Show PAUL MALLON republican strategy pays profits ephe HE republicans brought themselves out of their first new 1 I leadership session of congress in greater unity than nez a any political party has achieved since long before the new deal defections generally drew only three of their senators this was accomplished by a peculia i inner system of normally steering committees are bossed by one or two men but ut the republicans made theirs truly representative of the party for instance in the house speaker martin was boss but he worked closely with floor leader halleck which is not unusual they both cooperated genuinely with a steering committee which made many decision to which both martin and halleck were opposed ou of this system of operating from the grass roots up in stead of from a top leadership down as mr roosevelt did came the dominant party characteristic of their firs first se session sion now his guiding committee leadership had an operating operating system which was kept completely under cover they had a two pronged bae bace policy from the start they strove A to keep down the amount of legislation selecting only the bare essentials for beginning aa new policy era for the country and B to get away from emergency and must legisla legislation their delay on the union reform bill was del dei berate nothing was said about this yardstick they kept the democrats from knowing their for mula but they feel rather good now about the way it worked out H I 1 L PHILLIPS letter for special delivery secretary of commerce washington D C my dear mr harriman the pa pers say that the committee of nineteen which is to look into this country s capacity to do all our for eign lening lend ng and underwriting has started on the job in a big way and that it will make a study tin un matched in history fine and dandy some such study to find out where the bottom of the barrel is what s between it and the top how big the bunghole should be and whether multiple spigots are ad disable is certainly overdue hub bub and it will comfort most americans to feel for the first time in many years that stop look and listen is replacing the slogan shoot the works let the poorhouse come when it may bill powe powell is reported the hollywood choice to play elwood dowd in the movie of harvey this underlines america americas s deputa tion as a melting pot we have different religious denominations A democratic form of govern ment in america had its origin in virginia under governor yeardley two years before the pilgrims land ed at plymouth polish ger man and irish workers began to battle their oppressors in virginia long before the revolutionary war exploded during nine of the last ten years america s annual im migration quota was not filled those who say the indians are a vanishing race are spread ing a myth their population has doubled during the past de dec c ade many american indian reservations have modern homes they look like any oth er small town we cant can t imagine him as even close to the type and the actor we think would be a scream in it would be barry fitzgerald he ile is the only performer on stage or screen who could touch frank fay why not by the way fay for the picture ver sion too much as the author intended eha it is our guess that holly wood will put the rabbit into the play visually and that were john bunny alive he would get the part a so far as this airplane busness bus ness Is concerned I 1 have been in it 13 years and lost how ard hughes Is that good a 0 it seems to us reading about those gay parties as an amusing interlude in tha war contracts routine that there should have been a miss of 1944 DREW PEARSON PEAR sor congressional junket for peace SEN S EN GLEN TAYLOR of idaho a former cowboy vaudeville crooner who has come to win the respect of his senatorial colleagues leagues ol will take an unusual trip this summer while some senators wal w 11 be junketing to alaska or touring europe taylor will ride horseback from the pacific to the atlantic coast the senator from idaho candidly admits that it is a publicity stunt but not for taylor for peace along the way tailor talor plans to speak for the united rations nations abd and world cooperation at the last session of congress he helped introduce a bill to strengthen the united nations and help elm binate the veto power by which one nation can hold up the peace efforts of the rest of the world taylor feels feel that the middle west is becoming isolationist is worried over the threat of war and wants to dramatize the problem of peace the idaho senator planned to buy two horses in Cah fomia and begin his trek from the golden gate bridge san francisco one horse win will follow behind on a trailer while he rides the other alternating each day taylor says he plans to ride horseback levery every inch of the way even in eluding western deserts and the rocky mountains he figures the trip will take him three months WALTER WINCHELL land of the melting pot historians have said that tha t the american revolution was the achievement of an aggressive minority the colonies consisted of men and women who came from ireland england scotland france germany holland switzerland sweden poland and italy and ev ery cry religion also was represented among the soldiers who formed washington s army I 1 AMERICA IS A NATION c composed of minorities and when compared with the rest of the worlds population americans as a whole also are a minority bigots who blame all our troubles on foreigners should be reminded that only 10 per cent of americas population is foreign born and we must not forget americas most beloved immigrant the statue of liberty WALTER SWAP cost of living spirals IN N PRESIDENT TRUMAN S state of the union message to congress last january he warned of the spiral of inflated prices in the succeeding seven months the president filed with congress two economic reports on conditions in the country and in both of these he urged congress to do something about the high cost of living in addition more than a month before adjournment of congress he be sent a special message urging tive action against the continued spiral of living costs he also made a plea to private industry to reduce costs voluntarily all through the long months until congress adjourned n no 0 action was taken in the meantime living costs reached their peak immediately before adjournment As prices soared profits soared and 1947 earnings will be approximately 50 per cent above last year s record of 12 on the last day of the session the senate named a joint committee and appropriated tor for it to hold hearings to probe the question of whether er or not there is a high cost of living problem that is all congress did these hearings probably will get under way in mid september WRIGHT PA useless jobs will remain P POLITICS being politics regard less of which party Is in power it probably was too much to expect any considerable reduction in the many agencies bureaus and admin rations of the federal government useless as many of them may be to john Q public they do provide jobs and jobs bobs represent patronage those bureaus ware were created by a democratic but the jobs they represent can be filled oy a republican administration if and when there comes such a change As long as the jobs are filled by democrats the present ad ministration wants them contin aed anticipating a possible change the republicans wish to retain these jobs k 1 |