Show A smugglers narrative we shall be my dear madam said I 1 to a fellow passenger in in the dieppe boat taking out my watch but keeping my eye steadily upon her 11 we shall be in in less than ten minutes at the custom house A spasm a flicker from the guilt within glanced over her countenance 17 you look very good natured si sir f r stammered she I 1 bowed and looked considerably more so to invite her confidence fi 11 if I 1 was to tell you ou a secret which I 1 find is is too much to keep to myself oil oh would you keep it inviolable 1 I 1 know it my dear madam I 1 know it already said 1 I smiling 11 it is is lace is is it ihnot not she uttered a little hide shriek and yes she had bad got it there among the crinoline she thought 11 it it had been sticking ou out t you ou see unknown to her I 1 oh sir sir cried she it is is only ten pounds worth please to forgue forgive me a and n 1 I ill never do it agam again As it is is I 1 thi think I 1 shall expire my dear madam replied I 1 s sternly but kindly 11 here is is the pier and the officer has fixed his eye upon u us I 1 must do domy my duty I 1 rushed up the ladder like a laili lamplighter plighter s I 1 pointed tha that t NV woman man out to leg legitimate intimate authority I 1 accompanied compa nied her upon her way in in custody to the searching house I 1 did not see her searched but I 1 saw what was found upon her and I 1 saw her fined and dismissed with ignominy then having generously given gi en up my emoluments as in informer to the subordinate officials I 1 hurried off in search of the betrayed woman her hotel I 1 gave gaie her lace twice tico the value alue of that she had lost I 1 paid her fine and then I 1 explained you madam had ten pounds worth of smuggled goods about your person 1 I had nearly f fifty times that amount I 1 turned informer f madam let me tell you for the s sake ake of us both you have too expressive express sive a countenance believe me and the officer would have found you out at all events ev ants even as I 1 did myself are arbou you satisfied my dear madam 1 if f yu you still feel ag aggrieved grieved or injured by me in any manned manner pray take more lace here is lotsof lots of it 11 we parted the best of friends london paper |