Show much capital much capital is is made by our atchison son neighbors about the starting of the salt lake mail the champion says mys it starts from that city and Kinne kuk might su say the same thing with equal truth on n J abc acc account 0 of hockaday co s large shipping interests which are located at atchison and where they havo have consequently ample arrangements for taking care of stock we understand they have made that the chief station at which to stop and start their mail trains the mail itself however is made n ade u up and started from here as per schedule and is is delivered here in in the s same manner atchison is is not mentioned or known in in the contract the mail runs from st joseph mo to salt lake city As long as the contractors make their time it is is of no consequence con equen ceto to us N what hat town or station they run by if so trivial a matter will aid atchison in in the struggle with the rival n towns of palermo geary city cindon don ephan sumner and kickapoo let her make the bet use of it sl joseph gazette |