Show theatrical notice CAMP r FLOYD U T february 3 1851 on saturday evening there was no performance Tor for mance on wednesday the long looked for play ot of the stranger was performed for the first tune time at this theatre w m ith a very good cast with one exception count steinfort mr smith this gentleman recited what Is ie knew of his part in in a very indifferent manner banner his bis attitude was not graceful his delivery bad and he got STUCK several times francis mr baldwin did not know liu lis part he be took great liberties playing at lop hop skip and jump with the text however that brathe he did know he be rendered in a more subdued tone and with greater propriety than any role we have yet seen hun him under i tau al pile the rest of 0 the characters were so well CT ell Ilu stained that on saturday evening when the play is tube tu be repeated with mr white as baron steinfort ort we expect the greatest dra treat we have had since the theatre opened for this reason we derer defer entering into detail until saturday A kiss in the dark is is the after the orchestra played the overture from the ne jewess ess they have greatly improved vince they made their debut mr white sung 1111 haul aul wood or freeze with good effect it was loudly cheered lie atter concluded the evenings enter tain ment it is IB the second time that sketch ts in india has been given this was no I 1 improvement on the last representation we me are sure they can render it a great grea t deal better bette although the audience testified their approbation with continuous rounds of ap platis patse to M myers ers having recovered from his in disposition played count Glo glorious Glon rioux the action came natural to him and he recited it well but in the acting he chewed more of tte the phlegmatic dutchman than the lively we understand loves sacrifice is in preparation and is likely to be produced ort on wednesday next we cannot conclude this notice without congratulating the play going public on the better maintenance of order was observed on this thia occasion 11 DRAMA 11 |