Show A short time sine since e a wagon belonging to IL 11 kimball esq loaded with merchandise i and consigned to different fl firing in i it I 1 the camp was stopped a short dista distance n ce this side of that locality by three or four men it who ho boarded the wagon with knives in their hands and attempted to lansac ransack k it the driver v as fortunately armed with a rev revolver ol 01 upon presentation of which vi aich the ruffians fled we would advise all teamsters between t this and the camp to go armed as thi this s is is not the first instance of that has come to our ears we annex below t the he fol following lowin extract from a sermon s e i ed by ignant young and published in the deseret news it iri hii 1 be seen that he gives not the gentiles alone but the saints particular jessie and we should judge from its temper that the morals of this people at that time were not so immaculate as they have subsequently claimed we give it as a literary 8 specimen pee linen of prophetic thunder from the mormon vatican I 1 have been preached to pleaded with and written to to be careful how I 1 speak about mens faults more so than ever joseph smith was in his life time every week or two I 1 receive a letter of instruction warning me to be careful of this or that mans character did you ever have the spirit of the lord so that you have felt full of joy and like jumping up and shouting hallelujah I 1 feel in that way when such epistles come to me I 1 feel like saying 1 I ask no odds of you nor of f all your clan this side of hell bell jou 1 have ase wise brethren around me who mho will sometimes say dont so BO and so be very careful now do be cautious and I 1 have been written to from the east I 1 have package after package of letters yes yea a wheelbarrow load of the them saying 10 0 br brigham I 1 would beseech and pray and plead with you if I 1 only dare to be careful how howa nil you speak would not this or that course be e better than tor for you to get up in the stand and tell the gentiles ni what hat they are would it not be better to keep this to yourself do you know how I 1 feel when I 1 get such c communications 0 m m u ii i c a ti 0 n s 1 I will tell you 1 I feel just I 1 like i 1 e ru rubbing b b i n g t their h e i r noses with them it if 1 I am m not to have the privilege of speaking of saint and sinner when I 1 please tie up my mouth and let me go to the grave for far my work would be done it was for this that they killed joseph and hyrum it is for this that they want to kill me and my brethren we know their iniquity and we will tell of it when the spirit dictates or talk about this that or the other person and conduct at the proper time there are people in our midst who grunt at this course and at the same time have evils that I 1 think are hardly worth notice for or I 1 do not think that such persons will be good for any thing even should they happen to 0 o get into the kingdom of heaven though I 1 suppose they are good in their place if we can find out where it is but as yet I 1 am ignorant of ra it I 1 presume presume that the lord kit knows aws where here it is but ut I 1 do not I 1 wish to say bay to the the elders of israel to all people I 1 shall tell you of your iniquity and talk about you just as I 1 please and when you feel like killing me for so doing as some of the people did who called them themselves selves brethren in the days of joseph smith look out for yourselves for false brethren were the cause of josephs death and I 1 rm am not a very righteous nan man I 1 li have ve told the latter day saints from the beginning that I 1 do not profess much righteousness but 1 I profess to know the will of god con concerning arning you and I 1 have boldness ell enough 0 h to tell it to you fearless of your wrath an and g I 1 expect that it is on this account that the lord has called me to occupy the place I 1 do I 1 feel as independent as an angel some of you have been brought before the high council charged with this fault and with that and you say it is too much for you that you can not bear it but you have got to bear it and if you will not make up y your our minds to go to hell at once and have d done one with it if you wish to be saints you must ha have your evils taken away and your iniquities exposed this must be done if you remain in the kingdom of god if you do wrong and it is made manifest before the high council dont grunt about it nor whine about your loving precious character but consider that you have nonea none that is the best way to get along alone with it myriads have scandalized me since I 1 have been in this church and I 1 have been asked br brigham are you a going to bear this do you not know that such and such persons are scandalizing your character said 1 I 1 r do not know that I 1 have any character 1 I have never stopped to enquire whether I 1 have one or not it is for me to pursue a course that will build up the kingdom of god on the earth and you may take my character to to ba what ou please I 1 care not what you ou do you hands off from me keep your with it so BO you if ou ell are brought before the high counell council or b eforo before a bishops court and it is is before either of those tribunals that proven ou are covetous coceto us dont fly in a passion and become acome so excited that you are ready to b burst u I 1 m may a see bee fit to expose some men i who h 0 have not at paid their tithing