Show CAMP FLOYD U T january 2 1859 5 ramy two ran editor the mail ba arrived ri on mond monday ay night as usual fought brought no news of any consequence but I 1 martial in the case of Jessa Jesse the court ath infantry who was tried R whorton Wb orton bout the first of october last alst and nd which a was gant otto to the president for ills his approval lack back wharton horton VV was tried on wee charges drunkenness on duty bod 2nd conduct to the prejudice of good order and in military tary d discipline pline ad breach of arrest for which charges he was as found guilty and sentenced by the court lobe cashiered cashi ered but the tha president on account youth so far modified h bis is sentence as to lakeit make jt only dismissal for one year anil and to forfeit his pay and allowances for or the same game period capt reno of the ordnance department a aad lid browning of the marine corps left for california on last tuesday I 1 hear that gen en johnston leaves for the states soon the utah chief arra peen has been on a lisotto our camp he visited the theatre and circus and will I 1 suppose have hare a complete beidget when he be returns to his tribe as to the doings of the whites hite hites he was gen johnstons guest there was r quite an excitement gotten up here in the forepart of the week by the circulation cula cu lation tiou of a report that a bill had passed the house to increase the pay and ter term of enlistment I 1 have seen nothing 0 DE it yet and am inclined to believe it only a camp lat tended on wednesday Wed wednesday nesda y night I 1 and was very t cry much pleased the piece pre vented was the maid of croissy 11 mrs as the maid of 0 croissy was wag very ery pod good her appearance upon the stage was peeled with tremendous applause M mr r fliehs as the sergeant sustained his part very well and upon the close of the piece loth both mrs whitlock ocL and himself were loudly wiled called for when the audience again expressed their satisfaction by giving ahing them thein three hearty cheers mrs and mrs lougee who were dismissed sometime ago because they the refus play on account ot of an anti mormon song having been proposed to be sung have leen taken back we give these ladies credit for the independent manner in in which they lave ciare acted and for showing chov ins the want 11 ant of the time same in in the majority of the association sow vow besre e all i aali RI here and are decidedly in in favor of the song it has been said that because it was too vulgar garl was the reason why it was objected to but I 1 lam am inc incline linea to think it was vias more on account of a part oe nf tap clin clindus rus viz viz joe smith chief devil and brigham mormon master this Ss is the most objectionable part and is is decidedly vulgar COMEDY |