Show charles CLOVER and evelyn davis and children lavon and sherry left sunday for salt lake city where they will stop over for a week en route to california where they in tend to make their new home were we re sorry to see charles and evelyn leave however we hope they will be happy in their new home mr and mrs lawrence attended the water follies at the fair grounds in salt lake on sat arday they reported it a very good show mrs william and two children who have been visiting in clover with mrs s parents mr and mrs for the past few weeks left saturday for bil lings longs montana visitors at mr and mrs milton s home over the weekend were mr and mrs lamarr vincent of sandy mr and mrs arthur nelson and son wray of salt lake city were sunday visitors at the home of mrs wray s brother mr william russell sr wednesday visitors at mr and mrs russell russells s were mr and mrs I 1 W smith of salt lake city judith hansen of salt lake city is visiting with her grandmother mrs fannie this week children of the clover ward who participated in the stake primary festival in grantsville Grants ville on thurs day included myrna and rollo russell garth janet glor ia la and linda maxfield donna and lillian dymock danny bush and mark |