Show my lly mother dear there was a place in childhood that I 1 rem remember well and there a voice of sweetest tones bright fairy tales did tell and gertle gentle words and fond embrace were given with joy to me when I 1 was in that happy place upon my mothers knee wy my mother dear my gentle mother when fairytales fairy tales were ended 11 good night 1 she softly said she kissed and laid me down to sleep within my tiny bed and holy words she taught me there methinks I 1 yet can see iler her angel form as close I 1 knelt beside in my mothers knee my mother bear dear my gentle mother la in the sickness of my childhood and the perils penis of my prime the sorrows of my iper ciper years the ile pride of every t time i e when doubt or danger daner i weighed ei ched me down then pleading all all for aee thee it was the fervent prayer to heaven that bent benamy my moth cis knee my mother dear my gentle mother |