Show fire sweeps area 11 1 1 firemen railroad workers and residents battled a brush fire five miles northeast of lake point tuesday as it rag raged ed through ap proximately 2000 acres of moun tain land and endangered the oquirrh range the fire originating ne near ar the union pacific railroad track spread along the foot of the moun tain and several hundred feet up the incline before it was noticed by near by residents two fire trucks sent out by too ele county stalled part way up the mountain and crews had to con dinue on foot to fight light the fire mainly with t the he use of shovels A strong wind sen sent t the flames speed ing up the MOU mountain britain spread ng 19 both north and south as it neared the peak crews fought the blaze mainly from the south and east sides pro pre venting it from spreading to graz mg ing and homestead land the flames continued to work toward the north burning themselves out on rocky ground cause of the f fie ie was undetermined |