now cowit if you are going to get nervous about it and are afraid of bursting ae let t me linow know and we will slip an egg shell over you ou and your precious characters what precious characters some of you had in in wales in england in scotland and perhaps in ireland do not be scared if it is proven against some before the bishops court that you did steal the poles from your neighbors garden fence if you did it v would be tar far better for you to get right ri lit up and a n d own it for you have in reality lost lost your character before god ang angels eis and men and then retrain refrain from such evils and try to establish a good character it would be better for auto on to do that than to become an ry villen your faults are made manifest ifft Is proven before the hili council that you did steal a beef crea ture tuie d dont nat get angry but rise up and ledger ledge that you did steal it if it is proven that you have been to some persons sonis I 1 wood pile and stole wood dont be fi frightened rbt ened for if you will steal it must be made manifest some one may say why I 1 did riot not think saints were ivere guilty of such deeds nor I 1 either such crimes are committed nii tt e d by bv people who gather with the saints to try th the em to afflict and annoy them and drive them to their duty do yo you not suppose that it is necessary to have devi devils 1 S mixed up with us its to make saints 0 of f us usa we are as yet obliged to have devils ili in our communities we could not build up the kingdom without them many of you know that you cannot get your endowment without the devils being present indeed we ca cannot lot make rapid progress without the devils I 1 know that it frightens the righteous beat sectarian rian world to think that we eve have so many devils with A ith us so many poor miserable all I 1 e cur curses be s bless your souls we could not prosper in in the kingdom 1 of god without them we W e must ha have ve those among us who will steal our fence poles who will go and steal hay from their neighbors hay stack or g go 0 into his corn field to steal corn and leave leav e tile the fence down nearly every axe that is is dropped in ili the kanyon must be picked up by them and the scores of lost watches gol gold rings breast pins etc must get into their hands though they will not wear them in in your sight it is is essentially necessary to have hai e such characters here after we have given the brethren such a scouring Cou two or three months ago ago about returning ost lost property when found one or two men brought in in two tivo or three rusty nails dells of no value which aich they had picked up this was tantamount to saying to br sprague it we had fondd your purse or if we had found Brig bighams brighams hams purse we would see you in hell bell before we would inguld return it ay we devish wish to impress upon you the necessity of your bringing the axe you find the hay bay for fork or any other lost property which you vim find to the ferson person who is is appointed to ta take ake charge of f sue such I 1 property that the owners ow ners may again poss essit it but if you should pick tip apiece of rotten wood and brig ann it to br brigham Brig liam or dr sprague with a show of honesty and in derision of the counsel you have baie received it t would be like saying eilf if we could find or steal your purses you shall never see them again we IV are poor miserable devils and mean to live he hereby e ey steal stealing from the saints and you cannot help yourselves live here then you ou poor miserable curses until the time of retribution t tn when h e your I 1 r heads will have to be severed irom from your loy bodies ies just let the lord almighty say la lay y judgment to the line and righteousness to the plummet and the time of thieves is is short inthis in this community what do you suppose they would say in in old massachusetts should they hear that the latter day saints had received a revelation or commandment to lay 1 judgment to the line and righteousness to t the plummet what would they say I 1 in old connecticut 9 they would w raise a uni universal howl bowl of I 1 how wicked the mormons cormons arel are they are killing the evil doers doer who are among them why 1 I hear that they kill the wicked away up yonder onder in utah they do not kill any boly body down there do they As for the inhabitants of the earth who know anything about the mormons cormons having ha vin 9 power to utter worse epithets against us than they do they have to get more knowledge in in or order er to do it and as for those enemies who have been in incur our midst feeling any worse than they do they have first to know more they are as full of bad feeling now as they can hold without burstin bursting what do I 1 care for the wrath of man ro no more than I 1 do for the chickens that run in in my door yard lam I 1 am here to teach the ways w ays or the lord and lead men to life everlasting but if they have hai e not a mind to go there I 1 wish them to keep out of my path we are glad to see that our friend and fe fellow mr F dodge the indian agent for carson valley is is duly appreciated as an energetic and faithful officer in in the region to which he is assigned we know him and can endorse the man inan one too that will not shrink from any duty we take the following notice from the correspondence of the last alta dated placer v ville life january loth |