Show i A lk smith FaDik family ily henry smith the razor strop man who is i 3 known all over the country as one of the originals gave a sketch of some wille smiths in one of his speeches to the citizens of providence it I 1 a f few days since we copy it from a providence paper per perhaps ap there here are some gentlemen in this 66 respected e pec ted crowd who do no not know who I 1 am that I 1 am famous I 1 know ind and I 1 also know that tame fame is of but corn com jara yara tive worth there ther e may be some gentlemen here who although highly intelligent legent and well versed in general knowledge Inow 1 ledge ed ge are yet so far behind the times as no not to know that my name is is smith to such I 1 take great pleasure in introducing myself gentlemen my name is smith and I 1 am proud to say I 1 am not ashamed of it it may be that no person in this crowd 1 owns that very uncommon name if however there be one such let him hold bold up his head pull up his dicky turnout turn out his toes take courage and thank his stars that there are a few more left of the same sort smith gentlemen is an industrious name and stands very high in the annals of fame let white brown and jones increase as they will lei believe bep mep me the smiths win will outnumber them genderen Gen demen demeo I 1 am proud of being an original smith not A SMITHE nor a but a regular IiA natural tural original SMITH smith Put tinga Y n the middle or an E at the end wont do 40 g gentlemen elit lemen who overheard ever heard of a great lan by thenamae the name of smyth or smithe echo answers who and everybody nobody but as for smith plain SMITH smith why the pillars of fame are covered with that honored and reverend tame came who were the most racy witty and popular authors of this country horace and nd albert smith who was the most original pithy and humorous ii preacher reverend sidney smith ff lith to go farther back who was the boldt est and bravest soldier in Sump ary MY in the revolution A smith who palavered pala vered with powhatan gali batted tatted wa pocahontas and became the ancestor of th the e first families in in virginia 2 A smith again and who N ho I 1 ask and I 1 ask the question seriously and soberly who I 1 say is that man mail and what is his name who has fought the battles made the most speeches preached the most sermons held the most offices sung the most songs songs written the most poems cour courted ted the arnst most w women omen kissed the most girls runaway with the most wives wives and married the most widows history says you say I 1 say and every body says john smith to togo go back still farther the scriptures speak peak of one alexander the coppersmith farther back still we read of tubal cam cain who inho was an artificer in m brass and iron iron ile he must undoubtedly have hav e been a blacksmith and I 1 have no doubt gert gentlemen lemen that the progenitor of our race would have hate been called smith if his name been adam and now gentlemen in in conclusion let me ask who is is that benevolent and self sacrificing individual who regardful regard of the wants of humanity strives to cheer the hearts of men to dry up the tears of women and hush bush the cries cries of children by declaring eternal and exterminating mina mina tim ting war against all each and every dull razor calr knife anif shears and scissors scissors in this great and I ge lonous country modesty respected fellow citizens that natural and ret retiring irin modesty chichis which chis is so peculiar to that honored family of m which I 1 have spoken forbids me to mention his name let it suffice to say that if any gentleman in in this most res respectable p actable crowd wishes to pi acure au an article that is is warranted to sharpen his cifes scissors scissors his boys knife his bis own razor his wits or his appetite I 1 stand ready as the sole representative of all the smiths whether blacksmiths white smiths silversmiths sih er smiths coppersmiths or john smiths to sell him a keen close cute cunning capable curious and capital razor strop of which I 1 am proud to say 11 1 1 I 1 have hai e a few rioe more left of the same sort and the price is is twenty tw only five cents |