Show the fast approaching bowling season gets off to a flying start next week and for the first time in tofele tooele s bowling history some I 1 thing new and different is being offered to the followers of the 10 pin sport the mixed league will open their competition wednesday september 3 teams will consist of 3 ladies and 2 men or vice versa which should provide plenty of spirited rivalry this type of bowling has proven very popular in other cities i nd should be the sensation of I 1 tofele tooele s winter season scores will be tabulated on a handicap basis so everyone competing will be on equal footing the tooele thoele C city ity league be began their bowling friday september 5 this league will consist of five teams and like the mixed league will be on the handicap basis mgr thomas requests that all men in te rested in participating in this league to sign up as soon as possible as the teams are rapidly tak ing shape there are still openings for those bowlers desil ing to bowl in this league anyone rie interested should turn in their names to the management of the bowling alley |