Show beauty and health by simple exerts exeunt 0 exercise x e r ci s e can C cure re re C those h se ugly I 1 bu bulges I 1 ge S RE large matronly hips keep aing aa ing you from enjoying slacks and other sportswear why put up with them any longer you can literally melt away that flabby flesh through exercise here a one that helps sit on the floor legs straight hands on floor behind hips 1 pull knees UD up to chest raising feet feet a few inches from floor 2 swing knees from rom side to side first touching floor on right side jien hen lett left sixteen times alto gether other figure faults can also alx be cured by exert ses sea e ven in our booklet no 90 for the bust hips waist neck shoulders etc send in coin for beauty and health through simple exercises to weekly newspaper service west st new york 11 N Y print name ad dress with zone booklet title and no 80 90 P cars trucks and tractors smoke either when your car truck or tractor engine starts to smoke and burn oil it s a sure sign of wasted power sealed power piston rings will end that waste save oil save gas restore power there is a sealed power ring set specifically engineered to do the best possible job in your engine whatever the make model or cylinder wear condition see your sealed power franchise dealer send a postal for illus trat e d informative new klet on 7 ways to save 0 1 it 5 free and may save you lots amon sealed power F or dept WS mus t egon mich individually engineered 0 dogs pvc 61 64 II 11 ataw frolick fritz eats well acts wen well is well wellon on a basic diet ot of gro pup ribbon these crisp toasted ribbons give him every vitamin and mineral dogs are known to need economical too one box supplies a as much food by dry weight as five 1 ib can cans of dog food I 1 gro pup also come comes in steal meat and in pel etts for variety teed feed all three dogs go vor GRO GROW PUP maeby lb RIBBON II bato brok and on 14 1 4 nora checks persa irate ion odor THE 4 WAY made with a jace cream crean blue baie odora lodora is actually to normal skins no harsh chemical chemicals or irritating salts won t barm harm skin akin or clothing stays soft and creamy never get gets grainy by try gentle loders feel the wonderful difference differ encel W P aso |