Show affairs past east of the sierras sal SaIt t lake mail dull times placerville ERVILLE jan 10 1859 mr F dodge the carson valley indian agent has just arrived here from genoa As an evidence that this officer has not been idle since entering upon his duties he has during the winter visited three distant quarters of the territory traced three important rivers from source to outlet and distributed gifts ift to mo more e than four thou thousand sand indians the agent ae rit says that these indians indiana especial ly the cintes are by far the most t and peaceably inclined savage rati S lias bas ever seen on the continent T however in fit a famishing condition 71 most moat totally destitute of anything 1 th 04 1 keep life in their emaciated bodi bod ch state of affairs is mainly attributable lea b of the nut 4 failure pine crop and the th i severe winter mr air dodge is high highly ed with the wagon road across a tile th Y del 1 taina to use his own espre expression ssi N s great granite barrier the cross ln once immortalized kit carson ofa easily casily crossed that the traveler is 18 low 3 con conscious of its existence taua chilo ecart cart t over pasi w the salt lake mail reached beret with the mails and one passenger fro frn 0 q i oa these arr arrivals i vals by the beit central i ral G I 1 have become so regular that they no 1 4 excite our curiosity but are as aa tot on k v expected at the usual time as the stat sta t ti from sacramento ii in this region the weather still cg c provokingly pleasant and as there th elat t much avater in the rivers and not eno the dry diggings for mining durpos vf f are just now enduring a frightfully dun 1 since the holidays not a transpired in this city worth a pa paro i business is unusually dull money j f i and we have no kind of amusement n i I 1 a horrible chinese company of theair A |