Show are indebted to some one for a most elaborate consideration of thu sensible maxim there is no use in crying for spilt spill milk it is it a ing illustration of maximus in minimis Mi nimis a as may be gathered from the ground laid out in the very introduction it opens with an assertion which has been somewhat questioned hereabout recently the practice of using milk bilk as an ar tide of diet is by no means a novelty sheep and goats and cows and camels have yielded the nutritious liquid to the coaxing hand band of man from the earliest ages in ancient times lands which were were exceedingly fruitful were said to flow with milk and honey that being b ein the highest possible praise and who can say when the milk of human kindness 11 of which such frequent mention is in made a de first took its place amon among grateful cordials cordiali cor dials nor are the moderns the first sufferers from such accidents as that implied in our text doubtless antediluvian te cows were as sensitive and freakish as their post descendants and frequently kicked over the operative and their frothy treasure to milk one of those wild heifers heffers must have required no small degree of skill and rouray courage but bat there were giants in those days bays and nd they may have kept mastodons in instead tead of cows in that case milk maids must have commanded high wages milk has been spilled in all ages aces of the world the stream 0 of f ti time in e is very much discolored by it nor does the experience of the past furnish us with the means of putting a stop to this waste almost six thousand busand years have rolled away since this evil first arase arose but it still obtains as extensively ten as ever and the worst of it is that mankind seem utterly careless and indifferent upon the subject flies may bite tails whisk feet kick pails upset and the creamy fluid be splashed about and flow in torrents to the earth yet men remain unmoved no one thinks of bilkin nil making kin a stir in the matter knickerbocker er |