Show isaab SN baand BAKERY L LOOK 0 OK HERE E EVERYBODY VER YB OD 1 THE PHE subscriber has now in full oper alon 1 a new oven ven tin nd flatters that li can please the tests taste of the public generally with its s good an article ol of light bread cakes pies and a variety or of crack crackers ac ac as cau can he be produced la in any ny ed e in this city or elbea here give me a call an I 1 be your 0 ov n judges Terms s moderate mo doraK wedding cakes made word to order parties on short notice ti GRENIG next door arth th of the tha california hotel XI main street ia at SALT LAKE HOYSE jjames S TO D pro proprietor p dietor 11 rices ot of board board and lodging per week ta 1250 60 no board a rd w without phout lodging 1 10 0 00 board per day 2 60 supper breakfast Break larea tast klest and lodging 2 W single meal ineal 1 loo 00 animate animals per night hay bay and grain gralli 2 00 Fay menta to be 1 made in advance 1530 15 3 30 U V S DISTRICT COURT SECOND district STRiCT HI A A TERM of the united states dis n ri court for or the second judicial district of tha tt territory ol of utah will beheld be held at the city ol of brov lu in said district commencing a at t 10 ocl 0 c it A if on the ath day of 0 march A D 1859 JOHN 11 1641 16 41 judge ino ad judicial district Ditri ct C I 1 M 3 |