Show LOAFERS 1 IT 11 1 A PRINTING OFFICE the composing room of a printing i office is is not the place to tell long stories or argue argue points of metaphysics A printing in i 0 office e is is like a school it can hive have no interlope interlopers rs angerson li han gerson or twaddle rs without a serious serious inconvenience to say no nothing thing of loss of time which is is just as a go good od as gold to the printer what v woul d be thought of a man who nho would enter a school and twaddle t addle with the teacher and then with kith the interrupting the discipline of one and the studies or of the othera arid and yet this is is the precise effect odthe of the lo 10 loafers with the course of business distracts the great attention chichis w inch is to the good printer no gentleman will ever eer enter it and presume to act the loafer lie he will feel above it for no real man sacrifices the interests or interferes with the duties of others the loafer does both let him think if he never has that the last place he should ever ev er insinuate his v worthless orth less and unwelcome presence is is the printing office will ill seme our friends who call on us and make a practice of picking up the proof sheets and reading them make a note 0 of f this |