Show L A GARR CARR WHOLESALE BOOX booksellers SELLERS stationers stationery STATION ERS AND BLANK BOON AC no lo 10 49 plain main street ST LOUIS 1110 MO K KEEP constantly on band all the spelling ailing boots books grammars geog geographies p philosophies I 1 ii I 1 bi es reading h cobs books hobt or leq dictionaries ac now I 1 in use vi which they oner offe rat at th tho L LOWEST 0 W PRICES ICES their stock steel of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC stationery BLANK BOOKS PRINTING AND WRITING PAPER yin has been selected elected with the lie greatest trea test care crap and ana 1 13 to ta any in the west having hav rig an EXTENSIVE BINDERY niB iBERY attached to their establishment they are prepared to manufacture all kinds ol of blank 1311 1 books to orders order and at the shortest sl artest notice ia 14 tt tr MOUNT VERNON Il HOTEL OTEL A T r FI PLOT TERRITORY proprietor TRAVELERS and board boarders ers can cana A kiwy always be accommodated with the best the 1 1 market affords alT and neat and comfortable appart elal in ments P S farmers will be paid the highest cash price t or r all kinds of country produce 12 tt t B D W BAYLIES SON SO MAKERS WOULD respectfully inform the citizens ot of this and camp floyd that they have bave juet just received from the east Enst a large lam assortment ot of I 1 watch atch material and will promptly repair any watches or v other jewelery committed to their care C Cli harley arley ste abins at the store of livingston kinkead C co 1 Is their bo IT agent at camp floyd and w will arul promptly forward and all watches placed in fc s hands free of charge for carriage car G S L alt january MILLER RUSSELL go CO WHOLESALE WIIO LESAliE RETAIL DEALERS I 1 IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GROCERIES AND cirs caps LIQUORS CIGARS ac c THEIR HEIR stock consists in in part of the following articles viz viz tea coffee chewin chewing tobacco sugar S spice smoking tobacco ma powder dr I 1 shot fi 0 t playing cards pepper mace cinnamon nutmegs Nut megs caps s ac ac palo pale cognac ac brandy bran casy Monon monongahela gahe whisky dark do do bourbon do no york do rectified do gin cin port wine foncy GROCERIES french mustard mixed pickles durham do assorted do assorted jams do gherkins d do jellies piccalilli Pic colilli do syrups pickled onions do cordials cordiali Cor dials tomato catsup brandy peaches walnut catsup do cherries mushroom catsup do pe pears a rs cayenne pepper Ass sorted N west V e st india cellery aeed seed preserves spanish olives rhubarb pie fruit pepper sauce peach do assorted sauce apple do do nat preserves blumb do capers Ca pottes raspberry do natural presed pines gooseberry d do 0 roast turkey blackberry brandy roast ch chicken icke raspbery Rasp raspberry berz brandy string beans fresh lo 10 lobster ster green peas pickled do do corn fresh clams assorted H herbs erba mince meat do S sweetmeats Sweet w et meats sausage meat natural preserved fresh cauliflower peaches pickled do catl worcestershire sauce berries stoughton bitters natural preserved fresh salmon damsons adamsons Dam sons fresh tomatoes mushrooms french pickles hostetter bitters Tar rigon Vi vinegar bakers do fields oysters le dwards do cove do royal windsor do pine apple cheese maraschino 0 olive I 1 ive oil curacao Cu assorted candies Absy nth lith raisins scotch ale almonds london porter english walnuts Sch eidam schnapps brazil nuts nuta golden grape Cognac Figs old virginia Peach Dates brandy prunes 1 mountain M buntain dew whis pecans ky crackers family sullies Su supplies plies cra Crai knells mo morning call all E D cheese indian Queen Madena aderia also a large acdwell and v ell selected stock of clothing hats and C caps aps gents boots Shoes Hardware ladies shoes notions woolen glovest gloves ito hosiery do mitts fok buck lioves Zi gloves oves do do mitts stationery ae do ao Gaunt letts all of which they offer upon the low lowest es t terms tor for cash or country produce G S L city bee ast 1st WS W acardi a S L cites 1 4 the undersigned undersigner under signed would most in citizens ot of utah that the are still doll dolla g b i 1 a J their old and well known stand in G great eat salt lluc 1 4 1 4 where the most moat desirable goods adapted to the tt 41 i ot of the PP people me may 7 always I 1 y bo be found they b vf established a home bones at camp floyd where wh th style blyle of fado goods aa kept hernman here may bogad at thes arn i form rates rales it may be an object for abe those e A ing to know that procure th their at camp floyd at the same lame prices as they ir r at 1 in tola this city 1141 t 1 thankful for former patronage extended by ayd pie ol of this territory they would I 1 vs lt coall continuance tie ol of the same a 1 l livingston KII KEAD jit 0 in