Show II 11 TT M 0 K 0 TJ S 1 good A wag asks ask when did kini king D david d sympathise with tho the yankees ankeles vi lehen hen lie he was distressed for brother jonathan za zaan gan an old maid speaking of mar ringe nige says EBS it is is lile like any other disease ahl chile e there is is life theres hope I 1 here or is is a piquant extract he kissed her and such beautiful lips mans usual fate he was lost upon the coral reefs ar T pray my friend are you ou the master of this house asked aled a ti aveller u at tan an inn inn yes sir sir answered boniface in my y wife has been dead these three weeks eels why is is it easier easier to be lea a clergyman than a because it is is easier to preach than to practice what queer things men will make for money as the old woman said when she saw a monkey COME said a retired merchant to a poor author come to my country house and stay a month 1 I cannot leave the attractions of the city said he but we will have four meals aday a day thank you but I 1 believe not rather stay here and breakfast upon a perfume and dine upon a smile boston gazette ta S papa said a little fellow as he looked up in his fathers face 11 does the logi logwood they put in wine give it its red color yes certainly well papa pap is it the lowood logwood in the wine nine that makes your nose so red hush your nonsense child here betty got get a candle and put this child to bed jg where is is your our father said an angry ma master ster to the son of his habitually tippling domestic ile he is is down stairs sir sir getting drunk I 1 sup suppose v no sir sir lie he aint what IV hat then gettino getting sober sir sir F fois aix oix a frenchman who went n ent to jamaica to embark in in business had been sadly abused there ile he had been robbed Nhip whipped ped put in m prison his property confiscated and every species is of indignity in and outrage offered him on his return to new nei orleans he told the stor story y most pitifully to col cc 1 pile pike of ar cansas kan sas why monsieur foix 11 said the col according to your story jamaica must be as bad a place as the ir ir fernal regions mafoi it is is worse now monsieur do you really mean that arai it it is is true well now monsieur foix said baid col pike suppose you Nvere n ere on your death led to tonight night and the lord was to appear to you and say ay you might go back to jamaica or go to the infernal regions what nhat would you say saya 1 I would say monsieur Alon good lord if it beez all ze to you if it male make no difference at all I 1 should very much choose to please to much go to h 11 11 TESS an englishman speaking in in favor of his own country said to dr thompson you have no coal and it is is that chich chich gives england its manufacturing importance un 11 the doctor replied 1 we are not altogether destitute of coal we W e have one small ted bed in in illinois which is is larger than the i whole hole of england if you 5 ou wait till we scoop some of it out and then bring your island over we no will drop in in and annex you ali ah but you ou have no nobility y said john bull the doctor replied we are a nation of kings then wi with th all the pompousness he be could assume he made a low bow bov andraid and said you are arc now in company avith v ith one of the royal family of the united states of america |