselves for voting for the man the democracy had rebuked even last year when he fused with the republicans and dexterously used the popular name of douglas he ha was nas completely routed almost annihilated A few of 0 his friends were elected to the legislature gis gi slature latureo and they under false falip colors had they dared confess they were broderick Bro denck men bot one of them would been elected to save themselves they were forced to repudiate their master and they did it without shame or reluctance but only to deceive not one of his binions n inions dare express an opinion without first getting ins his permission sion that lie he has gone one over ody body and soul to the republicans lie laicans do does es not surprise anyone any one acquainted with i h his I 1 political history he always VI sympathized sympathised and worked with the them secretly and ile he and his is friends and anchia his organs took decided ground grounds a a against ga I 1 n 8 t D douglas 0 I 1 ia a and the kansas nebraska bill ill on its first at introduction the democratic party has lost nothing by lis bis apostasy apo stacy democrat |