Show TWIXT AND AN TWEEN with OREN PROBERT saturday speed gunderson and I 1 went on a soliciting tour of local business establishments to raise funds for the tooele thoele bug derby the derby is to be held in con junction with boys day on sept ember 26 1947 at the ordnance depot our tour was both bucce s ful and educational I 1 say success ful because we did receive a por tion of the financial support that tha we are seeking and educational because we had the opportunity to learn just how certain merchants feel about local conditions by the term conditions I 1 mean that which concerns the community as a whole either directly or indar estly for instance why t too ele county monopolize on the pub lacity being accredited to the bon neville salt flats these flats are within the jurisdiction of tooele thoele county but the fact is seldom stat ed the salt lake chamber of commerce has seen to that they have climbed aboard the publicity train hogged up the gravy and now the flats are located miles west of salt lake city rather than I 1 in tooele thoele county of course the chamber of commerce will always have the comeback that if it had nt n t been for them there wouldn rit t have been any races in the first place but then that is a question for debate at any rate the bon neville salt flats are becoming widely recognized each year and the hard white surface in the wes tern part of tooele thoele county with its unlimited possibilities is fast ly growing into a world wide draw ing card this and arid land is a speed kings paradise it is a vastness that record breakers dream about and tooele thoele county could regulate that dream to its own advantage get a cut of the gravy so to speak then if the salt lake chamber of commerce dien didn t like it that would be too bad for the tooele thoele county sheriff could hire mighty mouse to pull along side of the speeding mr cobb and say pull over hub bub the county commissioners just slapped a 50 MPH limit on the bonneville salt flats from races to city and county officials there are business men who would do away with all pres ent political parties they prefer to support a city league whereby young men with new faces would take over city and county political positions in short they re getting fed up with the fact that they re ceide nothing for their vote ol 01 confidence and it makes a lot of nothing to fill up some of our easy going merchants from officials to the merchants and boys Every time something is sponsored certain merchants feel that it falls back on them to shell out the dough As a whole the merchants were very enthusiastic about the forth coming boys day but some were reluctant to spon sor a boy because they would rit t have time to keep in contact with him to see that he completed his bug others had more confidence I 1 in n the boys than that and said sure well we 11 string along because tooele thoele boys need a boys day every year it gives the boy some thing to look forward to it takes him from the street to his own back yard and provides him with an opportunity of competing a other boys individuality and creative powers said senator sol J selvin tamly I 1 will sponsor a boy but can cant t I 1 help in some other way and cherry nelson asked how many boys will you let me spon sor sora now I 1 say thanks a million fellows thanks for your compera tion because the ordnance depot and arid the tooele thoele jaycees have their hearts set on making the boys of tooele thoele county kings for a day the bit and spur club has been subject to a lot of criticism re bently and I 1 have added my two bits worth as well but I 1 think they deserve a compliment for their display of courage they in traduce midget auto racing to tooele thoele and take another chance on losing their shirts this is the kind of spirit tooele thoele needs and if the bit and spur club should lose their shirts then the towns people should be kicked in the seat of their pants for failing to support an evenings entertainment it has been the policy of many to condemn tooele thoele for its lack of ac now let those un fortun ate ones go into condemnation for they damn their own souls I 1 would like to put in a plug for jay and his devotion to the development of sports in too ele he has always come through to sponsor any kind of team that fit the season he purchased the traveling trophy which is award ed to the winning team of the soft ball league each year he has done much more and those ath letes who play on his teams be lieve he is just as fine as his foods the gracean studio has come through with some wonderful co operation in advertising for the jaycees and thanks is accredited accordingly beverly is a grand loser he did nt have any complaints when she lost out in the state wide talent quest but judging from the num her ber of telephone calls letter and telegrams she has received the final choice was unpopular these messages came from all over the western states she tells me not to report such things because I 1 am her husband and people will think im lm prejudiced that may or may not be true but a lot of people in utah have expressed a personal opinion that she t lose be cause she wasn gasn t the best it seems there is a musical click in utah that is hard to break and while I 1 m laying eggs and passing out or chads I 1 would like to mention the names of mrs duane turner and jack houtz mrs turner is as fine accompanist as one could find but she will have to break into solo work before the public appreciates her talent jack houtz is near a musical genius for his age and it would be a wonderful thing if some organization would take him over and present him to the out side world another genius in our midst is miss roxie lee I 1 have an ambition to hear her play the tabernacle organ perhaps some day she shall perhaps someday all of our local talent will get the big break until they do lets give them a big hand whenever they perform for that is their only corn com sensation pensa tion and to me everyone of them is just as great as if he or she and his or her names in lights wallace says to be a democrat or a republican that is the question iron ore reserves in the U S are ample to fill the nations needs for centuries and present annual steel making capacity of more than tons is sufficient for all forseen domestic and export de mand through 1955 |