Show to 0 o the ren PER P H m S X L LINE VIA GENOA alj VALLEY ALIEY ALI EY sacramento jan 2214 the th e jury yesterday in in the court coit of ii bios sio s in the case of Gilch gilchriste ristp orti in ing 0 rondo returned a verdict ot of guilty stating that hondo 2 was kaaa a of skill only one hundred of the passengers lj bd steamer sonora m aich sailed on theli chete alt intend crossing the isthmus of 1 sloe she carries passengers an f in treasure the the military convention adjourned adjourn edon 01 I 1 dinst the convention decided tot tol a grand military encampment at to during daring the state fair next season beason A mr bailey and others have filean bel against the steamer sonora in in it they claim the libel lanta passengers from panama and allege 1 slit 11 ried ned an excess of passengers and tt it at erred various inconveniences inn in ca a quence A detachment of the ath th infantry nt uj command of major johnson jo hn 0 stations station mendocino county are now engaged engage building their winter quarters at recci d v valley under dire direction direct io of ei R e carlin li ill senate on a resolution was ut lot deuced by mr holden Il olden of amador cou requesting mr frederick broderick to resign his lust otheus senate it passed bya voted to 9 the assembly have b been een for some dan on a contested seat case ther of dunscomb a member elect from sa mento co to a seat is denied on accod his having for several years resided in C ada and whilst hilst there took oath of allege alleg ala to british government michiel murry murr a native e of Kin Ilin P I 1 ish ireland was hung at downieville Downie ville alet dinst st for the murder of daniel sti at poker flat in in december 1807 1857 placerville ERVILLE jan 23 1839 10 A william tay taylor for formerly of hower howard d missouri was shot in in a chinese affra affray morning at diamond springs about tl I 1 miles from this city he was one ot a t that undertook to break up a camp ob of esti als and drive them from their da cla ile he died almost instantly this morning about 5 a ser is cutting affair occurred at the gary caryll I 1 H it in t this his city the parties were john if a gambler and an irishman named J minnis the latter has some 28 cuts S w ferent parts of his bis neck head body dy clothing none of tile the wounds are I 1 tin selves mortal but bul lis his condition is is colls COB ed very critical GENOA N aa jan 23 19 to ax esq q G S 1 L CIT CITY Y 5 DEAR DEAH sin your favor of the ath 9 came duly to hand for which accept thanks herewith I 1 send you a few it please give us something gom ething ivete mails condition of stock roads ina ment etc on the eastern end of the chec route as much interest is felt on tins this chorpenning co are making elc exact time and getting their part of the row route 5 controlled your last dispatch dis took v t bendine send me afew a few cop copies lesof of your patel paper will try and get you some much inquired tor for here by the igenta Gentil let 1 |