Show afo MOHAMMED IIA MAI ED slightly above e the middle size his figure though spare was handsome and commanding the chest broad and open the bones and framework large the joints joint swell w ell knit together his ais nock neck was long and finely the head unusually large gave gaie space for or a broad and noble brow the hair thick duck jet black and slig slightly it aly curling fell down over his ears cars the eyebrows were arched and joined the countenance thin but ruddy his large eyes e ea intensely atense y black and piercing received additional lustre from their long eyelashes the the nose was high and slightly acquiline but fine and at the end attenuated the teotil teeth were w ere far apart A long iong black buicy beard reaching to the breast added manliness and presence his expression was w as pensive and contemplative the face beamed with intelligence though something of the sensuous might also be there discerned his broad back leaned slightly forward as he walked and his step was hasty yet sharp and decided C like that of one rapidly descending a declivity dec levity there was so something methin go unsettled in in his blood shot eye which refused to rest upon its object when ahen he turned toward you ou it was never par tailly bailly but with the whole body mairs muirs 1 s life lafe of 0 mohammed JIo hammed |