Show CAMP FLOYD U T 1 1 feb 5 MR MB EDITOR for the first time in my military careers career I 1 h have aye laid down the musket co boj and taken up that mighty instrument of little men the goose quill and should not on this occasion siona but v when hen I 1 see gross injustice done by an antonymous ann writer who would feign aspire to the title of critic I 1 cannot resist ray my desire to see justice done to the individual referred to I 1 have witnessed nearly all of the efforts of the military dramatic A association a since its organization and have also read all of the communications of drama and although he is right lie is more frequently wrong but to the point in dramas last communication muni cation lie ha speaks of the change of cast in it the lady of lyons but does not do mr baldwin the justice to say that he committed the part assigned him in in three hours and by his indomitable perseverance in in so doing saved the entire play this drama draina 11 could not notice tor for by so doing he would render a simple act of justice again in the I 1 weathercock did not mr baldwin both look and act the character of Brief wit to the batisa satisfaction action of the whole bhole audience furthermore in in sketches in in india 2 so BO f tar ar from mr baldwins baldvins Bald wins introducing the characteristics acte of aminadab Amin idab sleek his words actions gestures and voice were such as to repeatedly receive a hearty encoe ci cor e from the audience in conclusion I 1 would ask does it not dot seem strange that It drama ll 11 in his communications should be so severe upon this gentleman of the ath and so lenient in in reference to others of the ath or perhaps it can be accounted for in in another way nay which is is simply this mr baldwin asks no puffs from the critic but relies relics upon his acting for success in future I 1 hope drama will exercise his bis f functions as our D agnatic critic with less partiality yours in in haste OLD MAN CONIC COMIC |