the course ot of ten days we shall be alle able to i aft our ariens friens with certainty certainly concerning our train reeled ite I te letco L F D 10 REIVA REWARD r D 0 or stolen from poad 0 west mountain mount lewis ranche onetta b i 1 roan horse branded JIL JB ou on agbe the near mar above bowar reward d will be given V for ble letu rn like w 10 tf RADFORD CABOT i t FOR SALE AGER beer and ale in blits L to 1 bull buit purchasers by V tf co RADFORD CA ilg derr C 1 1017 10 0 1 17 ai I 1 r or SALE n ONE thousand head of as SHEEP 1 ae r ap to suit full p purchasers u I 1 will bill t take ke 1 in n bang E g I 1 1 ahro ahall ba nl it barley f CHARLES ccarles MOGO t 1 10 D tt tf not spring B brorn ra 1111 MAURICE AURICE I 1 ATTORNEY AND ND I 1 AT LAW 7 E great salt lake I 1 ate city utah mail territory 21 2 1 t S 31 B elair LX I 1 P ATTORNEY AND COUNS counsellor ELL 01 A AT T ld LAW W i 0 office 1 1 ce council nome house rd opposite mill miller IBI 11 1 LAW OFFICE w j lit CORMICK ta T s i mccormick WILLIAMS ATTORNEYS al practice in all the courts of the territory and n ally ily 1 in the V U S district C OTH rt an 1 1 sae S ae they will give eff efficient lelent attention to all W gge ta I 1 OFFICE side of east temple it at oreg miller R ret et cos store I 1 i C G S L city NC nov 1808 1858 lut hi ali lioun u republican and N X T herald will vine mn j d pu publish blish 3 months dally and send bill 1111 to this of onto ilee RAD rORD CAROT CABOT CO WITOL WHOLESALE LE A AMI RETAIL DEALER 1 GROCERIES DRY GOODS GOODS ETC at the old stand ot mr howard d great reat salt cill I cn NEW KEW GOODS i received a full stock of SIM t JUST J bollt GOODS selected elected espres IT for fee this aunt t 1 tt tf i m G GILBERT I 1 RT 2 F nii WAGONS F A A FEW light W by I 1 tt tf 1 ft I 1 ii 11 11 11 A R D S rn il HE E E EMPIRE al P I 1 R E billiard haloo TJ L J if 9 WALLACES up stal stairs b between t ih and gilbert and gerrish stole li open for visitors the tables are new and perfect and no pains vot ml F neared to make it an resort for t h cercine of this healthy and agreeable 2 tf EMPIRE SALOON I 1 ephe HE BAR is is now furnished rith mill elarge 1 lage and choice lot of ilan liquors TH iries ines ae 17 r 1 attean atte aA chased with great care and to which the I 1 those desiring WHOLESOME I 1 led 2 tr JOHN if WANTED A FEW good mules in in exchange f n A good working cattle A apply V P IY t to 0 2 tf GI L B fl t T C GERRIS arrisi lj HOT SPRING B URE newery WERl t WE will endeavor to furnish the si perlor malt liquore of the above establish ot wes to cult purchasers ALE PORTE it i and a nd our unrivalled W B f to customers either elthe at the brewery or dorir ear peer feer saloon in C camp amp flord 1 f 1 0 it TRE AC accommodation C OF TRVA EIBi I 1 1 we have opened pining rooms booms at the brewery 40 meals can be procured at all hours houra 1 1 we have secured a good supply of hay and oali osla 0 1 an lie h ti a hostler Is ready to take lake care of aalia anliot OUR PRICES in consequence of 0 the high apte i I 1 pr provisions ovi and the lie didi culty af 6 procuring the thenia i 1 follows single meals 1 11 C S supper breakfast and lodging s t for or ani animals malsy tor for a single feed of hay bay per licad bead hav and grain 4 10 1 I 1 anil and double those prices tor for teed feed over night I 1 L i NI 1 B the highest cash place paid fr for bad bachl I 1 and nd or produce of all kinds delivered at the tn B brest I 1 0 BURR ct 3 ll 11 in hot springs point ot of Monni aln south of ac COW STRAYED STR ayel I 1 11 0 r N the october wt last a small 34 5 light red COW nolte faco land a thick 00 around lid h her horns born li horns rus all was giving 1311 think she was branded attwood d on ab ahe borne apa Pote not certain ertain ale please it bri bring her to curels S belloi Bol loi ward G S L city opposite the school H 1 0 well rewarded 14 LOOK HERE 1 A BOOK enfiled THE 1011 BOOK has bag been borro borrowed ft from the ibm effla da hartnet seer secretary tary ot of state he ar nestly rebii derson having it to return it without A delay WORK CATTLE CATTI E 4 j IL 0 0 YOKE OKE of work Mlle cattle ingi in gw 1 working condition tor for sale by 1 tt tr GILB ERT 4 MILLER RUSSEL CO wholesale and reta in 1 FOREIGN DOMESTIC n roots boots zw shoes hats C capi i 11 A WINES LIQUORS AND CIGA cla to t and d goods g generally are a now recal rec cing tl i roast most complete rom lom stock of 1 goods in the their IT line abal been brought to this territory which they ofiel A low figure tor for cash or country produce 1 1 tr tf NOT NOTICE IVr ephe fiat fifty dollar DRAFTS 1 IL by russell Rii Esell major ajor on snit w aco co leavenworth will be redeemed led ill li 11 cincola 1 l coin 0 r treasury drai N stour at our counter ca all I 1 G 3 L city jn jan k 2632 til |