Show the boguc cuban revolution littion 8 specimens of the brag game eight thousand in cuba three regiments privately pronounced bcd who blew vp the powder bowder magazine 1 agazine at ha vana cuba to befree be free in thi thirty ly days etc TO THE EDITOR or OF TUB THE K N 7 HERALD NEW ORLEANS dec 29 1858 providence permitting 11 and wind a and nd wave favoring the island of cuba will declare her independence within thirty days from this date the spanish I 1 french and english heets fleets to the contrary not withstanding standing wit there are now on the island of cuba a little upwards of eight thousand able bodied americans rea ready dy to aid the people of cuba in their struggle to free themselves from the yoke yok of spain these men are sharoug thoroughly aly organized and know that their services ia nill ill soon be required their arms and ammunition are safely stored where they can be supplied to the men at a moments barnin war warning nin 1 besides the echt eight 1 thousand americans I 1 already in the i island there are twelve thousand natives thoroughly organized and being organized in the island making in a force of twenty thousand which is confide considered red amply sufficient to oppose any force that can be brought against them until their independence is established and recognized under the more favorable regulations issued last june by the spanish authorities in relation to emigration a large number in small parties have emigrated from different points in the united states during the last six months and more are ready to leave with the first favorable breeze enough to swell the number of americans to ten thousand men these men go to cuba however as emigrants with regular passports and without any law of nations their movements have been conducted by one of the ablest men in our country and have been confined strictly 1 etly within the limits of bf the law A spy of our government has been here for several days watching matching the movements of emigrants to cuha cuba but has been able to detect nothing illegal going on oil in in fact he is is satisfied that our I 1 government can interpose no obstacle to I 1 prevent the emi emigration ration to cuba and if he stays here much longer we will convert conert v him into a cuban republican you will probably soon be favored with his views on the subject in in the washington union the cuban revolutionists ha have e at their command some fifteen vessels which are mostly owned by parties connected w with ith the movement I 1 am informed by general N S reneau a gentleman of high standing an old resident and a native of cuba who has just arrived from havana by the steamer philadelphia the tone of feeling im on the island is is in in the most favora g i ble state for a revolt A wealthy and influential planter on the island on getting gelling some intimation of the contemplated ria movement presented himself to one of the leaders and im implored to be taken into the secret offering the five hundred men under his command to the revolutionists and saying that he would fall on his knees and worship the man who would liberate the people of cuba from the bondage under which they now lived this is is but an illustration of thousands of cases that are daily occurring occurring in in all parts of the island and when t the h e question is is put do you 5 ou favor the annexation 0 of f cuba to the united states in in nine nine cases out of ten the answer is I 1 yes most heartily if it can be accomplished through our own voluntary act the troops in in cuba are corning coming over to the revolutionists three regiments of the line have recently declared privately va tely in in favor of the revolutionists and will go over 0 er in in a body the moment the revolutionary standard is is raised all the native eatn e troops will join the revolutionists as 88 SOO soon n as they see a prospect of success the strictest watch is is kept up by the governor general for any indications of a revolt and correspondence is is via violated to detect and discover the leaders all as yet to no purpose the revola rev alu zionists do not trust their communications to publio public posts but have a perfect s system stem of communication of their own Re beular regular ular communication with the uni j ted slates sates is kept up by special messen 1 gers and private vessels an express private IS is expected expected here tom morrow tomorrow to m arrow and the purport of any news it communicates will be on its way to you soon after its arrival my information from the most cial sources and is is entirely reliable TO THE EDITOR editon OF THE HERALD NEW OR LEAris dec 29 1858 the secret of the terrible explosion of the powder magazine at havana a few weeks since since is is perfectly understood by parties here who are in in the confidence of the leading revolutionists 0 f CA A short t time previous ions to the exi explosion a gentleman in in this city received a communication muni cation stating staling that the magazine might be troublesome to the revolutionists and very convenient for the spanish in in case it exited existed at the time of the breaking out of the revolution resolution the next steamer brought the news 0 of f the terrible explosion and relieved the apprehensions of the revolutionists on that subject |